Attitude meets Arrogance - Episode 45

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Jordan's POV
Someone catch my tears before I drown in them...

I sat under the running cold water from the shower and the funny thing is I loved it...

I loved the freezing feeling, it made me remember what it meant to have an icy soul...

I had gone to get some fresh air from the terrace when I saw Jaxon c*ressing Ciara...
Yes they loved each other but don't they mind how I feel...

My heart was cracking inside me..I needed a shoulder to lean on, someone to tell me the dark clouds above me shall pass but I had no one...

Suddenly I heard someone open the bathroom door, it was the last person I expected to see...

I thought she was there to take her toothbrush and leave but no, she came and sat beside me...

"What are you doing here??? I don't need your company..." I thundered...

"I chose you Jordan...I don't know why I did but I did..." She replied softly...

I felt my heart dancing shakushaku in my chest threatening to burst out...Jaxon was my brother but the fact that she chose me, made me feel special...

I was done always being the second best...I wanted to hug her, plaster kisses all over her but I chose to hold back...

Read " Binded by friendship " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. I wasn't going to forgive her that easily...

I wanted to leave from there but I loved it there...What if I woke up and she was nowhere to be found???

Her eyes were casted down in a mournful gaze as she got all wet...She wasnt supposed to be there but I needed her there...

Was I being selfish to just ask for a few minutes from her??? I know she would get sick again but I needed her assurance...

"Why did you choose me???" I found myself asking her...
There was a moment of silence before she stuttered, "Honestly I don't know but I just couldn't leave..."

Those weren't the words I expected, I needed her to tell me she had begun falling for me and the fact that she couldn't live without me was killing her...

"You shouldn't......."
"I shouldn't be here because I betrayed you and you don't want to see me...." She butted in...

How did she read my mind??? That was what I wanted to tell her...When I thought that was it, she places her head on my shoulder, "Why am I still hurt??? Would you have given me the divorce??? Did I make the right choice???"

God knows I wanted to slap sense right inside her

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. How would she ask me that???
I noticed she begun shivering but I didn't know if it was okay to care for her...

Well she didn't betray me, I am the one who forced what wasn't there...I know I shouldn't be mad but I was in love and that was killing me...

I rather be mad to a healthy girl than a sick helpless girl...

"Ciara, you should go and change...I don't want you to get sick again..." I whispered...

But as usual she was stubborn, "Jordan, I will not leave without you..We are husband and wife and we should always be together..." She stammered...

"Do you even know the meaning of the term wife??? Stop being stubborn!!!!" I shook my head...

"What do I have??? Nothing..I am so unlucky...All I am thinking about now is my career..If I leave you, I am ruined..."  She hugged me and sobbed on my shoulder...I didn't want to show her I cared and so I just let her be...

After a while, I pulled her back and stood up, turned off the shower and reached out for some towels..

"Dry yourself...I don't want you dying in my bathroom..." I threw some towels at her..I expected her to shout at me for throwing towels at her but she just remained silent..

As I continued drying my hair infront of the mirror, I could help but stare at her...

She was so close yet out of my reach...She struggled to stand up but her legs were shaking...

She tried once more to stand up but couldn't...

I was in a dilemma to either help her or not...She betrayed my love, she was busy c*ressing my brother and here she is acting like she cares...

I looked away not to see her helplessness but my heart stated otherwise...
One moment I was avoiding to look at her and the next she was in my arms...

"The doctor said you should keep warm...Let me help you out..." I murmured not looking at her...

I didn't seem to feel, I wasn't excited that she was in my arms...I was mad, mad because she chose me and still loved another...

I helped her get out of her wet clothes and wear her pyjamas...She didn't talk or even smile...She just did what needed to be done...

"You can take the bed, I will take the sofa..." I retorted...

But why did I say that??? That was my bed and she was the one who was supposed to leave...

"No, sleep on your side and I will sleep on my side..." She said in a low tone...

I couldn't understand why she was calm all over sudden...Where was her b*tchy attitude that drove me crazy in a good way???

We both savoured into bed and looked at opposite sides...For once I felt coldness in my room, I could sense the sadness around us...

We were both unhappy and not ready to talk it out...

Just as I was about to shut my eyes, I heard her shivering...
I turned around to check on her and she was shaking like a leaf on a branch...

Touching her arms, she was icy cold...Suddenly my anger was replaced with worry...

I tried shaking her to wake up but nothing...I could have woken up granny but she would reprimand me for letting her sit under the cold water...The rest of the family probably hated her by now...

The only option was to wrap my arms around her...I held her so tight and within an hour she had begun getting warm..

I wanted to c*ress her, make love to her, show her how much she meant to me but everytime I thought about her and Jaxon I felt disgusted...

Everytime I tried to pull away, she held my hands tighter. The next morning when I  woke up, I was alone in bed...

