Binded by friendship - Episode 21

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Eve's POV
Joy Kendi, Sophie Marcias and I were seated impatiently, sipping our drinks gracefully waiting for The Latelos band to step on stage and soothe our souls with their music.

The Latelos were performing at Minnie Raine tonight and only a dumb person with a membership in this place would dare miss.

These guys are rarely in the country and when they are,everyone wants a piece of them.

Minnie Raine is a high end bar owned by the famous Nicholas Kame soon to be Ex-husband.

He named this place after me and for that I will forever be grateful. 

This place is  'The celebrities hideout'. I know you are asking yourselves why???

One has to have a membership card to get into this place and the membership card is not just given to anyone . And that's not all my people, you got to sign a non disclosure agreement. Whatever happens in Vegas,stays in Vegas..

In Minnie Raine it's where celebrities get to be themselves away from the limelight. They are no cameras, everyone is just minding their business and wants to have fun...

If you don't feel like dancing and drinking to you heart's content, there is a casino on the second floor. If that is still not your thing you can go have personal fun in the VIP 'blackout room' suites  as long as you don't hurt the escort...

"What's taking them so long???" Sophie whined.

"Be patient Marcias, they will be here soon..." Kendi assured her.

"So Sophie, how is Mason doing????" 

"Finally!!!! Kendi my three thousand shillings..." Sophie outstretched her hand to Kendi...

"Damn you Ivie!!" Kendi cussed out...

"What did I do????"

"I gave you more credit than you deserve

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I thought you wouldn't ask about Mason and now because of you I have lost the bet...." Kendi cried out...

"I didn't know you....Wait, did you get bet on me?????"

"Yeah,"Sophie shrugged," You two are like Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. You love each other but you prefer being miserable."

"I am a married woman!!!!" Those words were like a screeching sound to my ears...

"Blah!!!Blah!!!blah!!!" Sophie rolled her eyes...

"Not hating Sophie, but which girl wouldn't want to have a piece of  Nicholas Kame???He is handsome, hardworking,kind and he doesn't have a tail of drama..." Kendi pointed out...

"Don't be so sure he is a saint. Ivie is the one who sleeps beside him every night and if he was all that, she wouldn't have kissed my brother..."

"Sophie I was drunk and mad. That kiss shouldn't have happened..."

"Speak of the devil!!!!" Kendi said in a low s*xy voice...

I averted my attention from Sophie to Nick who looked handsome as usual.

He had on a pair of blue jeans, a black Tshirt, a black leather jacket and the look was completed with a pair of  gorgeous black loafers... I bet this man would still look hot in rags...

 Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him. Maybe because of who he was or he just had that kind of presence.

He flashed me a small smile that didn't even reach his lips and walked where his best friends were..

"Why are you leaving that???" Kendi asked, her eyes still on Nick.
"I would chose that over Mason each day..."She added.

"Why do I have a feeling you are hating on my brother???Is it because you and Jordan never worked out????" Sophie thundered.

"In case you have forgotten sister, I dumbed him.."

"Does anyone want a refill???I do...." I changed the topic to ease the tension...

"Yes please..."
"Me too..."

"Okay!!!!" I pressed the button in the table and the waitress came running.
"What can I get you Mrs Kame???"

"Three glasses of Tequila Sunrise please...."

"Right away!!!!"

"I didn't mean harm Sophie,"Kendi continued when the waitress left,"Mason is beautiful but Nicholas Kame is manly...That guy who can get his hands dirty in many ways...."

I smacked her arm,"Joy Kendi I command you to get those dirty thoughts off your mind...." 

"Are you getting jealous????"

"He is still my husband and you having sex with him in your head is sickening!!!!"

"Do you ever spank that perfect ass during sex Ivie???"

Before I could slap sanity back to her, the waiter walked to us with our drinks...

"Here you go Mrs Kame...." She placed them on the table...

"Thank you!!!!" I beamed..

"So tell me????" Kendi whispered in a low voice.
"I am not talking about my sex life with you...." I said between clenched teeth...

"Such a party pooper...."

I looked at Nick's direction and smiled remembering the times I have spanked that ass.

How can  a guy be this perfect as if he selfishly carved himself...

He shifted his attention from his friends and looked at me. I tried to look away but couldn't...

My soon to be ex husband was a perfect art that I was fascinated with..

After few seconds of staring contest, he sent me his signature wink and looked away... Damn!!!It felt like a tornado would erupt inside me...

"Just go to him!!!!" Kendi smiled mischievously...

"Don't get ideas in my head...." I pretended to be mad but deep down I was considering that.

He also had fun with me in his office why can't I do the same???We are not yet divorced. We can live separately but I am allowed to have some fun...

"Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you all have been waiting for!! The Latelos are in the house...." 

The bar was filled with screams as the band made their way to the stage..The stage was filled with million colours that shot out of a mysterious ball. Shining like a piece of crystal and glowed like a star on a clear night...

"Are you ready to have fun Nairobi????" Leon, the lead singer asked and the whole bar was filled with 'yes'

Thanks heavens the bar was sound proof or the whole street would have known 'The Latelos' were in the house..

