Beyond captivating - Episode 66

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A bright wedge of moon beamed silvery light down in heaven with Matilda stare focused on it 

She took a deep drag on her cigarette and exhaled a steam of exhaust ,, she saw no sign of Lucas or Mrs Tyson coming home, just Mr Tyson who had came two hours earlier, 

she didn't want to think about it anymore...
Not a single thing pertaining to Silvia,, Lucas or the Tyson's family ..
Her eyes was clouded with tears ...she didn't wanna think about anything just now ..
The sight of Silvia and Lucas both at the party had got her feet stuck on the entrance , eyes wide with lips parted,... she couldn't bare it, she couldn't bare the humiliation ...firstly Lucas announced that horror of a woman as the woman he loves, and secondly , there they were.
...... . at the party smiling to themselves all ready to make a fool out of her ..

She had ran back to her car, pity she got to jam with the flocks of reporters  who had raced after her like flies ..asking her why she wanted to snatch Lucas Tyson away from the woman he loves ...

"Miss matilda, another news today got us so shocked, Lucas Tyson announced to the world the woman he was truly was in love with what can you say about that???"

"Why try snatching Lucas away from the woman he truly loves??

" speak up miss hicks"

She remembered how she had scolded the reporters, how her body guards had pushed them aside and how she had flew into her car with tears all on her face
The Tyson had brought her here only to make a fool out of herself inflict  disgrace upon her all in the name of what...Marriage

All she wanted now was a little time to wind down ,,she took another long pull and it felt as though she just tasted horror... The woman was not even as half as beautiful as she was....

"I hate you Lucas "

  she angrily dropped the cigarette butt on the grass and crushed it with the ties of her heels then stared up at the moon...
Even if she ends up going back to Australia ...she was gonna teach them both the hell type of person she was,

"I'm maltida hicks no one dare toy with my emotions, no one"

She pushed herself to her feet and shuffled back into the house

"I thought you would be in bed by now Matilda" Mr Tyson was pouring himself a night cap from a bottle of brandy when Matilda emerges from the door ...

She stare up at Mr Tyson , pressed her lips together and tamped down the urge to scream at his face, she didn't wanna fight,  not now not ever , she just couldn't wait for morning to come in full ...she needs to get the hell outta here and back to Australia.
She didn't want his sympathy or his contribution, she didn't want him assuring her in anyway about Lucas ...
She saw it vividly that Lucas didn't love her and she wasn't the type of a woman who would force herself on a man, She was too beautiful to and as much as her body might have wanted to be with Lucas Tyson she didn't think her heart could stand been make jest of....

"Come here my dear, let's talk" Mr Tyson said

She lowered her head to the drink mr Tyson had offered her, she hesitated for a moment then decided to take it while Mr tyson lead them both to the front couch...

They both sat in silence for a moment but was broken when he spoke ...

"My wife left me Matilda, and I do not know whether she would be coming back or not"

Mr Tyson grit his teeth against the pain in his heart the idea that his wife was far away in more ways than just distance made his heart ache..he had stayed awake thinking she would come in ,,hoping they were gonna have the chance to sit and talk ...but it was useless she wasn't coming back ...

"What happened" Matilda asked sipping on her drink to calm the breath that suddenly got frozen in her lungs ..

Mr Tyson got to his feet and launched himself to a farther direction then turn back to Matilda who was curiously staring at him...

"Because she found out a truth I was hoping I could keep away from her forever but guess I was wrong ..., she found out I had a now twenty nine years old son  she couldn't bare the fact that the son came from non but a friend of hers so she left .."

" I'm so sorry" matilda stare down at her drink

"You do not have to be ,,I knew you are distressed about the announcement lucas made ,about Silvia, you do not have to worry about that, I made a promise to your father Matilda, please you just have to give us some little time, Lucas is gonna come around "

Mr Tyson sat and reached up to touched her cheeks but Matilda shook her head in tears ...