Where did she go??? Did she decide to leave with Jaxon???

Just as I was thinking about her, she walked in like a boss...

"I thought you decided to leave with your lover..." I blurted out and it seemed she didn't care...

"I am not coming home tonight....I bet we both need a break from each other..." she explained..

I acted like I didn't care but deep down I wanted to lock her up. What if she wanted to go on another vacation with Jaxon??? How could I trust her???

Jordan don't show her you care.. It's her business...

"I don't care, as far as I am concerned you are just my wife on paper..." I lashed out and got out of bed...

"And it's not like I wanted you to care.."

"Have you ever had s*x with Jaxon???" I don't know why I asked but I just did...

"Yes..." She replied boldly...

Before she could feel my wrath,  she took her bagpack and left...
Now my mood was ruined, everything around me looked grey...I could feel sadness drain through me...Why did she have to sleep with him??? Could she not hold back??? Screw heavens, they would have made her wait for me.

That was the last stroll...She and Beatrice are one and the same thing...I am never going to forget what I had become...Love is madness, happiness is foolishness...

Anger and bitterness is what one needs to survive...

In the office, I felt like venting my anger on everything and everyone..

"Did I ask for coffee or mango juice???" I yelled at me personal assistant..
"Sir you don't take juice..." She replied and that angered me..

I hated being questioned...Yes I asked for coffee and changed my mind while she was away...She should read my mind...

"Take this tasteless thing away from me..." I splashed the coffee all over her blouse, threw her the cup and some money...

"I bet that enough to buy you an expensive dress..."

I could see tears in her eyes but I didn't care...The woman I learnt to love, betrayed me and didn't care and so I am going to make people's lives a nightmare...

"Tell the financial manager to come and if he takes more than a minute you are fired..." I threatened..

When the financial manager entered my office, I could help but be rude...It felt nice being that cold ruthless man once more...

"Do you want to be the CEO??? Why are you a minute late??? When I call for you, you come running..."

"But sir???"

"Sir nothing...Where is the audit report I asked  for???"

"Sir you said I should bring it on Monday..." He stammered.

"What's your work???" I slammed the table and stood up...

"I don't understand.. "

I held him by the collar," All you do in this office is hit on every girl...I want that audit report in an hour's time. If not, God help me because I am going to fire you. You need me, I don't need you..."

"Excuse me sir, the minister wants to see you in thirty minutes time..." My PA barged in my office..

"Can't you knock???" I threw at  her my ring but she missed...

"Sir, that's your ring..." She seemed shocked...

"Am I married to you???" I asked her," And you get out of my office..." I  pushed the financial manager that he staggered. 

Why did I need that ring??? I was married to a cheat, I was in love with a cheat..But this is a promise to myself, she will never know what it means to smile...

I was angry and the same time agitated...I didn't want the minister snatching the contract from Me...I wish I had told him the truth from the beginning...

While at it, I heard people laughing outside my office...It was Ciara and the minister...
How is he even laughing with her??? That's not the question, what was she doing here???

"Hey love???" She greeted as they got inside my office...I was shocked to see the minister all happy..
"Here, your ring...." She beamed putting the ring on my finger...

What was she upto???.

"Mr Marcias, your wife already explained about the video..." The minister stated and there and then my heart skipped a beat...

The minister must be thinking that I am a coward to take my brother's girlfriend...

"It's not what you think..." I tried defending myself..I could see Ciara signalling me to shut up but I ignored her..

"I didn't believe at first..You let your brother hug your wife because he is more close with her than you..Mr Marcias not everyone is like you..I would beat someone to death even my brother for touching my wife..."

Smart move Ciara, but why did you help me???

"I felt a little off hugging him but this is the 21st generation. He had lost his love and he needed a hug from his best friend...." She begun sobbing, "Those mean bloggers almost gave me a heart attack..You know I am expectant and can't be under any shock. How can I cheat on my husband with his brother??? I am not that mean..."

The minister was now sympathetic...Wait, was she pregnant or faking it??? Expectantly whose baby,??? She doesn't even know the colour of my d*ck...I hope she is not carrying Jaxon's child because I will kill her..

"It's okay Mrs Marcias, I bet everything is under control...Take care of yourself and the baby...Mr Marcias I bet the contract remains...Thanks to your wife..."

"Minister, I am glad you gave me another chance. As you can see very soon I will be a father.."

If only he knew I have never even kissed her let alone make love to her....A messed up kind of marriage that I wasn't willing to let go...

A/N Do you think Jordan has the right to be mad????


