Beyond captivating - Episode 6

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Silvia POV :

What the hell,  I feel so ashamed to say this  ...
But this guy is ......goshh
My heart skipped when I skimmed a judicial look at him ,
How is this possible,,,,

I was blinking rapidly through my sun glasses now with my mouth slightly open ...
At that moment I think I forgot everything around me ,,

my thoughts and my head both went flying into space like seriously it was like i never even cared if it disappeared ..

I stood there stunned and couldn't stop but wonder why God could create someone as good looking as this and still create the ugly ones ...

Why???  Why
Why ??? Why God .

This is so unfair to the ugly ones part ,
This is in fact a big cheating..

If he wasn't standing right in front of me I would have maybe thought he came from space or something..

He was so perfect to the extent I couldn't pin point where God had actually make mistake ...

he was totally beyond...

His body was so youthfully trimmed , from his head to his toes he was promising
he exuded this aura of
masculinity that was so undeniable.

His eyes....those eyes ....
I was shocked cause the color weren't one of those have seen before
More like a glittering glass painted in gloss black,,

He was wearing a blue chambray shirt opened down to his waist ...
And there when I sighted his six packs .......i was like ...

God Let me come and start going

This was the first time I went short of words at the sight of a man ,,
I always thought Nate was the most handsome man in the whole wide world, but this guy could surely sent any woman's heart racing off the hills .....

Those girls can't be blamed ,I now understand why Celine's , Anabel, Diana and joys wanted to faint ....
I now understand these peoples screams ,,
it was really worth it ...

He was a picture perfect man to any woman's dream, and instantly I found myself counting whom ever  would end up as his wife as lucky ...
Sure their kids would be extra toned .

Goshhh whats wrong with you Silvia,,
Why are you standing there staring at him that way,,

He is a man remember and
The existence of men isn't worth it in your life  ...
You hate them because they destroyed your life and the perfect future you want for yourself ...
They r*pped and dump you like dirt..

don't forget that ..and sooner you would carrying a child whose father is unknown ...

The unknown word form an echo inside my head and instantly I fixed my drooling  brain back to reality

I was starting to clench my fist hard with disdain welling in my heart until I felt two , more like three security men grab my arm from behind ...

He was staring at me all along ...
Shifting his head from side to side as if he was trying to remember who I was ..,
Of course we've never met or have we

I felt worst with the fact that i was been dragged along like this but before they do I was sure I sent him my last message ...

A message that got to remain stored in his skull

A smirk thinned at the corner of my lips when I said the words more like a whisper ,,
And with the instant frown and shock  on his face I was so damn sure he read my lips

of course no one has ever said that to  him ...not ever
Wicked you Silvia, he is the most handsome right but  for once  someone should try putting him in his place...

Instantly I found myself laughing with tears  in my eyes while the  men drag me  along like some kind of goat towards the exit  ...
women hovers around him for a hug  ,
but his surprised face still shockingly stared out at me ...
I could swear his face was heated ,

His mouth open repeatedly as if he wanted  to stop the security men...
but his fine lips wouldn't even form the words out

I felt his stares melted on my laughing face until i found myself outside the gate. 

Of course they threw me out ...

When would I accept this  type of place wasn't meant for me ..
They are for Celine's ,Joys  Annabell's and diana ...God

I turned and pocketed my hands into my shorts while I boastfully  walked towards the road instead...

I peeped through the front mirror seconds later when my taxi was taking off
The figure I saw made me flinch

Lucas was panting so hard while he gestured at my taxi to stop..

"Hey stop ,,,taxi .....hey"

I smiled cause my trick really had an effect on him

He could have easily took another taxi and race after me ...

But since he wouldn't stoop himself so low , then I wasn't intending to wait  ...

I watched him racked his hands
through his hairs while he stood there hands akimbo

sweating and staring at my taxi until it was no more in sight .
Well well well  ,
It was nice meeting you anyways ...

The god of good looks ...


What on earth ....

I stare in disbelief at my three year old son when my kid brother dropped him before going right out  ,
his darling freckled face was bruised  , his bottom lips was swollen ,
His eyes was surrounded by ugly purplish blue flesh and his knuckles were bleeding ...

"I don't have any choice mum I had to fight , they pushed me "

"There is always another choice besides fighting Jamie, where are your teachers when they did this to you ... "

"They beat us both instead"

"They beat you "

Anger burned and roiled in my gut as it churned me in the inside
I clenched my fist hard ,

After taking off his school uniform ,,
I started complaining with anger in my eyes while I spat out different kinds of curses to his teacher ...
I was cleaning his wounds when my mum came out ....

