Beyond captivating - Episode 36

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Silvia POV:

I wouldn't deny the more thought of Lucas keep irritating me ..
Thought I assured myself during those years

Thought i assured myself I would never ever be buckled that easily by the likes of men ..
And I, of course I was able to pull through.
But Why now ???
Why would i be attracted to non but Lucas of all men ..
That baby
Am Silvia ,I shouldn't forget that ..
Men destroy my life, they left my son fatherless, that alone should be enough to  ginger more coldness in me ..
And surely I thought i was able to stay that way
But here I am brooding everywhere with the thought of him

Right now am just so angry at myself,
Angry having to admit Lucas touched places in me I thought was damn strong only to find them tender and vulnerable  ...
I thought I had come to term with my singleness,
I thought I had come to terms with having to hate men ..
But Lucas had challenge those ideas  certainly his effect on me was inadvertent ...

Maybe what prompt to all this was just some simple s*xual frustration
Maybe if I just kissed him, all this nonsense would go

Oooooooooooo Silvia

Stop stop stop stop stop stop this, kiss who, who is kissing who
Its time to get a grip of myself ...this is getting too much, godddddddd have got to focus on why I was here, find out whomever Jamie father was, and leave ..
He will be getting married soon anyways ...
I tapped myself in the fore head before walking towards the other sitting room  in search of Mrs Tyson  only to see her at the third with her phone placed intently to her ear, a quilt on her laps while Jamie was seen rolling his trunk toy all over the tile floor ...

"Jamie be careful" I called to him

"Okay mum"

"Alright darling, she is here let me put her  through" Mrs Tyson call out with a broader smile before moving to reach the phone towards me

"Its my husband" she said quietly ...

With a smile I nodded before taking the phone from her ...

"hi sire "

"My dear Silvia,,..." He laughed

"Glad to hear from you sire ,,hope the weather over there isn't that challenging " I smiled

"No dearie it isn't ,just that am so exited right now,

"I wish I had meet you in person dear, my wife told me every thing,
About you, all those encounter with lucas ...I wish I was there to see the look on my boy's face,"

I couldn't think of anything to say but laugh ...

"So dearie, he is resuming that seat next week right, a lot of stuff and work is lacking behind, you know"

"Oh surely he will sire, don't worry, I will be there myself to Make sure everything go well"

"You are blessed dearie, thank you for helping us in fixing up Lucas"

"My pleasure sire, do have a nice day"

"You too my dear"

I reached the phone back to Mrs Tyson ,left her to her conversation before moving towards Jamie ...

"Jamie come here darling"

He took his trunk toy before racing towards me ...

"mum I don't want to go home again I like it here" he chuckled

I laughed

"Look at you, you are going to school remember, and I know its because of all those big beautiful toys and the  chocolate you've been eating, you know mum is gonna know about it,"

He stare up at me with an huge eye ...

"She's gonna read my mind again, oh no," he jumped up

I laughed before hugging him to my chest ... ,,

"I love you Jamie"

"Love you too mum,"

"Go ahead ,,I need to talk to grannie "

"Okay mum"

" ma'am , I smile towards her before moving forward to seat right beside her

"Yes darling "

"I ....I think ....I mean I am aware Lucas doesn't have a tie whatsoever"

She laughed

"He once did, but the reason why he burned them all was still dark to me, but we can easily get, he is gonna need that right"

" yes ma'am, the best is for us to go shopping ....just the two of us, I mean myself and Lucas, he's gonna need few suits too ,,an office foot wear and several other things ..."

"Wao that would be great, alright dear,".

She reach into her bag, brought out  two credit cards and a phone ...
She was busy arranging some other stuffs in her bag when she speaks ...

"I notice Lucas wasn't talking to you, "

I squeezed up a smile...

"I'll handle him ma'am,"

She smile towards me and nodded

"Alright dear, so my driver is gonna drive you guys down to the boutique you are gonna go shopping..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Is that alright "

"Nice ma'am, am okay with that "

She reached out the  phone and the two credit card towards me,

"give the phone back to Lucas, it's his and the two credit card, go for shopping with mine and the other is yours"

I stare down at the cards, and up at her
As though reading my mind she was fast to speak ...

"Do not see it as a pay dearie, just accept that as a gift from me"

"Ma'am this is too much"

She laughed ...