"When" she asked 

Mr tyson opened his mouth and closed it like a fish gasping for hair, he couldn't reply her, not because he didn't want to, but he just doesn't have an answer to that, he knew inside himself Lucas was never gonna agree to the whole marriage stuff not when Silvia has his child with her, that was the plan before his wife left,  they were gonna tell him

"Why did you arrange us both when you guys knew Lucas was in love with her, what you said was he never had anyone" Matilda ached her brow 

"It wasn't our intention, we were only trying to fix Lucas ways of life we never knew he was gonna fall for her in the process,"

Matilda shook her head and cleared the tears on her face

"We both know Lucas is never gonna come around because he doesn't love me that's it, I need to go back to Australia, my staying back here is of no use"

"Matilda listen" 

Just that she raced back inside....Mr tyson could only watch her go and once more he felt some part of his world shifted again and not liking it one bit ...
He find it so hard to understand young women anyways ...but all he cared about now was  
...this damn mess he'd created with his wife most especially, it didn't matter how his brain tried to discount everything now but in the light of day he should always get it to his skull that he fucked up, he disappointed every one 

Every time he remembered his wife beautiful face, he heard that voice, heard the malevolence in it, felt it touch him like a cold bony finger ...
He sighed now as he thought of the slap he received, it was the first time his wife ever slapped him, oh God if only he could rewind time ..he knew he had hurt her so bad and all he needed now was non but her forgiveness...

"Where are you Beatrice" he said softly this time 

"Am never gonna be myself without you...

Read " Cold But Charming " by the same author ( Op. Amina )

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. don't you know that"



After dinner Mrs Tyson  pushed herself on her feet and shuffled into the kitchen smiling softly at the sight of her daughters husband whose lips would never stop eating at her daughter's along with a soft caresses on her belly ..., she had arrived to France three hours back to the welcoming arms of her daughter and husband ...
She had been happy.... the fact that she had seen her daughter so different and heavily pregnant was enough for her ,,she had always lived with the guilt that she mislead Sarah , but the view of things made her realise her prayer on them both was a jem, 
They were both now in love and happy together

"Why didn't you tell me about your pregnancy darling" she had asked Sarah who only laughed with her mother's hand locked on hers ...
 they had both engaged in a conversation while Sebastian had offered to prepare dinner, 

"I wanted to give you guys a surprise mum, Sebastian and I was planning  on visiting you guys in Capetown next month anyways, thought I would be the first to give you a grand child but that rascal had" she laughed ...

"Oh yes, that rascal is really a C.E.O now sarah, you wouldn't recognise your brother am telling you "

"I can't wait mum, Its been so long I've spoken to him ,, he barely even come online,"

"That's Lucas for you dear, big boy  doesn't chat" they had both laughed   

"Mum you know its just so hard to believe all the stories you just told me ,, dad is really very secretive we all know him for that ,, but still you've gat to forgive him mum ,, you both are old now, you at fifty three and him already walking up to sixty , you guys are already with a grandchild and expecting another" Mrs tyson had smile at sarah as they both feast  further on their conversation and some gossips that needed to be told ...

"Oh mum, I missed you so much" Sarah had laughed as mum and daughter both pull each other into a loving hug