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  • Loveth Dennis picture
    Loveth Dennis
    Hmn this is serious oo
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    Na wa ooh, I actually wanted Ciara to be with Jaxon but Jaxon fucked up big time. Jordan suppose to be remorseful for separating two lovers yet he claiming the boss, I can see he has not changed at all. Nice one
  • Ojulari Adebowale picture
    Ojulari Adebowale
    I love jordan and jaxon is a coward
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Jordan is making it difficult for the both of them at least he should forgive her
  • Rufai onyinioza simbiyat picture
    Rufai onyinioza simbiyat
    I just hate this ciara and joxan why can't she just stay with Jordan for crying out load she suppose to teach Jordan how to love but she is making it worst any attitude meet arrogant welldone @fideh love
  • Binta Zakari picture
    Binta Zakari
    Wow!!who is yo be blame? I blame Jaxons for not fighting for his love while for now Clara is very considerate otherwise I see depression catching on with Jordan. Thump up!! Let's see how it ends,.
  • Binta Zakari picture
    Binta Zakari
    Wow!!who is to be blame? I blame Jaxons for not fighting for his love while for now Clara is very considerate otherwise I see depression catching on with Jordan. Thump up!! Let's see how it ends,.
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    I dont even know what to say d 3 are just d same jare, Jaxon, Jordan, Ciara another pregnancy saga again, who will clear d mess now. Fideh u are too loaded.
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Jordan, be grateful to Ciara for helping you out with the contract once again. At least they both should give themselves chance to heal then try to care for each other, I bet they will fall in love without knowing
  • Cutedreamer picture
    Ciara is just faking the pregnancy. She can't possibly be pregnant for Jaxon! That will ruin any little thing she has left with Jordan
  • Pristin picture
    she is faking it but m sure she is gonna tell Jordan truth so that the both of them can start making love and have a bby...
  • Betty Orah picture
    Betty Orah
    Chisos! Somebody hit me biko!
  • SkyBae CeeJay picture
    SkyBae CeeJay
    Dunno what to say anymore, Jaxon u tried but things didn't work out let's just hope that u will find happiness wherever life takes u, Jordan u know u did the most horrible thing by separating two hearts but be grateful that Ciara chose u. LMAO still can't believe Ciara faked the pregnancy
  • Nanyonjo Jane picture
    Nanyonjo Jane
    The bad thing is that you delay with your updates but Me like Jordan coz Jaxon is a coward.
  • fatma picture
    Let Jordan and ciara go for a vacation so that they learn to love each other.
  • cecilia louis picture
    cecilia louis
    Why would he??? As far as I'm concerned Ciara has saved his ass so he should better start thinking of ways to make little Jordan with my baby
  • Ruth Onyemauwa picture
    Ruth Onyemauwa
    Hmmmm expectant for the next sis weldone
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Jordan has no right to be angry,he should be grateful that she chose him.
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    hmmmm....this is serious,and the pregnancy stuff,i want to know more,pls upload quickly.tnx
  • Adebowale Ademilola Pheronica picture
    Adebowale Ademilola Pheronica
    The nail heat my head when i heard Ciara claiming to stay with Jordan but not thinking of what had happened to her and Jaxon... Ciara wake up from this o... It's time to be with Jaxon cos his memory will never erase from your mind as long u guys still see each other.
  • Fatu M picture
    Fatu M
    Wait oooo, is Ciara really expecting? Ahhu
  • Tee Bat picture
    Tee Bat
    Jaxon had his chance n he blew it, Jordan has no right to be angry. This wait is killing me can u pls update the next episode
  • Amina Onaghise picture
    Amina Onaghise
    Jordan beta support Ciara to make the married work rather than b an ass. he brought this upon himself, he has no right to be angry. Ciara u v added another one now u v to get pregnant, hmm how is dat going to happen? am waiting for Nxt. thanks Fidel
  • Glory Nyong picture
    Glory Nyong
    Ciara r u pregnant for real, if so who is responsible
  • Ukbaby picture
    Jordan isn't mad... He's only jealous... He's in love and in denial at the same time
  • Naisco picture
    Ok this is were they tie the nod, ciara brought this one upon her self by faking a pregancy, now she needs to get pregnant in other to make it look real, wow jordan u got ur girl next pls.
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Naisco pretty smart
  • joan kk picture
    joan kk
    Ciara thats a very big lie, you had better cover your tracks
  • Thomas Camp picture
    Thomas Camp
    I want her to be with her husband. Jordan has the right to be angry
  • Jennifer Aboagyewaa picture
    Jennifer Aboagyewaa
    Hehehe! Clara you are one good actress. I hope is doesn't back fire on you. Jordan out on a rational cap and see reason. Clara and Jaxon were an item under wraps before you came on the scene. Jaxon your lose Jordan's gain. Lovely read.
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
    Remember their weekend at Mass (Jason n Ciarra) they made love nah. She might be pregnant for Jason O!!
  • Michael winful picture
    Michael winful
    The unexpected is here, just can't wait for the next episode.
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