"Any thing for you Silvia, you are such a darling " she c*ressed my cheek

"Thank you ma'am"

I move towards her and hugged her, after releasing each other from the tight embarrass, I cleared my throat


"I think  am gonna go fetch Lucas then ...keep it secret from Jamie ma'am or else you gonna see his incomplete teeth now while he cry"

With an huge eye, she laughed..

"Alright,  my dear,"

I was moving towards the casino room when my phone rang ...I roll up my eyes when I realise it was Diana...

Am very sure this girls wouldn't sleep Through the night ...

"Hello Diana"

"Silviaaaaa we are stucked"

"Okay calm down and tell me, am gonna sent someone down there"


Lucas POV:

I stare at Elliot who took a seat before adjusting his trousers ...
That tauting grin of his was seen all over his face as he reach for the casino cards ....
Gosh the mere sight of him was enough to get me angry to the extreme..
We have a lot to talk about ,, all I needed is just for him to seat that damn butt of his and listen ...
Silvia isn't someone .........
My gaze fell down on his jean
With an huge eye i was forced gasp out

"Elliott , my god look at you, you are hard" I said almost shouting

I was fast to lock him on the shirt before dragging him up ...

"You can't be possibly getting hard or me huh"

"Man leave my f-cking shirt" he scolded

"why are you hard huh, tell me what are you trying to do Elliot " I struck my eyes at him almost biting his nose

"Do like, I can get hard any f*cking time , will you leave my shirt huh, I owe my d-ck for crying out loud"

"Pls tell me she's not the one that got  you this hard .. dammit, look at you"

My breath inched, this time my sweat knows to bound, I wipe my fore head with the back of my hand before staring back at him,,
All I needed is just for him to say no ...
I swear am gonna kill him if he doesn't

I gritted my teeth harder..

"Elliot Silvia is out of bound, I don't want you near her" my eyes was all over him like an hawk

"Split that back man, you don't want me near her, why huh," he frown

"not that you like her,"

I release my hold on his shirt, before blurting out the word angrily

"I like her okay, have never wanted any woman in my whole life Elliot " I admitted

When I realise I actually said the words out i staggered before bouncing back on a seat ...this whole stuff doesn't make sense, how can I start liking some one who nearly took my life from me ...
Someone who nearly destroy my fine face
My gaze rovers round the room before settling back on Elliot face ...
Have never seen him so serious in my entire life, where are those tauting grin, my God...
Where are those smirks

I slick my hands on my hair as my heart continue to pound in double ...

"Elliot don't tell me you are serious about liking her ....."

When I saw the admitting look on his face I cursed at myself for having to like her of all ladies..

"I know you man huh, your heart is as hard as a stone, you've never dated i wont let you take take advantage of her,"

"I beg your pardon" I interrupted loudly before frowning

"Who says I wanna take advantage of her Elliot"

"Save me the break Lucas, you kissed her so  that tells you would have even slept with her if she'd allowed you to"

He smirked before pulling out a cigarette from the pack,

I sat back on my seat, gasping for air..
My gaze was all intent on him was the truth...of course it was..... if she'd allowed me its certain I would have screwed her, maybe I wouldn't even liked her as much as I do right now ...

He took a drag of his cigarette before pulling out another from the pack ...

"You care for one" he offered

My gaze rovers all over him
The mere sight of him disgusted me to the throat ...when a realisation nudges me I frowned
My God... it was her thighs

"Elliot don't tell me You got hard because you saw her thighs" I blurted out

He smirked

"How do you know that"

"It was even more exposed when she sat ...gosh Lucas never seen anything so fresh in my entire life, and that hips of her" he demonstrated with his hand ..

"Tiny waist with wide hips damn" he shook his head as though dreaming before biting his lips

At the sight of him, anger vibrated in my head, i clenched my fist hard without thinking I raced towards him more like a vampire i grab his neck ...

"Elliot I don't want you seeing her like that dammit" I shouted ...

"How else should I see her, huh" he grind the words out....

"I think she likes me anyway, thank Goodness you told her to stay away from you. She's an horror to you, so Let go of my neck man" he struggled on my hold but never am I listening ...

