Attitude meets Arrogance - Episode71

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Jaxon's POV
Finally my Europe tour was over...Since our wedding five months ago, we went to our honeymoon is Mauritius and later had a one month tour all over Europe..

I am glad I could make my wife happy even though am still learning to fall in love with her. I am trusting the process...

Today we are having our baby shower and I know people are used to the one where only ladies attend  the baby shower but no way in a million years am I not celebrating my baby.

I don't even  know if it's a girl or a boy. Ariana wouldn't tell me...Planning a baby shower it's hard guys but I didn't mind..

I found happiness in that little being growing inside my wife and I also want my Ciara no Ciara to also find happiness . I know Jordan loves her and Ariana and Sophie confirmed it that she has also fallen for him. So today Mason, Sebastian, Max, Jane, Sophie, Ariana and I have a mission to bring them close to each other...

The bring Ciara and Jordan close squad secretly met at the backyard to go over our plan one more time...

"So Mason, what's your plan???" I asked...
"I will make my speciality fruity vodka party punch and i am sure after ten glasses or so they wouldn't put their hands to themselves..."

"I hope you ladies have made sure everything is in check. This plan has to work..." I confirmed and they all nodded.
"For me and Seb we will make sure they are close always..." I wiggled my eyebrows...

"What are you people doing hiding here????" Jordan asked behind us and we all froze...

"Nothing much, we were just talking about the surprise to give Ariana..." I lied without thinking...
"But she is here...." He raised his eyebrows suspiciously.
"Jordan I forgot Ciara is looking for you

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. You don't wanna make her mad..." I told him with a straight face...

"We are not done here..." He warned. The moment he walked away, we all sighed in relief..

"Let's all get to work..." I bossed and the ladies left first leaving us there..

"I can't believe she is gone. Like I am a married man soon to be a father and Ciara is in love with Jordan. Life is full of surprises. Is it wrong to be a little jealous though???" I said sadly only for Mason to place his hand on my shoulder and squeeze it...
"A little jealous is allowed but let her also be happy. You see how Jordan's face glows when he hears her name. Let's not ruin that for him..." Mason was right, I needed to accept the reality and be happy for them...

Ciara's POV
I was done getting ready and i couldn't wait to spend the day close to my husband...I am drowning in this love.

My love for him was going a million miles a minute. I felt like I could explode.
Everytime he is close to me, something in my stomach flutters. Even a slight touch from him makes my mind go gaga....

I am in love with you Jordan Marcias. You are the love song that is always singing in my head in repeat mode..I wish I can bottle up enough courage to tell you how much I love you..

"Ciara, are you ready???" Sophie asked immediately she flung the door open...
"Yeah, I guess..." I stood from the bed and followed her from the room.

"Why do you look sad???" She asked as we headed downstairs....
"Jaxon is going to be a father, life is going well for him. But look at me I can't even tell my husband how I feel..."

"Come here," She hugged me so tight and atleast I felt slightly better.
"Everything will work out soon..."

"So how is you and Alpha??? Is he coming???" I asked when I pulled back and I could see her blush away...

"He is okay but he is out of the country so he isn't coming..." I could feel sadness in her voice.

Who would have imagined that Alpha and Sophie would date one day???? I can proudly say I brought them together...Jordan requested me to do my work in Jaxon's fashion studio and I reluctantly agreed. So everytime Alpha would come to check the work, he would bump into Sophie and they would talk for hours..

They went for their first date, Sophie begun sleeping at his place and before we know it it's all over social media they are dating. I wish them nothing but happiness...

When I got to the garden, everyone was there apart from Jordan.

The garden looked very beautiful courtesy of Sophie. The twinkle, twinkle theme was amazing. The ladies were setting the table as the guys decorated the place with giant white balloons anchored in cubes filled with white jelly beans.

Chloe was busy giving orders to the chefs and Ariana was just seated eating for two...

"Ciara, come join us..." Jane dragged me to the table where the rest were. No matter how much I wanted to help set the table, I needed to see my Jordan before anything else. When I woke up, he wasn't in the room. How can my day be fine without seeing him???

I waited for a while but he wasn't there yet...
"I will be back..." I told the ladies before I left to go look for my prince charming.

I immediately begun looking for him and the first place I checked was the swimming pool area.
Unfortunately he wasn't there, I turned around ready to walk away when I heard some screams...

I looked behind me and saw hands trying to propel themselves in the pool..It was Pashmina, she was drowning.
Without thinking twice, I dived into the pool and got her out. She wasn't moving...

I turned her head to the side and allowed water to drain from her nose and mouth...I turned her head back at the centre  and begun giving her mouth to mouth resuscitations but she still remained stiff...

"Pashmina, don't leave us baby..." Tears begun dripping from my eyes...I started doing CPR on her and placed my ear on her nose and I couldn't feel air on my cheek..