 Sarah was a very beautiful woman who looks a lot like her mum when she was younger,,already at thirty but her looks and curvy shape makes her look more like a twenty five year old, the mere dimples on her two soft cheeks could make the strong go weak , although She had gotten married to Sebastian without loving him one bit, but as time passes, the man had been nothing but a patient lamp...all willing  and loving, he had prove to her there is nothing in the world that could be much sweeter than love, 
And the first time they had both made love after almost a year after marriage proves that, she realised what man on earth could have really waited for her..despite her cruel ways towards him he was able to still love her endlessly ...the time she started to realise her feelings was the time she got so sick, the weeks she used in bed made Sarah realised how lucky she truly was ...Sebastian stopped work,, ended all his daily activities just to be with her,  despite in sick bed she would scold him, gave him different kinda names, accused him of always making mistakes, call him a good for nothing ,, but he never mind, one thing Sebastian would never do was argued back when Sarah starts her nags...yet he would always be the one she saw before she sleeps and always the one she wakes up to see....what more could a woman want, he was a very a handsome man, tall, rich, caring, classy , hardworking and special ...
What else was she looking for,, the day she had kissed Sebastian,, he had been shocked to the throat ,,heart pounding as if it was on fire.... he never expected it , was this Sarah, he had argued inside himself, but when she had came at him again and kissed his neck and slowly down to his broad chest he knew he got her...
He knew he got her finally as she slowly stripped his shirt off him ,,that was the first time they made love which had completely gave Sarah the prove of how madly she was in love with him...
 and since then they've been the most happiest love birds ever, anyone who tried staring at Sarah's man for no goddamn reason got an hearing to face ...
That's just what love is all about...

A jumble of emotions left over the confrontations mrs tyson had with her husband knotted her in the chest   as she stare out to the full moon through the kitchen window.  She cleared the tears on her face, she has never felt so unsettled before, it was as if earth was shifting beneath her, 

She wasn't Greg Tyson's wife anymore ,,but no matter how she had viewed things  she legally was, she stare down at her ring and remembered the beautiful times they both had spent together ..

"Oh Gregory" she whispered 

She stare back at her daughter who was busy laughing and Gisting with her husband, not wanting to disturb them she took the back side and walked slowly into the room Sarah's husband had prepared for her earlier...she walked around the room and finally looked at herself in the mirror ..she felt raw and weak, she really wanted to torture her husband but she couldn't,  they were both old adults

 Sarah was right, she didn't need this anymore, those times she would have thought of leaving her husband were past, now they were both grand father and mother ..
Nigel was a big man and so also Lucas who was already a father and her daughter who was gonna be a mother soon .
She had better go back soon, so they could grand father and mother their children kids together guess a son is added to her children, she got no choice than to accept Nigel and let the past be ...just a week and some days to the following month and they would all be back to Capetown..


The maids came around to announce Lucas tyson sudden arrival to Matilda, she smirked and smile back before the mirror as she ran her comb through her hair, with in her she knew she wasn't gonna let go of Lucas that easily without teaching him a lesson ..the fact that he came alone was enough for her to make her plans work ..
She gotta show them both the type of a person she was before she left for Australia..
Her bags was been carried outside already just this plan, and she was sure it would be over between the two ...

She slide into her hills and made her way upstairs, her feet made no sound on the stairs or on the tiled floor when she landed ... As she got to Lucas entrance she swallowed  ,she hope the maid she planted on Lucas balcony was all ready to carry out the plan 

Thank goodness his bedroom door was open but the room seems deserted .. For a moment she seems disappointed but when he came out of the bath room bare chested with just his boxers on and drying his hair with his phone clung to his ear
 Matilda bit her lips and smile, perfect opportunity ... . .lucas was trying to pick out of the two shirts he dropped on the bed but stopped shut when he saw her 

His expression didn't change as much as a blink as he continue talking through his phone ... 

"What is it Matilda.." Lucas demanded the moment he dropped his phone 
His brows were lifted in a kind of resignation as he stare at her and back to his shirt 

Just that Matilda took the opportunity, she signalled at the maid who brought out a small camera from the corner, still standing on tip toe despite her high heels Matilda slide her hand around Lucas Tyson neck , draw his head down and hurriedly gave him a tongue lashing kisses ..

"What!!! Mmmmm" that was a struggle

Lucas was trying to project what just happened but Matilda took the opportunity and sank dipper into Lucas parted lips .... Before he could think of pulling away, several pictures has been taken ...

"What the hell is the meaning of this Matilda" Lucas pushed her away almost aggressively with a frown 

And there matilda sat quietly on his bed and began crying ...