"I'm gonna kill you right here Elliot"

I scratch my head repeatedly cause right now, the hell am going crazy

Gosh who told her to wear that kind of dress it's better she starts wearing a carabian skirt or a baggy trouser from now on or else she gave me no choice than to kill this long neck ...

"let go of my neck Lucas ,, what wrong with you,  you are going mad"

"The f-ck Elliot, am gonna kill you"

When I saw him suddenly snorted right there I knew there was something wrong ...i was trying to figure out what it was until I heard her voice ...

"Lucasss stop you are hurting him"

She pull my arm away from him ..

I staggered back a bit only to see her  bent towards him instantly I felt so sick in the heart ...

"Elliot are you okay " she asked,

To my surprise she bent towards him..
I was shocked with the worried look on her face as she touched Elliot...
Damn am finished ...
With my lips slightly open I could only watch with one of my hands on my fore head ....

I shook my head in frustration only to meet with the taunting grin on Elliot face ...
I watch him struggled while he rub his hand on his neck ...
God am gonna de friend Elliot, yes that's it

"I am ....okay Silvia" he groan in pain ...

The mere sight of her touching Elliot neck was enough to make me go crazy, my veins were all out, I stare at her hair expecting her to turn at least to ask whether am okay too ...
But she didn't ...

What have I done to this woman???
Why would she hates me so much

I watch Elliot eyes and all I could do was cursed at him
Damn those spooky eyes...
The sight of her supporting Elliot up was enough to make my gut tightened ..
I swallowed repeatedly as they both move towards the door leaving me there to stare back at them ...
With my now red eyes I kicked at whatever angrily before racking my hands through my hair
There were always women available Lucas, there always were damn it...
Why her???
Why would I want her so much ...
My gaze went down to the cigarette Elliot dropped...
I took it hurriedly I was about pushing it into my lips when I heard a crack of  voice ...
I turned and there she was standing at the entrance like some queen in the desert..
I apparently agree with Elliot as I stare down at her full length
her hips was beautiful...long legs with so much of smooth soft skins ...
When I met with her eyes
I was fast to shift my gaze though, of course she just caught me staring at her....

Lucas behave...

Ignoring her I moved towards a single seat before bouncing back my weight on it ...
I stare at the cigarette in my hands for a moment before pulling a deep drag ...
I was puffing out the smoke only to see her move towards me

What what what is she doing?

But I remained mute my gaze was on her hips instead...
Gosh those hips
Slowly i watch as she took the cigarette in between my fingers before pressing it on a cup beside me ...

"You shouldn't smoke Lucas, smokers are liable to die young"

I frowned when our eyes met,
I was trying to speak but damn I couldn't .....
she was about moving away when i took her hands ..

"What is it Silvia" I finally say ...

"What" she glanced back before asking

This time I drew her closer unexpectedly she landed on my laps ...
With a skipped heart, I gasped
Gosh what have I done

Stunned by my actions
she shifted her gaze to meet mine, which was searching hers relentlessly.

I do not care what she might be thinking but does she even know how much I wish this moment would last forever...

She was expecting me to let go but when I didn't she spoke softly ....

"Lucas let me go "

"What is it you hate so much about me Silvia" I asked with a red eye..its just so hurting that she could think of choosing Elliot over me

"What is it you see in Elliot that I lack, I swear am gonna change Silvia " I asked again

With trembling hand I tucked the hair obstructing the view of seeing her face behind her ears ...
Shocked she shifted her gaze at me

When our eyes met
My hands, large yet gentle, framed her face, before  tilting it up towards mine, ...
I stare down at her lips for a moment before meeting with her eyes

"I would have love to kiss you right now Silvia, but you won't let me will you"

"You're gonna slap me right"

Silvia POV

My eyes were wide like an azure saucers, when he said those words ...

Kiss me what's he thinking

My heart was beating so bad I thought it would explode,
What's wrong with Lucas
He gave me no breathing space to think of anything but him, 
The worst of it was,
 i wasn’t even quite sure of the answer i wanted to give. It had to be no; accordingly, i shook her head.
A jolt shook went through me only to realise i actually said no to his other question ...

"No I won't Lucas" I said lustfully

This time his hands slide down my waist to adjust my form ...

The mere sight of his handsome face got me so weak ...
I couldn't fight him, couldn't change what I said, only to stare at him and down at his lips as he shifted it towards mine ...

