Anjola - Episode 10

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The next morning was a sad one for Anjola, her Aunt Bimpe had come home the previous night looking so down and unable to say anything, she had guided her to room and helped her remove her clothing, it was obvious she was running a fever because she kept on muttering incoherently all through the night. She looked better this morning Anjola thought, she quickly sent a message to Demi and Pami, telling them she'd be coming late to work due to some family issues. 

She quickly went downstairs to prepare breakfast and at that moment her phone rang,

"Hello Mom, Ekaaro Ma...what happened you haven't called me all this while? Is anything the matter, do you want me to come over," Anjy inquired 

"Bawo ni oko mi, don't worry im fine.. I've been really busy over here, you needn't come over.. All I'm doing is for you, will explain better when i come home."

Anjola grimaced, "For me? Mom i hope you aren't stressing yourself on my account,ive told you im fine, I've got a good job now,and they're going to be paying me well, thrice my former salary. "

Mrs Wonu smiled, "I am glad baby girl, but what I'm doing has to do with your future, its what i should have done many years ago, can't even say for now when I'd be coming home."

"Does it have to do with Dad's properties?

"something like that, look Anjola I have to go, is Bimpe there?"

"No Mom, she's in her room resting,she's got fever since she came back last night, and she has been muttering Wale in her sleep. I wonder who Wale is. " Anjola said

"Are you sure you heard right? She called Wale in her sleep?"Mrs Wonu asked

"I'm sure mom, I've been by her bed side all through the night. Why? Do you know any Wale she might be calling?"Anjola inquired 

"No i don't, tell Bimpe to call me as soon as she wakes up. "

"But Mom i told you she's.. 

"Don't argue with me young lady, tell her to call me, and don't go sniffing around, do you hear me? Your movements must be from your office to the house no where else. I'll be home as soon as i can."  The call disconnected 

Anjola wondered what brought about the change in her mother she had earlier said she didn't know when she would be coming home now she was saying as soon as possible. She hated secrets and Mom had a truckload full of them. She just wondered if.. 

"You haven't gone to work ANJOLAMI." Bimpe said coming into the room. 

Anjola turned to look at her, she looked so fragile and small, and Anjola couldn't help the rush of protectiveness she felt towards her, 

"No i haven't, already told them I'd be coming in late..i can't leave you all alone Auntie mi." Anjola said, coming over to help her Aunt sit, she went over to pick up the soup bowl and placing it before Bimpe, this should help the fever." Anjola said bringing more side dishes to the dinning table. Bimpe watched on looking so forlorn.

Anjola joined her on the table urging Bimpe to eat, "Aunty mi,please eat you need your strength. only God knows what I'd do to the idiot that made you this sick."

Bimpe dropped her spoon looking at Anjola, "What do you mean? No one made me sick."

Anjola took her Aunt's hands in hers, "Aunty mi, you need not cover up for him, you were calling his name in your sleep, Wale."

Bimpe's hands started to shake, "what else did i say in my sleep?" she asked looking panicked 

"Auntie mi, why are you shaking?"

"Anjola," Bimpe started, licking her dry lips. "I need you to do me a favor, but promise me it's going to be between us." 

Anjola could see that her once carefree Aunt was going through some inner torture, the way her face distorted trying to stop her tears made Anjola know something was definitely wrong, and it wasn't the fever. 

"Not even Mom?" Anjola asked

Bimpe was shaking her head vehemently, "No Anjola, not even your Mom. You can never tell her what i am about to tell you, promise me."

"Auntie mi relax, i promise i won't tell anyone not even mom." Anjola promised

Bimpe stood up and despite her frail condition drew Anjola in a bear hug, crying and smoothing back Anjola's hair. "Thank you." Bimpe whispered

Anjola held on to her Aunt, whatever made her Aunt cry this way must be something really bad, she couldn't help the tears that fell off her own eyes too... God what is happening? Anjola wondered wiping her tears with the back of her hands.

"I'm here Auntie mi, everything's going to be alright." Anjola assured patting Bimpe's back. 

But Bimpe couldn't help but wonder if everything was really going to be alright after this.

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