Anjola - Episode 20

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Wole Olaotan paced the hospital corridors restlessly, his Ex-wife Aanu sat on the tiled floor, her impeccable makeup already marred by tears, she shook her legs impatiently crying some more. 

"what sort of embarrassment is this, after spending so much on their wedding, this boy has finally disgraced me. He couldn't even wait for the merger to pull off before pulling off this stunt." Wole lamented 

Aanu stood up and grabbed at him like a mad woman, "Your son collapsed on his wedding day, and all you could think of is that stupid merger of yours, haa wole you don't know me, just pray that nothing happens to my son,if not..."

Wole tried prying away her hands from his shirt,

"Or you'll do what? We're divorced now remember?" Wole taunted 

"Okay let's wait and see, maybe you have forgotten that i know every dark secrets of yours.

Read " CONCEALED " by the same author ( Ruthie O )

. Wole Olaotan, you had better start begging your creator, because if anything happens to my son,i will ruin you,i mean i'd be the end of you and drive the last nail to your coffin, you will end up in jail, i promise you!!" Aanu promised, going back to her sitting position on the tiles

Wole was quite shocked,he had never seen Aanu behave this way before, he kept staring at  her as she kept weeping and shaking her legs. 

"Oh God,keep my son safe,you gave him to me when all hope was lost..." Aanu cried beating her chest                     


Few hours later...

Aanu kept praying, roaming the whole corridor to and fro. "Save my son lord,save Oluwademilade." she kept repeating 

Wole sat on a winged cushion, making calls and typing furiously on his Apple laptop.

A throat cleared, Aanu noticed the doctor and came over immediately, wole dropped his laptop and joined them. 

"Doctor Sola, how's my son?" Aanu inquired tearful 

"calm down Ma, i was able to stabilize him, it happens that he suffered mild cardiac arrest..."

"Jesu!! Cardiac arrest bawo? Demilade is just twenty eight for goodness sake, doctor how did that come about?" Aanu inquired

"Ma like i said before its just mild cardiac arrest,and there are many things that triggers such, i noticed that even though we were able to stabilize him, he still is not resting

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. Even with the whole dose of pills we gave him, his heart still beats irregularly."

"So what's to be done Sola?" wole asked impatiently 

"well for one, it's best you don't try triggering a second attack as he might not be lucky the next time, what ever makes him happy is all you should look out for and try as much as possible to keep him away from things that could trigger him going through a second arrest." The doctor concluded, dipping his hands into his lab coat. 

Aanu nodded, "can i see my son now?" she asked 

"sure ma'am,but take things easy don't smother him too much." The doctor advised

"Thank you doctor." wole was saying as Aanu made for the door leading to her son's personal ward,wole followed her. Aanu stopped his passage, blocking the entrance to the ward, 

"Aanu what's the meaning of this let me in." wole commanded

"Doctor?i remember you said something about not triggering Demilade into a second arrest?" she asked 

"Yes Ma." The doctor affirmed

She nodded, then pointing at wole,

"Good, get this man out of here,if you don't want to see the other side of me." Aanu said

"But Ma...

"Aanu, what is the meaning of this...?"

"He is the reason my son is fighting for his life right now Doctor Sola,you swore an oath as a doctor to put your patients life first, and that is what you will do, i want this man out of here this minute."Aanu said, the doctor was truly dumbfounded, unbothered Aanu faced wole, 

"And you, the next time you try to use my son for your selfish whims be ready to contend with me. i am well able to take care of my son without your help, if you have an iota of humanity in you, go make right all your wrong doings. Goodbye." Aanu shut the door to his face. 

Doctor Sola cleared his throat, "Erm.. i think its high time you left.. " he prompted

Wole sighed, picking up his laptop, "Sure, thanks for everything Sola." he said dragging his feet heavily along the corridor.

The doctor nodded and went to his office. wole stood a while staring at the door,he could already imagine Aanu caring endlessly for their son, she was selfless when it came to people she loved and cared about. And he had messed things up big time.

As wole drove home, he wondered if he'd get his family back in one piece if he owned up to his wrong doings. 

Things weren't looking up for him,he had lost rights to his wife and now he was losing his son, he hit the steering hard venting out his anger.  

Life sucked, he thought. 

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