"Silvia are you sure" he asked again

"Lucas I....I...I..." I stammered almost in a tone I hardly recognise as mine

"I like you a lot Silvia, believe me I do"

He traced his finger on my lips and immediately I felt some rush of blood pump into my brain ...
I gasped out only to meet with his dark handsome eyes
I felt those stirrings which gave no lie to his words.
Gosh what are you doing to me Lucas ...

"Take me, I'm yours!" The emptiness within me craved but i couldn't form the words out..."
When i wasn't replying
His voice went in a breathy sound, more like a whisper

"You are a beautiful woman Silvia, very beautiful...."

Slowly I watch as He kissed the upper part of my lips,
I couldn't do anything but watch him
He pull back to stare at me for a moment before gently taking my lips into his ..
Immediately I opened up to him
I felt his hands wrapped around me as he snuggled deeper,
Arching into his arms I drove my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer, I gulp for air, the heat from his mouth made me melt ...

Gosh Lucas"I whispered between kisses

Instead he sucked more on my lips
I could feel as his taste mastered mine, consuming and devouring his tongue into every corner ..
Sensation hammered in me as his hands grazed,
every nip and er*tic bite from his strong teeth had my senses pulsing at a fever pitch ....
I felt everything,  the foray of his tongue and the taste of his fine lips
against my teeth and beyond, taking it with so much hunger I've never witnessed before not even with nate ....

His hand was less than steady when he slide it along the curve of my neck.
He released my lips and bend to kiss it.

My lips parted
slightly, softly, awaiting his kiss. When it came back
I was ready, returning it with every bit of the passion his masterful touches had evoked..
Slowly and steady
When it finally ended ...i wanted to stare into his eyes ...
but he was fast to pull me closer for a hug...

"All am asking is just a minute more Silvia" he rubbed his strong hands on my back while I wrapped my hands around his neck ..


My gaze drifted to the entrance only to see his two other friends ,, jack and tom staring at us with their mouth slightly open ...of course
Elliot wasn't there cause I sent him to go give my eager friends some lift down here,

It wasn't long for me to realise they were actually staring at Lucas ....i frowned curious to know what they were staring at I pull away from him but he was fast to clear the tears on his face ...
"Lucas are you okay" I asked softly ...

He rested his head back on the sofa, before shaking his head slightly...

"Am not Silvia, am going crazy,"


Oh my ......some body tell me is that Lucas ....never .....

I still dey look for were I would faint ooo..
Holla me guys if you find a space for me  ....

don't forget to like rate and comments thanks lots of love ..

I was out on a work trip ..
But I just had to upload this so you would know ya gal no forget una ooo...

Promising double on Friday through the weekend ...
Till then ...holla ....

Thanks for reading..

. .

Read " Cold But Charming " by the same author ( Op. Amina )

