A Bride For The Dumji Prince - Episode 12


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 (At the palace dungeon, Kaiya comes in dressed as one of the palace attendants. The guard watching the bars to the place Dinaji is kept looks at her Admiringly. She smiles at him while he looks on)

KAIYA: I brought the prisoner, food

GUARD: Taste it first.

KAIYA: She opens the calabash and tastes the food

GUARD: I apologize for that but they are procedures (collects the food from her and passes it through the prison bars). I have not seen your face before.

KAIYA: I am new . My name is Alysa.

GUARD: What a beautiful name!

KAIYA: And you are?

GUARD: The warrior with six eyes

KAIYA: That means you see everything, but I can bet you did not see the person behind you.

(The guard looks back, but before he could turn back, his neck received a snap in his head from Kaiya. He fell down unconscious. Kuraq comes in and looks surprised to see a guard on the floor)

KURAQ: What did you do to him?

KAIYA: Just rendered him unconscious for a little while. What took you so long?

KURAQ: I had to pass by the guards, without them knowing.

DINAJI: Is that you Kuraq?

KAIYA: Didn't you see me? Noticing only Kuraq...

DINAJI: Did not want to blow your cover? Where did you get the palace slave uniform?

KAIYA: From someone ( she gives him the attitude).

DINAJI: What did I do?

KURAQ: She is just jealous of me.

KAIYA: I am not jealous. Let's get to business (bends down to pick a long key from the unconscious guard pockets and opened the prison bars).

DINAJI: (He comes out and hugs her) Thank you so much

KAIYA: My lessons paid off, didn't it?

DINAJI: It did

KURAQ: (Looking bored) This is not the time and place for that

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/a-bride-for-the-dumji-prince

. Let's go.

The trio pass through a passage and outside into the darkness.



KAIYA: I wish you would take me with you

DINAJI: I wish too, but it would break your father's heart.

Read " Single and 30 " by the same author ( Queen )

. I would be back for you.

KAIYA: (Clings to him) I know

KURAQ: He's not going to the grave, Kaiya

KAIYA: You won't understand

DINAJI: I leave my heart with you keep it safe. I would be back.

(He runs into the darkness. Kai ya looks at his retreating back and waves, he turns and waves to her too)

KURAQ: It would soon be dawn, let's go home

KAIYA: Home?

KURAQ:Let's go




(At Razim house. Kai ya comes to visit Razim but was surprised)

KAIYA: Razim, you crying? What happened?

RAZIM: They have captured my brother

KAIYA: Why? What does the king want with him?

RAZIM: He says, Kuraq helped the Dumji warriors in releasing Dinaji.

KAIYA: Almighty! We have put Kuraq in trouble

RAZIM: Very big trouble. The king says my brother is acting as a spy. My very own brother (he sniffs)

KAIYA: Friend, do not worry. Let's go and visit your brother

RAZIM: So they would take you too? No

KAIYA: I am a woman. Who would suspect me? Let me go and get food for him (she runs)

RAZIM: I hope, he is released


Light fades


So we've got an episode to go

Those who liked and commented in the previous episodes really motivated me.  Belleminnah,  lydy mbuh, Esther Mutanga, Hellen, Penagel,and Omoshalewa I appreciate. To those who read silently, you are making my head swell. Don't worry it won't burst.

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