No, you can't leave us Pashmina...
"C'mon little angel, fight...."

I begun screaming  and continued doing CPR on her. Within minutes everyone was there...

Chloe run towards us screaming and fell on her knees, "My baby...."

Jordan pulled me from Pashmina and wrapped me in his arms. He didn't care if I was all wet.

Jaxon took over and continued doing the CPR as Mason held his wife back...

When I thought all hope was lost, she begun coughing...
Jaxon turned her to the side to help drain the water from her...

"I will take Ciara to our room, she seems in shock.Call the doctor to come check on Pashmina.." Jordan carried me bridal style and I couldn't help but hold onto his button up shirt tightly. No matter what he said, I couldn't stop crying. We almost lost our little girl....

He gently placed me on the bed and peeled the wet dress from me...He then reached for the towel that was lying lazily on the sofa and begun drying me up....

"Are you okay???" He asked and all I did is throw myself at him sobbing, "I thought she would die Jordan..."

"Ssssh!!!!!You save her darling. She will be okay..." He rubbed my back soothingly. He wrapped me in his arms for a while until he was sure I was okay. Truth be told, I wanted to remain there till eternity. I felt safe.

"I will be back..." He walked to the closet and came back with a pair of sweatpants and one of his baggy t-shirts...

I just stared at him with admiration as he looked the other direction so as I could get off my wet bra and lacy panty before getting dressed.....I love you so much my Jordan,I wish you just knew...

After that he tucked me into bed and sat beside me, "I will go get you some hot cocoa. Don't move pretty face..." He kissed me on the forehead and I nodded...

Just when he left, Jane and Sophie stormed in.
"Are you okay???" Jane asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I was just a little shocked..." I replied.

"Pashmina is also okay thanks to you..."Sophie sighed," Chloe owes you her life. The person she hates the most saved the most precious thing in her life. Anyway We will go and finish with the preparations since the guests will start arriving soon." She added...

Jordan sprawled in bed and sat beside me, he also changed into a pair of sweatpants and a V-neck shirt waiting for our clothes to dry up in the dryer...

"You can't imagine what I felt when I heard you scream.

Read " Innocent Obsession " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. It's like my heart was been ripped apart. Don't ever scare me like that..." He snaked his arm around my shoulders and drew me closer so as I could rest my head  on his chest.

"Thank you Jordan..." I whispered and intertwined our hands...
"For what???"
"For being there when I need you...." I brought his hand close to my lips and kissed it...

"When I saw you all wet, screaming and crying I almost lost my sanity....I didn't even think about Pashmina all I wanted is to have you in my arms and hold you tight. I repeat don't ever scare me like that...." He rested his cheek on the upside of my head and all I could do is shut my eyes and listen to his fast beating heart....

I know he loves me even if he doesn't say it...

Jordan's POV
I looked  for Ciara all around the house but couldn't see her. The only place I didn't check was the swimming pool. What would she be doing there???

Disappointed, I joined the rest in the garden. Just when I was about to climb the ladder and help put the balloons on the tent I heard familiar screams...It was Ciara's voice...

"Ciara????" I called out and begun running towards the screams and the rest followed me..
If anything happens to you my love I would die...

When we got to the pool, she was all wet, her makeup smudged and Pashmina was lying stiff on the floor...

I didn't care about Pashmina for a moment Seeing my wife in that state broke me. I quickly ran towards her and pulled her to my arms...She needed me and Pashmina needed her parents...She was shaking like a leaf and seemed terrified...

Luckily she felt okay and now she has fallen asleep on my chest....

"Jordan???" I could hear Jaxon from the other side of the door..
"Yes???? Come in..."
"Pashmina is okay and everything is set. How is Ciara???" He retorted the moment he walked in..

"She is okay...We will be there in a few..." I beamed and he just nodded before he left...

I had to let Ciara to rest for a while until all the guests arrive....

"Ciara, the guests have arrived. I will help you get ready..." I pulled the duvet from her body...
"Do I have to go???" She groaned and I literally carried her from the bed to the bathroom.

"You either wake up or I will dip you in a bucket full of ice..." I warned and she shot her eyes open...

As she was doing her makeup, I was brushing her hair as we both stood by the mirror..

"How do you apply all that on your face???" I asked foolishly only to receive an elbow kick on my tummy...
"You don't ask a girl that..."
"Yes ma'am..." I groaned in pain...

After she was done, she look at her hair and shook her head.
"Seriously, you couldn't brush my hair well???" She reprimanded and i just looked at her shockingly.

Excuse me, this guy tried.....
Things had gotten better between us but everytime I wanted to confess my feeling to her fear drew me back. I don't wanna lose you. My crazy girl, the girl who has the tendency of kissing me and running away..Where do you think I can get another crazy girl like her!?? Nowhere....Because she is one of a kind...

"Let me go get dressed or else we will both be more late..." I kissed her on the cheek and left the bathroom.

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