A woman's dilemma - Episode 70

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"I'm up!" I jump out in bed at the sound of the alarm. I rub the sleep from my eyes as I yawn widely.
"Baby, what's the time." I tap Daniel's back. He rolls closer to my waist and pulls his arms around it.
"Stop that." I giggle as I try to get free of his hold.
"I want some loving." He whines as maneuvers me under him on the bed. I gasp at the sudden change as he grins down at me.
"I'm not a sack of potatoes, Daniel." I slap his bicep and he only grins crookedly.
"Of course . I wouldn't marry a sack of potatoes." He brings his head down to mine and our lips start an erotic dance with each other. He nibbles on my bottom lip on a groan before pushing his tongue into my mouth. I moan and put my arms around his shoulders.
"I'm hungry for my wife." He brings his head up to say as he pulls both of my legs around his waist. I giggle up at him.
"Feast my Lord." I say and he growls.
"Oh, I'm going to feast on you." He presses firmly into me and my mouth water from what I know is to come.
"How quiet can you be?...I wouldn't want the..."
"Mom!!!!" Speak of the devil and she appears.
"Dad I...eewwww!" The door flies open before Daniel can move off me and Tina's hands fly to her eyes.
"Get off mom, daddy! I'm going to be late for school!" She chastises her father who rolls his eyes just for me to see. He relunctantly crawls off me.
"We're finishing this, later." He mutters to me.
"Yeah, I have to go to work

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/a-woman-s-dilemma

. Take care of that yourself." I chuckle at the indignant look on his face as I jump out of bed to my daughter.
"Tina, you know better than to barge into mommy's room without knocking." I say to my six years old daughter who's frowning just like her father.
"I did knock. You just didn't hear. And I was late." She says and I nod.
"That's fine. Come kiss mommy good morning. Then your dad." She walks to me with a relunctant smile as she drops a peck on my cheek and a good morning then walks over to Daniel who's now sitting on the bed.
"Where's your brother?" I ask her when her father starts to tickle her feet. They are always like that. Acting like cat and rat but they are each other's favorite.
"Still sleeping." Tina manages to get out through her laughter.
"Alright. Baby, help your daughter get ready for school, please. I'll go get Johnson." I start to leave the room when Daniel speaks.
"But baby! I was up late last night, reading a few scripts. I need to get back to sleep." He says.
"Come on, help me here okay? I have about an hour to get to work. There's a design I have to go over again before the clients shows up by 10. Please?" I pout at him.
"I'm six. I can take care of myself." Tina puts in.
"What's in it for me?" Daniel asks me and I smile. This is easy. I turn back and saunter back to the bed.
"I'll come home for my lunch break. I'm sure you can find something to do to me during that time." I run my own architectural firm and i can totally take the afternoon off to be home.
"Deal!" Daniel booms and I smile.
"Oh and don't forget to free tomorrow up for my sister. She's bringing the twins over so we can babysit. I want her to get out some more so we are in charge of the kids for tomorrow. And I'm still going out tonight with the girls. Think of that lunch break and be a good boy."
"You're so easy dad." I hear my daughter tell her father as I leave the room to get my son from his room.