"Am going lucas, am going back to Australia just wanted to have something about you to hold on to, please kiss me again...I know its over between us and I would never see you again"

At that lucas stare at her, please kiss me again that word rang through his brain,, was she crazy or what , he thought of sending her face flat out of his room ....but when he thought about it again he see nothing wrong in giving her the kiss she wanted ,, at least she was leaving ..... that alone was enough, if it's a kiss she wants, she should have it and leave 

He drew her hand and lifted her up, 

"Thank you for understanding I loved someone else Matilda,"

Matilda nodded a fake nod and cleared the tears on her face slowly Lucas bent to place a kiss on her cheek ...but Matilda drew his head closer gently and kissed him but this time Lucas didn't try to pull away ....and on the other side, pictures were being taken ...

 she didn't make it lasted for long though so it would look friendly at least ...kai what a brainy matilda..

"Good bye lucas" she walked slowly towards the door and turn back to lucas who smile at her softly ...

"Wait for me downstairs I'll see you off"

She nodded and closed the door behind her .... 


Mrs Fred word was right ooo ,, kai this gal don cause another wahala for lucas ...

How will Silvia take this one now??

Am sorry about yesterday guys, the NEPA in my area got my whole plan busted, my phone wasn't charged, yesterday was really something else ... I had to go charge my phone in a neighborhood domain,  something have never done before ...but you guys were all over my head .... I was not settled ...

You guys are getting one episode now because I only write with my phone direct and not inside a book ...

I pray NEPA bring the light so I could start writing another at least...

Beyond captivating is almost done, 

Don't forget to like rate and comments, 

Thanks lots of love, 


Dedicated to my able fans who keep coming to drop their comments despite my absence you all are blessed ...

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  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    the studip maltida girl pls get her off this story joor she is so annoying
  • Akos Geyevu picture
    Akos Geyevu
    I pray Lucas get hold of the maids and retrieve those pictures before that devil call Matilda use it to blackmail him
  • temilade picture
    Please just give us more episodes. Another bomb blast for Silvia and Lucas
  • Morenikeji Opeyemi picture
    Morenikeji Opeyemi
    Pls get Matilda out of d story, she is really annoying
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    Seriously Matilda is annoying
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Hmmmm from one problem to another
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    I hate dis Matilda eeh.... Very annoying somebody
    Nawa for this desperate Matilda, Silvia woman up and claim what_ yours
    Please which year will we be expecting the remaining once, cos this is the type of Novel to read half
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    @prisca, I trust Amina, she will complete it. She is just busy during the weekdays, only free to write on weekend.
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Mehn I just loathe that woman....and that cruel maid!
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    Nothing like good bye kiss. Lucas shouldn't have done that
    @Eunice Ache, 100% correct
  • Uwem Udoh picture
    Uwem Udoh
    OMG! what kind of problem is this now...Lucas ooo, you should have known that this Matilda girl is up to no good...thanks Amina
  • Chibuzor Ugbagu Eyisi picture
    Chibuzor Ugbagu Eyisi
    Wahala dey ooo, thumbs up!
  • Lawal Balikiss picture
    Lawal Balikiss
    Please continue
  • Happy Godfirst picture
    Happy Godfirst
    Wao,I have been a silent reader, this has been my first comment my dear writer you're too much am eager I can't wait to finish this story as for maltida I dislike her a lot she is so desperate, carry go more Ink to your pen
    @Happiness gboko 4 you
  • Dammyzee picture
    @op Amina please come continue na abeg
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    More episodes Amina in fact this story is amazing it should be on tv
    @Amina abeg, please, ejoo,mbok, send us the remaining episodes. Please.
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Nawaoo... Am tired of checking... I have even forgotten what I read last, Amina, where are u now? Come over to my house, let me help u with d typing, I can type very fast
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    Please when are new episodes coming??
  • Lo is picture
    Lo is
    Oooh...wen I thought no more walahi
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