A woman's dilemma - Episode 24

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"What isn't Claudia supposed to know." I focus a hard stare at her.
"What are you doing out here?" She says when she finds her voice and I shake my head.
"Nah-uh. None of that bullshit Cassandra! What am I not supposed to find out?" I feel Daniel rather than see him behind him and my sister's eyes move to him. A smirk climbs her face.
"Oh I see." She brings her eyes to mine and it's her turn​ to shake her head at what, I don't know . I don't bother to face Daniel. I'm getting to the root of this.
"You see what?"
"Don't keep your man waiting sis. We'll talk later. When you finally have time for me." She starts to brush past me but I grab her hand.
"What do you mean when I finally have your time?" I grind out.
"Let go of me." She tries to pry her hand away but I hold on tighter.
"Claw you--" Daniel starts but I shake my head.
"Stay out of this please." Thankfully he remains passive behind me while my sister glares at me.
"Start talking." I prod her.
"About what?! How you think so highly of yourself?! Miss I don't need a man! How's turning it up with an actor working for you huh? Is he big enough for your huge ego?!" She spits in my face and before I can stop myself, my hands comes down across her face in a hard slap, whipping her head to the side.
"Claudia!" Daniel exclaims.
"Shit!" I whisper yell as my hand throbs and I feel the back of my eyes sting.
"I'm so so--" I try to touch Cassandra but she pulls back. This isn't how I wanted this to go.
"I'm sorry." I say even though she doesn't want my touch.
"For what exactly? Not always being here when I need you the most?" She sobs and my heart breaks.
"That's not true." I say unsteadily.
"Where were you on my wedding day? Or when two of my kids were born?" She asks, her voice just as shaky.
"I--I- I" No excuse seems worthy of the pain I see in her eyes right now

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/a-woman-s-dilemma

. I clamp my mouth back shut.
"What happened to us, Cass. We used to be the closest of siblings." I manage to get out.
"Well you left to build your perfect life."
"No. I--"
"Tell father happy birthday for me. I have to go."
"No. Wait!" I try to grab her but she slips out of my hold and turns on her feet towards the gate. 
"Cassandra!" I yell after her but Daniel's hand on my shoulder stops me in my track.
"I think you should let her go for now."
"But--but--" when did I turn into this stuttering mess? Daniel must understand what I need right now because he pulls me into his chest and holds me up. I take steadying breaths of his scent and it calms me.
"She's in trouble. I can tell." I say after a while.
"We'll find out and help her. I promise." He says into my neck. I have never really thought to rely on anyone but myself for years now but his offering swells my heart. I pull away from him to watch his face. All I see is sincere concern.
"We?" I ask.
"You and I. That's if you'll have me help you." He brushes the corner of my eye and that single touch has me nodding unconsciously.
"You won't regret it." He places a quick peck on my forehead before pulling me back into his warmth. I shudder at the feeling of his hand rubbing my back soothingly.
"I'll help you as well. It's the least I can do." He releases me from his body to stare down at me.
"Are you saying yes to my proposal?" He bites down on his lips and other than that I can't read the emotion on his face.
"For Tina." I say with a nod but deep down, I think I just want a feel of this man Even for the while we'll be pretending.
"You're sure?" Daniel asks. Isn't this what he wanted from the start?
"You sound like you don't want to date me anymore." I say.
"Of course not. I will just prefer if it's not f---" his eyes suddenly strays from me and his words hang in the air. 
"Prefer if it's not what?" I ask him but then he starts to point behind me.
"What's going on there?" I turn around to face the gate and notice the security guard trying to hold someone back. Now that I'm not so focused on Daniel, I hear the raised voices coming from the gate.
"Get off me! I need my wife right now! Do you know who you're touching you wretched thing?" The angry man is saying. I start to walk down the few steps down. That voice is too familiar.
"Claudia, it might be dangerous." Daniel hurries after me but I get to the scene before he can stop me.
"Francis?! What are you doing here?!" I exclaim when I find Francesca's husband looking livid while the guard tries to restrain him.
"Thank fuck someone with half a brain is out now. Where the hell are they?" Francis grabs unto my shoulders. I cringe at the alcohol on his breath. Daniel pries his hands off me and pulls me behind him.
"Do you know this man?" He growls while glaring at Francis like he's nothing but gum under his boots.
"Yeah, he's my friend's hus--"
"Fuck this! Frances! I know you are in there! Frances! Goddammit Frances!"



 I continue to stare at Gideon's message even as Amy go on and on about her day at the nursing school. I really want to concentrate on what she's telling me but I just can't stop thinking about how Gideon got my number. He sent me the text just as I Claudia and her man toy left the room quite obviously and I have been distracted by how he got my number. I don't want to dwell on the butterflies I got when I saw his name flashing on my screen.


I quickly type off when Amy gets busy with one of Claudia's brothers in law. My nails tap nervously on my screen as I wait for his reply.


 The cute blushing emoji he sends at the end of the text doesn't help the butterflies currently haven't a stampede in my stomach.