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  • Views (21884)
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  • Ukbaby picture
    Great dear
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Now it's getting more interesting I love this episode
  • Nam Makay picture
    Nam Makay
    Haha Locust Beans in love
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Waoh!!! Lucas in love finally ready to ride this Amina
  • fatma picture
    I hope from now on they be kind to each other and love each other more. No more fights
  • Bella Edet picture
    Bella Edet
    We missed you Amina....... Lucas is in love oooooo ???
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    I love this episode, Lucas is changing. Amina we are really missing you.
  • Olarinre Mobolaji picture
    Olarinre Mobolaji
    This is a beautiful lie Biko?Lucas in love!!!!! Chai and this is getting interesting
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    D best episode ever... Please no fight again Lucas and Sylvia.... Nice one darling!
  • Oyebode Florence picture
  • Oladapo Titilayo Akinola picture
    Oladapo Titilayo Akinola
    Finally Lucas beans in love
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Lucas is in love so happy.dis ep is d best&amina i missed u oo.hope d next eps will be more better&captivating.kisses darling
  • Fagbire Omowunmi picture
    Fagbire Omowunmi
    The almighty Lucas Tyson is in love *OMG*.....
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    I'm dancing Zhaku leg work.. That's gud for Lucas he never see anything now he's acting fast cos of Elliot, but wait y is the idiot crying? ... Weldone Ami but pls do u mean u ll give us 2 tomorrow another 2 on Saturday n yet another 2 on Sunday babe just tell me I'm on the right track... Tankyu n pls is 1 coming today I'm really sorry for being greedy don't tell mum cos she warned me against greediness
  • Kadosh Wa Wambua picture
    Kadosh Wa Wambua
    Unbelievable ! Watin go make grown up shed tears........thanks for the update good story Amina
  • Kadosh Wa Wambua picture
    Kadosh Wa Wambua
    Unbelievable ! Watin go make grown up shed tears........thanks for the update good story Amina
  • Okanya Ik picture
    Okanya Ik
    Just need more episodes to kill my feelings
  • Akos Geyevu picture
    Akos Geyevu
    Locust beans is in love with the horror lady by the way I love the episode can't wait for the next episode please Amina no promise and fail
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Whoa...pls,can someone pinch me,I think I'm dreaming... Did Lucas just confess his love for Sylvia? Did Lucas just cry? Oh em gee. ...Amina,u can come and faint beside me ooo
  • festus wisdom picture
    festus wisdom
    awwwn I so much love this chapter Lucas don fall finish ooo hmm can't wait to know what Silvia reaction will be when she finds out that Lucas is the biological father of her son hmmm
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    wao guys ,,I was so impressed when I came online to meet with so many comments ,,, really appreciate you guys you all....... like I said romance finally ... look forward to more romantic scene from our two heroes ... days of romance before obstacles start coming in the way right... don't worry sure you guys are gonna love the romance scene between Lucas and Silvia .... much more and more and more romantic oooo.... so be ready for it .... so if you are not in love yet ...start getting ready cause Silvia and Lucas are gonna tickle your taste for love so come let's watch out ... I wish I don't have to work so I could have much time to update frequently... but guys you no want make hunger waya your gal na ..lolzzz hope you guys are patient enough with me sha love love all ....
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @confy lolzzzz .....shift to the side very well... the space you leave for me too small na ...
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @festus ...lozzz its beta you go buy pack of handkachief now then ehn you go cry for Lucas mean serious crying be small thing... Silvia no take am small at all ooo... she press control 'P' to the extreme
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ayomide lolzzzz ...funny you ... Lucas don dey crazy for love ooo... you know say those feelings are new to him....bikom let him cry oo...kikikiki....
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @akos thumbs dearie...don't worry ...thanks
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @kadosh wetin dey make grown up shed tears sometimes na love ooo.... Lucas head don't dey scatter for Silvia na ....lollzz thanks
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ik .....don't worry ,,much more romantic scene dey come na ... lol thanks
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @bella sure dearie ..thanks you @fagbire me self no believe am so I dey see am now oooo. thanks dearie
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @oyebode ,,thanks lovely ... @oladapo scatter scatter in love ooo....lolzz.....thanks love
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @maureen sure na ...thanks dearie love ... @olarinre na beautiful lie true true ooo....Silvia don scatter Lucas head na ... thanks
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ronke love...thanks dearie ...missing you guys too ooo.... don't worry more romantic scene from our heroes still dey come ..... @bella edet miss you too ooo ......crazily in love ooo lol.thanks dear
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @adeoti...thanks love too ooo... @fatma don't worry ...fight ke lol... thanks dear
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    thanks @destiny love .... @nam madly in love ooo thanks dear
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    thanks for the comment @ukbaby are great too ....
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    love you all guys ,,,till we meet in the next epi .....holla to my silent readers and those who like the epi....o appreciate you all...kisses and love ...
  • Obioma Esther picture
    Obioma Esther
    Sweet heart I can't wait to read the rest of our heroes love life but please keep ur promise of double episodes this weekend love you
  • Uwem Udoh picture
    Uwem Udoh
    Honestly i love this chapter, cant stay quiet anymore... good write up dear...i really hope she deals with Lucas so much more,this is just the beginning, pls tell him to buy napkins oo cos i dont think handky will be able to hold his tears,lolssss
  • Akos Geyevu picture
    Akos Geyevu
    Am not greedy ooo but am reminding you that today is Friday
  • Chris Love picture
    Chris Love
    This is it, the part I've been waiting for. Finally, they are clicking. Well done Amina
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Lolzz akos ,, alright I already posted another episode...
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Thanks for the comments guys
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