"Say hi to granny Jamie"

"Hi granny ,," Jamie stared at my mum with shaky voice while he shifted his head from side to side in nooo manner...
And Instantly i started to wonder what was happening

"Am sorry Jamie but your mum has to know the truth....Silvia  Your son is already practicing kung fu ,
you should beat him for lying instead ..."

Suddenly Jamie knelt down with his two hands together...

"I'm sorry mum, I won't lie again, am sorry please" he cried

I stare at Jamie little face slowly ,, he must taken his looks after his unknown dad ,,, he has this long eye lashes people cant but admire in him ...
His rapid growth was wao ....
Much taller and deadly handsome ...

He was crying while he plead , I stare at my mum this time ,, she was busy making quilt for Jamie...
it has been three long years already ,,, yet she looks much younger and beautiful ....
God this woman never stop to amaze me ..
She's been such  a wonderful mother with her  help and my friends supports ,,

I successfully had Jamie who now stands as my life ,
And now
I seems not interested in knowing whom his father was anymore  even when my mum had said we've already met ,
I saw a lot of men going and coming in the last three years how was  I to know whom exactly  it was..

I just hate him so much , but yet i cant deny as much as our son has a mother he needs a father too ...

"Hey handsome " Jamie slowly opened his teary eyes and stared at me ...

"Promise mum you won't lie and neither practice kungfu again ,, when you grow older I will teach you okay ,, you don't need to rush "

"Okay mum" he ran up to me for a tight hug ...

"I love you mum"

" I love you too jamie"

I caressed his soft face slowly ...

"So what would you eat"

"Granny knows that "

I raised my brows at him and towards my mum ..

"So mum he said you knew what he wanted to eat"

My mum smiled at him

"Egg with plantain"

I shuddered when Jamie jumped up happily ...

"Yeah she got it , she got it , wao, granny is so amazing "

I laughed and stare at my mum ....


"At least little Jamie is not as scared of me as his mum and friends had years back ,, that tells you he's such a man ..."

We both laughed together while I watch Jamie crawls on my mums laps with different kinds of question like ...

"Would it rain tomorrow granny  ,,tell me ,, tell me, please "

"No jamie it won't "

And as my mum answered his questions one by one i cant help but smile with teary eyes

His dad must have been one stubborn, bull headed rugged guy ....
And as much as I love his seed ,,
I just can't help but hate him with passion ...

Oh How much I hate him sooo .....

Lucas pov:

Mmm .....yes know how good that feels right there
I slid my mouth open across her belly upwards to the upper side of her bre**t ....
My tongue was flicking out to tease her nipp**es  while I leave a wet trail on her skin ...

I blow softly across the moistened spot then slowly I drew her distended n**pple into my mouth and s-cked ...

suddenly the door  flew open ....I grind my teeth hard when I stared back at my mum ...

"God , this witch again"

I crawled out of bed while I watch the chick hurriedly wrap a cloth around her body before running into my bathroom .

"Lucas this is Monday morning for Christ sake, "

I shot my mum a cold look while I slowly wrap the blanket around my waist ....
those days I normally run around at her presence are over

"Mum you are invading my privacy"

she stared down at me in disdain as anger fled through her eyes

" privacy , do you say privacy "
I had to closed my eyes to hold back the ones boiling inside of me ,

cause today am intending not to give her my replies ...she can scream out her lungs  for all I care

" Lucas ,when would you get back to your senses ,,,when will you stop all your childish charade,, you are twenty eight don't you know that "

Without giving her my replies ...

I pull out a cigar from the pack and lighted it ...
I groaned as she suddenly spanked it out of my hands ...

" am talking to you ,,are you deaf "
she matched on the cigarette and stared up at me ...

" mum"  i squeezed out the words angrily,
i can see she seems unaffected by the death stare I sent across her ...

But yet  am intending to hold on to this ,
never am I replying to her nags ...
Sometimes I kept wondering if she was my mum ,,
for years now we never had any conversation together without It ending up in a fight

Her nags is really turning me into a piece of sh*t ,
If dad isn't complaining why can't she just leave me alone , why can't she just be like dad sick of her...
Totally sick

"Lucas , you are the sole heir of all this ,, if you are not planning to take responsibility now when would you ..."

She suddenly coughed ...i stare up her only to see as her gaze widened irritatedly at a direction ...

I gasped when i realised she was staring at the ten used condom on top of my drawal

"Lucas you are so disgusting " she spatted out the word angrily

"Mum I just had s*x, its normal"

Before I could blink an eye ,, she is  already dragging the chick am with by the ear ...

"Pls ma'am am leaving now "

I stood up and wore my boxers hurriedly ...

"Mum please , you are hurting her, stop it mum "

I ran up to the chick defence while I forcefully drag her away from my mum who kept twisting  and twisting her ears like some rubbers ....

God what have i done so wrong  ,
why would mum hate me this much ...

