All For What! - Episode 4

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If love is for the sake of Allah, it never dies.


Maryam was seated in the living room, going through some folders, when the gatekeeper, Moses rang the doorbell.

"The door is not locked, come in," she said, her gaze leaving the folders.

He opened the door and came into the living room.

"There is a girl outside, requesting to speak to you," he said.

"A girl? What does she want?" She asked, wearily.

"She didn't tell, she just pleaded with me to allow her in," he said.

"Alright then, let her in," she ordered.

"Alright ma," moses said and left to open the gate for the unknown girl.

The front door clicked open and a girl of about sixteen to seventeen came in. She was dark skinned, had an average height and beautiful.

"Good evening ma," she swatted, greeting her.

"Good evening to you as well

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. How may I help you?" Maryam asked and she instantly began to shed tears and narrated the sordid details of her family.

"My dad who was the only source of our income, passed away six years ago and things have been very difficult for us since then. My mother is left to take care of four children and she doesn't have a permanent job, she goes around helping people fetch water from the well, doing dishes for them and washing their clothes and now my brother is in need of medical care, he is very sick and we can't afford to take him to the hospital and that is why I'm here in the city. I used all of my savings and my sibling's as well to get here. Please help me save my brother's life for the sake of Allah, I will do anything you want" she pleaded in tears.

"Don't worry dear, in sha Allah I will help. How much do you need for your brother's hospital bill?" Maryam asked.

"Fifty thousand naira," the girl whose name was still unknown said.

"Fifty thousand?" Maryam asked.

"I know I'm only but a stranger to you, but if you help me today, Allah will forever bless you and your entire household for your kindness towards the poor," the girl said.

"Where do you live?" Maryam asked.

"I don't live here in Abuja, I live in a village called Agaie," she said.

"Oh, you came all the way from your village to look for help here?" Maryam asked.

"Yes ma," she answered with her head hung low.

"What are you called?" Maryam asked.

"Nafisa," she answered. Judging by the village she came from, Maryam was sure she was Nupe by tribe.

"You're Nupe by tribe, right?" She asked, despite the fact she knew.

"Yes," she answered.

"We are of the same tribe, it'd be nice working with you," Maryam smiled.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah. I can help you Nafisa, you see I am in desperate need of a maid now and can hire you as one if you want. I promise to pay you well, enough for you to be able to take your brother to the hospital and take care of him when he is discharged," Maryam offered and of course Nafisa grabbed the opportunity and thanked her repeatedly.

"Thank you so much aunty, may Allah reward you. I promise not to let you down," Nafisa promised.

"I hope you don't and by the way, I have a little daughter, Manal. She's five years old and your focus should be taking care of her needs, okay?" Maryam asked.

"Alright ma," Nafisa answered.

"She's asleep right now and my husband is still at work. I will introduce you to them tomorrow if that's okay with you," Maryam said.

"It's completely okay with me," she replied.

"When will you like to start?" Maryam asked.

"Right now," Nafisa was quick to reply.

"Alright then, let me show you to your room," Maryam said and led her to Sa'adatu's old room.

"This will be your room," Mary said.

"Thank you so much ma, may Allah reward you," she prayed. She was glad to have Maryam helping her and Mary was equally as glad to help the poor. It brought joy to her heart.

"Ameen. Goodnight," Mary said.

"Goodnight ma and thanks again, for hiring me," she said. Maryam nodded with a big smile, before exiting the room.

She went back to the living room and continued waiting for the arrival of her husband. He was very late.


She waited for approximately two more hours, but he wasn't back yet. She took her cell phone and was about to dial his number, when she heard the doorbell ring. She hurried to the door, opened it and threw her arms around him.

"Salamualaykum habibty," he said, when she released him.

"Wa alaykum salam, what happened? I was really worried about you," Maryam asked.

"I had lots to do at work today," he replied.

"Stress is written all over your face," she said and made way for him to enter the house.

"Is Manal asleep already?" He asked.

"She fell asleep waiting for you to return," she answered.

"My poor baby," Saeed said. He really wanted to come home early, but had work piled up on his desk.

"Have you prayed?" His wife asked.

"I have. I prayed before coming home as usual," he answered, smiling. Maryam had never failed to remind him of his obligatory prayers.

"And gave you eaten?" She asked.

"I brought some snacks and fruit drink in the office, so I'm good," he answered. He was a kind of person who didn't eat a lot.

"Are you sure?" She asked, her voice laced with care.

"Yeah, and besides, it's already too late. It won't digest properly," he said and Maryam nodded - He was right.

"Alright, let's go to sleep," she said and collected his briefcase, forgetting to tell him about the new girl in the house.


Nafisa dropped her bag, containing little of her belongings on the tiled floor and scanned the room - It was beautiful and spacious. The room alone was bigger than her entire house. She couldn't wait to get her first pay and go back to the village to her family. She lay on the bed as thoughts of how her stay in the house would be invaded her mind.



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