Adele - Episode 21


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"Madam you are very brave for what you did, and i must commend you,  but please next time don't play the superwoman,  Come to us with your suspicion and we will trail him,  for what you did was dangerous,  if you were caught it would have been a disaster, but thank God you were not and now we know where to go".  The detective in charge of the case admonish tiwalade again . 
TThe told them she was sure of the location but not sure of how many men were in the building. 

 By midnight, Heavily armed men burst into the location that tiwalade described and arrest the men holding Ella captive .  
Richard burst into tears when he saw his baby, Ella cling into his neck like if she did not he will disappear again,  and this is how they were when they dropped them at home. 
He could not thank Tiwalade enough, for how she helped the investigation,  and he knows it just a matter of time when femi will be arrested too. 
He could not sleep, he kept waking up to check on Ella,  to be sure it not all a dream for him , but the thought that adele is still out there alone dampens his joy. He felt extremely helpless by not knowing where she is,  and knowing that she is with Femi did not even help matter at all. 

Richard dropped Ella with his mother and drove to the Détectives office for he was called early in the morning that there is a new development on the case. 
He was met with the shock of his life when he was told Gbemisola was the master minder of the kidnap situation. 
"The criminals confessed after been tortured that the whole plan was hatched by one gbemisola and femi "
"What ? Gbemisola was my Ex girlfriend and femi as you know earlier was adele Ex as well,  but how did they know each other?

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. This is unbelievable, but why will she do that " he asked no one in particular, for he was baffled.  He kept pondering on why gbemi and femi could be So wicked to do such a thing. 
"It alright Richard, this things happen . We will need her address so that she will be brought in for questioning, for am sure she may want to run away".
" am going to follow you, I need to look into her eyes and ask her why?"
"Am afraid Mr Coker we can't allow that, this is an operation that is just for us, we will call you in once we have arrest her, I promise".
Richard reluctantly accept, and left after the detective has promised to call him when gbemi is brought in.

Gbemisola packed a few toiletries things she might need and quickly add it to the cloths she had already packed,  after she has tried to contact the kidnappers and she heard no response from them, she went to their abode and found it crawling with police vehicles she knew the gig is up, and it won't be long before they give her up to the police. 
So she quickly rushed home to pack small get away bag, she first thought of  dropping a note for her parents that she is going on a trip, work related, but she later changed her mind, deciding to call them when she gets to where she is going.   " It that stupid Femi that caused all this, I should have just worked alone without involving him, now the whole plan is messed up thanks to him"  she lamented as she quickly packed what she needed,  
She was busy running around the house , when the sound of a siren stopped her in her tracks, she quickly draw the window blind to check outside when she saw the police cars outside, she knew there is no where to hid .

  At first Gbemisola was trying to act all innocent, by denying that she did not know the kidnappers but when the police threatened her with torture she was too afraid to deny it,  and when her phone was checked they saw series of messages from her to the guys, and her call logs also show that she calls them on regular bases,  she give up the lying act .
  "Please i did not mean them any harm,  i just want to scare her,  and to get back at her for taking Richard from me"  she pleaded with fake tears on her face. 
  "So you and Femi connived together,  Just because you cannot stand the thought of seeing them together and happy,  you want to be extorting Richard.  
To now make the matter worse, an innocent Child was taken as well,  do you realized the emotional trauma you have subject the father to?,  trust me you will pay for this,  you and your partner,  tell me where Femi is hiding"  the detective screamed at her. 
   By now Gbemisola knew there is no easy way out, and jail term is looking more real every minute, she started crying in ernest .
   "Officers i promised you i am truly sorry,  i know it sounded lame but i am,  and i don't know where femi is hiding,  he switched the plan on me "
   "Try and think long and hard of where he can possibly be "
After trying to calm down,  she remembered something. 
"He has mentioned just once before that he wants to elope with her if he can, and he mentioned that  he his parents has another house in Ogun state, around..." She reeled off the area, "I can't really describe it more than that sir, he just told me in passing and am sure it  will be where he is mostly likely to run to,  but i thought he was just drunk talking that day "
"Well apparently he is not,  if that is truly where he went to"


The Parents of Femi were surprised to see the Police at  their door step,  and was equally surprised to learn that their Son his a criminal,  after series of questioning they acknowledged that they have a house in Ogun state, that is being maintained by a relation. 
After telling them that they will be back again to question them if they did not find femi,  the detectives left. 
A plan was put in place on how to capture femi, so as not to Hurt adele in the process,  and Richard too was also informed. 

. .

Read " A wife for the king " by the same author ( Adeyemi Adekitan )

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