An Arranged Marriage - Episode 52

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I wring my hands as I sit in the car watching people walk past, I told Maurice to stop two blocks away, it's no use letting him know who I came to see today.

I'm trying to gain confidence since the last time I saw this man was on my wedding day and it wasn't on good terms.

I startle as a knock sounds on the car window and I almost gasp when I see my father standing there.

I exit the car looking around to see if Maurice is standing nearby, but it's obvious he went to smoke his cigar or something.

I turn to face the man standing in front of me.

"Took you long enough" he says.

"How did you know I was here?" I ask him, seeing that I am two blocks away from his house.

"It isn't everyday we get to see a fancy car around this part and also I was passing by, what do you want.... No no... . I think I know why you are here " He says with a smirk.

"What makes you think that" I ask dread coiling in my stomach.

"It's obvious there is something going on seeing as you look like a strung cat... Tell me.... Have you found out yet?"

He knows.

It's obvious he totally knows why I am here.

"What relationship did my mother have with the King's? "His body tenses.

"You found out about that?" He asks and I frown, is there another thing I should have found out about?

Isn't the fact that I found out my mother was a mistress of Kingston King enough?

"What are you talking about? "I ask.

"Never mind that girl, why are you here? "

"I asked yoh a question, what relationship did my mother have with the King's? "

"What? I think you already know, do you need me to confirm the fact that your mother was sleeping with the patriarch of the Kings castle? "

He says, my world shattering. 

"But she was married to you" I say with a whisper.

"Didn't stop her from sleeping with that asshole Kingston" He says, bitterness in his tune.

"But you didn't divorce her, you stayed with her, even before she eventually killed herself" I say, tears gathering in my eyes.

"I loved her, she cheated on me with her former betrothed, did you think I could divorce her even when she was hurt over Asaali" He says and I knew I wasn't wrong over thr fact that my father was in love with my mother, my mother was just too selfish to know that.



"Are you here to gloat?"

"No, no.."

"Did you find out that Asaali was the child of that bastard?"


He pauses.

"You didn't know?"

I stumble back.

"I don't understand... Asalli...

Read " Love Eternal " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. What?... She wasn't yours?"

"No, you and your sisters are mine, why do you think the family of your mother disowned her? It's certainly not over the sugarcoated version of the tales she spun to you children, she got pregnant out of wedlock and she got kicked to the curb" He says and I remember all those times my mother told me how she was disowned by her family because she fell in love with my father.

I stumble back again.

"Let.. Let. Me see if I get this straight, my mother was dating Kingston King before she met you, she married you because Kingston left her for Kane's mother, but she was already pregnant at the time with Kane's child, why then did she kill herself? Why?.. It makes no sense, why did she kill herself? "I ask, hysterical, people throw us looks as they walk by, I see Maurice standing a little away, alert.


" Because your foolish sister had to fall in love with the first son of the King family "he says and I almost swoon, I grab the door of the car as I bend over, Maurice takes a step forward but I hold a hand up, he stops.

" Just tell me one thing... "I whisper.

" What?" He says, looking like he wants to be anywhere else but here.

"Did..Did.."I clear my throat, pain walking in my stomach as I try to form the dreaded words.

"Did.. Did Kane know about all this..? Is that why he..? " I didn't finish the words because his face says it all.

I hunch over, vomiting the little I had for breakfast on the curb.


"For what it's worth, I'm sorry you are going through this" He says, regret in his voice

"Are you?" I whisper, sweat forming on my brows.


"Are you sorry? You knew and you dif nothing, you pushed me into his arms..." Yes, I've put two and two together.. "You lied to me, your actions made me need security and I found it the only way I could" I say and he takes a step back, looking like he's about to flee, I don't hold him back, just get into the car and curl into my self, my hand on my stomach.

I don't know how I get home but I do, Maurice knocking on the window, I pull myself together, throwing him a misleading smile before walking to my room, I lock the door before sinking to the ground, my head spinning as I try to come to terms.


Come to terms with the fact that my family utterly and throughly destroyed Kane's.

At the fact that my sister was in love with her own brother because of my selfish mother, how.. How did that even happen?

Asaali and Kingston didn't have an affair, Cabe and Asaali did and when Cabe found out he killed himself, he was drunk and he died while driving, Kane told me his brother died from drunk driving but he didn't tell he died because he found out he was in an incestuous relationship with his own sister. 


And Kane.. 

I moan as the pain in my chest tries to break through.

Kane.. Kane had decieved me... All this while.


I sob into my hand.



My Kane..

I sob again and again.

And as I continue I feel like dying. 

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