"Ola! Ola!" I yell as I push my shoes on. The door flies open to my son in his uniform. I'm scared with the way he's grown. I motion for him to come.
"Good morning, Mom. Can I get some money for lunch at school?" He asks and I nod.
"Of course dear. After school I want you to go to your father at the clinic. Take your Brothers with you. I have to be at the store right now." I brush down my dress as I stand.
"Speaking of. Where are my boys?" I ask Ola who smirks.
"Causing one trouble or the other I'm sure." He laughs and I shake my head.
"Please tell me you got them ready for school. I was so busy cooking and ironing your father's clothes."
"Of course. They're outside waiting for the school bus." Ola walks beside me as we walk out of our four bedroom apartment just at the side of the clinic. It's quaint and perfect.
"Tom!" I yell when I catch my second son climbing higher on a tree branch. I almost burst a coronal artery at the height he's up at.
"Manyo! Manyo!! Manyo!" My three years old son chant at his brother from under the tree.
"Tom get down from that tree or I'm coming up there and whipping your ass sore right after!" I yell at Tom.
"Mommy! Tom is getting me manyo." Tega runs to hug my legs and I pick him up.
"You're going to get your uniform dirty before you actually go to school." I smile at his handsome face and wipe the smudge of chocolate on his face.
"Mom! The bus is here." Ola calls out to us and my eyes goes up to Tom who's still up in the tree.
"Are you coming down or not?" I ask him and he shakes his small head.
"I'm scared." He looks close to tears and even though I know he's just acting like this to get off the beating I was reading to hand him, I feel pity for his smartass.
"Ola, get him out of that tree. I'll get your lunch packs." I point back to the house.
  About ten minutes later, they all bound into the bus with their bags and lunch boxes. I wave to the bus until it's out of sight before making my way to the clinic.
"Hey, Frances!" Simi comes out of the nurse's station with a big smile on her face.
"You look radiant, Simi. Bobby treating you well huh?" I grin at her. Bobby is the new doctor Gideon had to employ so he can have time off the clinic.
"I think he's the one." She nods at me and I try to hide the roll of my eyes from her.
"Thought Jackson was the soulmate last month." I say as I continue on towards Gideon's office.
"Hey! Don't remind me of that liar!" She yells at me as I duck my head out of sight before pushing Gideon's door open. He's with a very pregnant Mrs Gloria and he puts a hand up to me.
"Take your time." I mouth to him as I take a seat outside the door. The seat I had them put there so I can always wait for him.
"Hey Mama Ola. You looking good." Mrs Gloria greets when she comes out of the office. We exchange quick pleasantries before I get a chance to see my baby.
"Oh, am I glad to see you." Gideon says as I come into the office. He pulls me to his lap on his desk and drops a quick kiss on my lips.
"I've missed you." It was just for a night but I hate it when he had the night shift. I pull his head down and plunder his mouth with my tongue. I hum satisfactorily as I release him.
"We have tomorrow free remember? I'm making up for last night's shift." I grin at that.
"Good. I want a daughter this time. I need a girl in the house too. Four men and I feel like I'm going to turn into a cave man."
"My sons and I are saints!" He feigns indignation before pecking my cheeks.
"Yeah well you're watching those saint tonight while I go to the city." I tell him.
"Oh. It's ladies night tonight huh?"
"Yup. You all should be good boys while I'm gone okay? No, burning the house down." He chuckles and I know he's not hearing me.
"Just say hi to Amy and Claudia for me okay?" He says and I nod.



"You sure you don't want me to come in with you. I can use some catching up with the ladies." Benedict whines when he stops his car at the front of the hotel. I know he just doesn't want to be away from me.
"How long has it been since we were in the country? Eight months. Go catch up with your brother." I know I miss my brothers. I'm meeting them tomorrow and I can't wait. Chinedu is getting married which is why I'm in the country and frankly, I've missed seeing the twins as well.
"But I'll rather catch up with you. With the season over, I want quality time with my wifey." Benedict says, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Well this wifey needs time off. I'm been working my butt off at the hospital. I need this okay? It's girl's night out. No guys allowed." I tell him and he pouts.
"But you need me to watch the baby." This one actually cracks me up and I burst into laughter at his expense.
"Said baby is jus a foetus in my womb, Benedict." I manage to get out of my laughter.
"Yeah. You're not showing yet and you look like a twenty one years old woman. Men are going to hit on you. My wife!" He growls. Oh so that's what this is about. I turn in my seat to face him.
"I love you, Benedict. That's all that matters." I tell him softly as I entwine our fingers.
"Yeah. But those men in there don't know that. They would still try even with the ring on your finger." He pouts.
"Well Claudia and Francesca will be there. And I'm not drinking. Nothing is gonna happen." I assure him.
"Are you sure?" He trails his hand up my arm, driving shivers up my spine and I sigh deeply.
"Benedict..." He pulls me off my seat unto his lap and I release a shocked squeal.
"What are you doing?" I ask even though I know too well.
"Convincing my wife." He says as he brings his lips down to mine. My hand goes into his hair and I pull on it as he assaults my senses. I'm a moaning mess when his lips goes down my neck to settle on my sensitive breast.
"Don't... Oh.." I trail off when he pulls my top down to get to my breast. My head rolls to the side in bliss.
"Amy!" I jump at the sudden voice from the window and Benedict pulls me into his chest to cover me up. I can't even look out the window. I know what I'm going to see.
"Nice to see you ladies." I hear Benedict greet with a grin.
"Hi Benedict. Still looking strapping hot." That's from Claudia and it has me shuffling off Benedict's lap and out the car. I quickly get my top into a resemblance of order before both women round the car to get to me.
"Goodbye honey." I throw a kiss to Benedict before Francesca comes behind me to hug my back. My eyes remain on Benedict's car till it's out of sight before I manage to turn around to my friends. I can't lie they look so good. Like young women and not the great wife and mother that they are.
"You guys look great." I say smiling and Claudia's smirk has me preparing for her smart mouth.
"Now I've heard of pregnancy hormones making women horny but damn Amy!" She quips as she fans herself. I go beet red as Francesca join her in her laughter. They both make kissy faces at me and I bat them off me.
"I'm not paying for tonight if you girls don't quit it." I warn.
"Oh you're paying. And we're drinking till we can only drag ourselves up to our room in the hotel." Claudia says.
"The men are going to blow a gasket. We should take pictures of us having fun. We deserve tonight. It's nothing easy being a mother and a wife." Francesca says.
"Hell, it's not easy being a woman. Simple!" Claudia proclaims and we all nod our concurrence.
"Now, what do we name the baby!" Francesca squeals as she hug my shoulders.
"Oh I feel like you both are already drunk before the alcohol.