"Would you f**k with him again, " my mum shouted at the chick

"No I wont ma'am "

I could see the tears in her eyes as she scream out at my mums hold  ...

I have no choice than to do this or else my mum is gonna pull out her ears ...

The fear of having someone's ear dancing around my room got me scared..
i had to hold on to my mums hands and hurriedly yanked it off her  ears ...

In the next seconds all I saw was twinkles as her hot slap landed on my face...

"You are acting like a bastard Lucas , cause that's what you are ,,"

she shouted while she raced out of my room with so much horror and anger

  I staggered towards my bed while I hold my hands intently to my face ...

Did mum just called me 



So guys help me answer that for him oooo ...
And what do you think Silvia whispered to him then....

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Thanks , lots of love ....

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  • Loveth Dennis picture
  • Cutedreamer picture
    He surely deserved that hot slap. Isn't he afraid of catching STDs?? He is a billionaire's son and so what??
  • prisca chiwendu picture
    prisca chiwendu
    I can't also help but wonder what she told him. the slap in my opinion is mild sef. what nonsense
  • Racheal Rakel Namz picture
    Racheal Rakel Namz
    She called him BASTARD,guess am right
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @loveth why the hmmmmm lolz
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @cute dreamer lolzzz?,, abi oooo...
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @prisca lolzzz
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Thanks @racheal ....Sure she did ooo
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Amina,I wanted to even ask u wat she whispered to Lucas...and why did d security men do dat to Silvia(chased her and threw her out).....Jamie is "like mother like son(kungfu god)
  • Betty Orah picture
    Betty Orah
    is OK! carry go.
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Pls tell us what she whispered oh, abi only you know it
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    That slap remain one very silly brat billionaire son my foot at that age OMG yeye shild in Jenifa's voice
  • Folashade Akamo picture
    Folashade Akamo
    Ask me,i would say he act's like A, BASTARD in capital letters
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    She said, I hate you
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Hi @confy-dence ,,,do u remember the Lady who was making announcement ,,, The instruction she passed out was "I knew most of you ladies are here to see Lucas ,,, so please remain seated, until he comes out,,, We are matured ladies here okay ,,so anyone who go against that rule would be thrown out" But Silvia wasn't patient enough to hear ,,,, so without thinking she ran exactly to the direction Lucas was being presented ... It looks as if she was running directly to his arms the security men had to stop her .... What she whispered was .... Piece of wasted shit ,,you are so ugly than a monkey.... It got him by surprise ,,, no one as ever said that to him
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Lucas was fast to read the last word .....monkey .... His face got heated ,,,,he nearly fainted... How can anyone relate him to a monkey .. A girl of people ...
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Lolzzzz the small boy na yeye boy.... No mind him ,, he just wanted to practice what he normally see his mummy do
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @betty ....thanks ..
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @benedicta ....lolz ...
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Adeoti ....thumbs @you lolzzzz
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @folashade ,,, lolzzz ....the guy matter tire me self ....
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @folashade ,,,you almost guessed right ...she called him a monkey ... It was like the whole world wanna blow when he read her lips ... Imagine someone who is to used to having women bows at his feet
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    SO GUYS .....TOLD YOU THIS STORY IS STRICTLY ROMANCE .... NO SUSPENSE ................................... JUST LOVE , ROMANCE, COMEDY AND REGRETS ,ALL THROUGH AND HOPE I WONT OFFEND THOSE WHO HATE MATURED CONTENT... CAUSE THERE'S STILL MORE TO COME IN THE NOVEL .... .................................. NO SEE AMINA AS A BAD GURL OOOO...............................LOLZZZ THOSE ARE JUST PART OF WRITERS INSTINCTS ............................... ITS NORMAL............................... HOPE YOU READ FURTHER AND ENJOY .... THANKS .....LOTS OF LOVE ........................................................................................ SO AFTER THE END OF BEYOND CAPTIVATING ...................................
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    So Lucas is Nate's accomplice,his mum is right he's a real bastard,a sex predator actually....
  • Toromade David picture
    Toromade David
    He definitely must be a bastard... Well done amina
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    nice one,that slap is just too small,pls i want to know what she had whispered to that ill mannered lucas.pls countinue.
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Thanks for the comments guys ....lolzzz
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    @Amina ,yeah..dats true ,,I was surprised wen d security men were chasing her... thanks
  • Kenny_D picture
    I was even wandering why she could be thrown out like that... Now i understand.... But wait oo lucas sperm go finish oo if he continues like this... lol
  • Uthman Danfodio picture
    Uthman Danfodio
    He deserve the slap and he's indeed a bastard
  • Lo is picture
    Lo is
    Slap..... Not bad
  • Abel Mbam picture
    Abel Mbam
    Good for him shaa
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