"What are you blushing about?" My phone is suddenly swiped out of hand before I can register what Amy is doing.
"Give that back!"
"Nah-uh. Gideon? That rings a bell. Do I know this Gideon?"
"No. He's just my-- my doctor." I get my phone and quickly delete both texts.
"That blush says there's something else here." Amy says as she pulls her chairs to face me completely. She's grinning like a Cheshire cat, her innocent eyes shiny with mischief. 
"Nah-uh. You ain't hearing anything from me. He's just my doctor." I laugh her curiosity off and turn my chair away from her a bit.
"You're no fun!" She slaps my shoulder with a giggle and I'm about to retaliate when I hear it.
"Shhh. Did you hear that?" I shush Amy from her giggling and notice the silence in the room. People are staring at me now that I look around. 
"Frances! Frances!" I hear the unmistakable voice yelling and I stiffen.
"What's wrong? Who's that? Frances you've gone pale! Are you okay?" Amy flies after me as I jump from my chair and into the sitting room in search of my son.
"Mommy?! It's daddy! Is he going to hurt you again?" Ola sobs when I find him halfway to the living​ room.
"Shhh! Come on!" I grab his hand but Amy block my path to the door. 
"Hurt you?" She asks and I try not to panic. I can feel eyes piercing my body from all around. Why is he here? He doesn't usually do this. Why is he back anyways? 
"Get the fuck out Frances!" I hear him again and I have to push past Amy to get to the door.
"Not now Amy. Don't worry I'll be fine." I scream to her as I hurry to the gate where Claudia and her man are blocking Francis. He doesn't notice me a few feet away with Amy behind me. I stop in my tracks and watch him.
"Get off me!" He's screaming at a man in a security uniform. He looks crazy and drunk if i'm not mistaken.

Read " Make You Mine(Redemption 2) " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. I see the disgust on everyone's face and I feel shame cover me. I feel like running away without anyone noticing but then a lady comes up to the scene to meet the actor guy but then I watch her freeze up when her eyes meet Francis.
"You--you--I didn't--please-" the girl becomes a stuttering mess and I slowly take myself to the scene.
"Tina! Are you okay?!" The actor hold the lady who has visibly gone white while her eyes doesn't stray from Francis. She's shaking. I watch Francis's awkward expression.
"Asshole! Do you know my sister?" The actor has Francis in a choke hold in a split second and chaos ensues. 
"Get off me! Why would be know her?!" Francis tries to break free but he's too unsteady on his feet and the actor doesn't let up. Claudia doesn't even try to stop him. Francis throws a pathetic punch before anyone can register his move and it just gets out of hand as Claudia manages to pull Daniel obi off my drunk husband.
"Stop it!" I yell at the top of my voice and the commotion stops.
"Frances! . He's crazy." Claudia tries to come between us but I touch her hand to stop her with a shake of my head.
"He just panicked when he didn't find us home. He gets like that sometimes." I say as way of explanation.
"Panicked?! You call this panic? He's drunk!" Claudia yells at me.
"Stop, okay?! I don't need this right now. I'll call you when I get home." I drop her hand and push past Francis with my son plastered to my side.
"Let's go Francis." I throw over my shoulder without looking back at the eyes watching me tonight. I can't bear to let Francis spoil everyone's​ night. He's my cross to bear and no one else's.

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  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Come on Francesca u gotta think about ur son and ur unborn baby,seems like Francis is the one who raped Tina.....
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    Omg, this didn't just happen, don't tell me Francis taped Tina!! I hope France's gets enough strength to talk to her friends about what she's going through and finally leave that idiot of a husband, well done Julie.
  • Hannie aNadie picture
    Hannie aNadie
    I think it’s Francis who raped Tina But I doubt it was a rape Maybe it was consensual sex
  • Zoey Whyte picture
    Zoey Whyte
    OMG...I really hope Francis is not the rapist
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
  • Peesam picture
    Nawa o.... Ds one sef nah husband? How u feeling now sis, hope ur health has improved greatly Jare...
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    Okay... frances is nothing bu stupid and follish, following a drunk lunatic home,a man who hits you at any slightest chance and you're pregnant... and cassandra what the hell are you hiding from your family?poor tina,she must be teribly traumatized and disoriented... oh my days,francis,you bastard,you don't just hit that stupid wife of yours you've venture into raping...daniel darl,hold on,more are coming,you will finally get a chance to punch that psycho very well,what nonsense! lovely celebrant,your birthday got ruined,just imagining thd look on your face and the awkward silence that will take place and the odd realisation that the party ended,nice one jullie...
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    Hope your feeling better jullie?
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    @hannie anadie,why would you think it's a consensual sex?and why would she react like that?,why would claudia be in the picture?
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Thanks delly
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    I feel much better peesam
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Thank you Royalty
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    Poor Frances . I think Francis knows something about Tina's rape.
  • Ogunbusola Omobolanle picture
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