Read " Set me free " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. I can't believe I'm going to be babysitting the both of you tonight." I whine but deep down, I'm smiling like the cat that ate the Canary. I mean all three of us have gone through so much. Francesca with the abusive husband. Me with my parents dying and leaving me with three brothers. And Claudia with her career issue and her bad ex.
  Look at us now. We're women and we're strong.
Stronger than the men will give us credit for.
  I know problems will come. It's part of life but it's having the right people around you that'll truly help you get out unscathed.

***THE END***



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animated dancing girl
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  • Judith Joseph picture
    Judith Joseph
    Thanks Jules u are too much. Chop kisses.
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    Great stories dear. Please don't go, I really love your stories
  • Michael progress picture
    Michael progress
    This episode is just so emotional...i will surely miss this story. Jullie u to much jare
  • Happiness Jeremiah picture
  • Amma picture
    yes, we are very strong... thanks for the wonderful ride sweetheart... we're going to miss you here... hope you change your mind soon....kiss kiss...mwahhh
  • Jennifer picture
    Thanks dearest ?
  • Tina T picture
    Tina T
    Great job Jules..I enjoyed reading the story
  • daragoldy16@gmail.com picture
    [email protected]
    Well done dear. We love you
  • Moturayo Ayodeji picture
    Moturayo Ayodeji
    Thanks Amah it's a wonderful story I must say.pls dnt go u ar an amazing writter nd u ar one of d my best writter her on ebonystory.any way like u say it has to end .once again thank you u ar a great writter???
  • carmen picture
    Thanks Jules you are just too good.... Will miss your stories but u must have ur reasons 4 signing out
  • Ade Kemi picture
    Ade Kemi
    Thanks Juliet. wish you all the best.
  • Maame Ama picture
    Maame Ama
    Awww dear I hope you are not going for good but you are taking a break and you will be back anyway, thanks for all the wonderful stories
  • Dolapo Oloyede picture
    Dolapo Oloyede
    Why Juliet??? I wish you all the best in all ramifications of life, you're the best , I learnt a lots from the story
  • nowas edos picture
    nowas edos
    Thanks Jules... This is really beautiful... You're an awesome writer.
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    Julie God bless you for this beautiful educative story and the previous ones, you've your own reasons for signing out of here but I pray whatever you do ends well for you! Ameeeen. Gonna miss you and your stories so much. A beautiful ending to a beautiful story, Amy, Claudia and Frances are the real definition of a true friendship. Take care Julieeee.
  • afolabiadeola68@gmail.com picture
    [email protected]
    Sign our keh. Please don't . You are an amazing writer. Where can we read your stories now
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    Your stories are always interesting. So, which platform can we follow you and read your stories?
  • Godiya Wisdom Jerry picture
    Godiya Wisdom Jerry
    wow! i learnt alot.. Jules, pls dont go na, we really enjoy your story
  • Ogunbusola Omobolanle picture
    Ogunbusola Omobolanle
    Finally! I love d gals love life. This story is one in a million, Weldon gal. Its a beautiful story wit happy ending. M missing u already, pls wia else can we read ur story if u sign out of ebony?
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    This is marveilleuse,eblouissante,magnifique et toute.....jullie mon amour thanks so much for this!!!!I Truly Love Your Books And This Is Just Superb...WHAT A BEAUTIFUL ENDING.......
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Great story really enjoyed it.....so sad that you're leaving us,but as u said all good things come to end,you're such a great inspiration & an amazing writer,all the best dearie and keep shining!
  • Omobola picture
    Ooops Juliet! I couldn't come to term to accept the fact that I won't get to write you stories here again, but I believed we meet at the top. Keep soaring high dear!
  • Ajoke Oluwakemi picture
    Ajoke Oluwakemi
    Hv to come back and comment becuz can't believe u are leaving ebony...u are one of de best and I read all ur story here on ebony...and dis one u just finished is de boob a lot of lesson learn... but as u are going may God be with u and take u to higher place take care Julie
  • Ayoola Stephen picture
    Ayoola Stephen
    Don't sign out please, you are arguably the best writer we have here or at least tell us where we can get to read your future stories
  • Lydiah picture
    Wonderful Amy, be blessed we shall miss you
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Beautiful story, great ending, thanks Julie for all the amazing stories you've been sharing with us, I will miss you a lot.
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Thanks so much guys. Really I will miss you guys.
  • aniedo blessing picture
    aniedo blessing
    I have to say that this is one of the beat books that i have read! Really proud of you Julie! I was hooked from the first chapter! I was devouring it page after page! Thank you so much for this book Julie! I learnt a whole lot!
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