I was prepping myself for the amazing time to come when my phone pinged with a message.

My Love
You seem happy to see me for a woman who just dumped me.

Am I not allowed undress you in my head and think of a million things I could do to you????

I looked at Nick whose jaw was somewhere on the floor...

I heard my phone ping with a message again but chose to ignore it...

We are doing this at my own pace Nick!!!

"Ivie I see you, looking beautiful as usual..." Cani said sweetly,pulling me from my naughty thoughts..

I was caught off guard that I didn't know what to do and so I just blew a kiss to him.

Cani was sort of my crush in University. The guy you liked but thought didn't like you only to come and find out later that he did like you too but he was afraid you would reject him...

"Let the party begin...." And the drums began rolling...

I can't remember when I stood up and began dancing according to the beat of music, singing along with them..

My adrenaline was at a high point...

"I am in loveeeee.... with girl from downtown. She thinks she is so messed up. But I am messed up too. All I want to do kiss her ...and tell her how much she means to me....I am....." I sang in delight, the music sending chills down my spine....

"Are you having fun guys?????"Cani asked and the whole bar was filled with screams...

"This last song is about a guy who was in love with a girl for four years but never told her because he was afraid he would be rejected.

Read " Attitude meets Arrogance " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. And when he did it was already too late..." As Cani said those words, his eyes were on me and I could see they were filled with regret.

"If you love her,just tell her. She might be feeling the same and if not at least she knows what you feel."

"For years, I admir...Ed you from afar. Thinking you would never chose me. I  .....was so scared, that I chose misery than guts to ask you out.."

"Little did I know felt the same..Little did I know that prayed everyday I would ask you out...Little did I know that I was hurting you by acting like I didn't care...Sorry darling I was hurting myself too...."

Every time I listen to them performing this song, I feel sad that Cani is so hard on himself...

After they finished performing, they left the stage and Cani walked straight to me..
"Hey Ivie...." He hugged me tightly and pressed a kiss on my forehead.

"I have missed you..." He added.

"Me too Cani...How was the tour????"  I pulled back...

"I am just glad I am back home. So when am I taking you out for coffee???"

"When do you want us to have coffee???"

"Even right now..." He took my hand and brought it to his lips.


"Do you always flirt with everyone's wife???" Nicholas raged, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

Things just got awkward!!!!!

"Only those that are beautiful...

"This one is a no-go zone if you don't want to lose your teeth...." Nicolas grated icily...

"I didn't mean harm Nicholas, just saying hello to an old friend...." There was a ton of sarcasm in Cani's voice...

"That's good to hear...." 

"See you around Ivie, I will call you tomorrow for that coffee date you owe me...."

"I will be waiting...." I forced a smile pulling my hand away awkwardly...

"Nicholas Kame what was....."
"We need to talk now....." He grabbed my hand walking me to the bank of  elevators not caring about the people that were staring...

"I hate the way you are always flirting with everyone????" He pinned me on the elevator wall,gripping my shoulders in his huge hands the moment the doors slid close.

"He was the one who came to him..."

"But you entertained him Eve....." 

"Was I supposed to push him away????"I asked flatly...

"I just don't understand you. Do you want me or not????" He closed his eyes and when he opened them, he actually looked Pained..

"Just because we are separated, doesn't mean we can't have fun..."

"I don't want that...." He sighed.

"But I don't make you happy...." 

"Stop saying that Eve!!!How can you not make me happy and a day without you feels like a lifetime????"

"What do you see in me???What makes a girl with mental issues special???"

I didn't understand what was special with me that every time I kept pushing him away,he always came back..

"Are you really asking me that???Mason Marcias didn't hesitate to kiss you when he had a chance..That Cain guy if he had a chance he would marry you right away. You have that effect on men Eve...."

I leaned close and pressed my lips on him because they may want me but I only want him..It was just yesterday that we kissed in his office but it felt like forever...
"What about your speech last night???." I pulled back..

"Just shut up!!!" He covered my mouth again and kissed me hungrily..

Nicholas was kissing me as if he was making up for the lost time...

He began c*ressing my body when the elevators doors slid open..
"Nicholas, the elevator.."

"Who cares!!!!" He lifted me up and  I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss..

We walked out of the elevator and into his office... The journey from the door to the sofa was scary and the same time fun. We knocked on almost everything that was on our way but Nick never broke the kiss.
And I also knew better than break it..I loved it...

After carefully placing me on the sofa, he made sure that his hands and lips left me with only one song on my lips...His name before truly making love to me..

"I miss this Eve!!!" He held me close to his chest as we laid there...

"Things aren't as they used to be Nicholas...."

"But we don't have to get divorced.I love you and from the way you were mo*ning my name, I am dead sure you love me too..."

He was right I loved him but I wasn't making him happy...I want him to be with a woman who will give him children and fulfill his dream of having a family...

"Love isn't enough...What happens when in future you regret not settling with a woman who will fulfill your dream of having a family???"

"Again with that Eve!!!Why do you always assume you know what's best for me???"

"I need to go before you kick me out of your office again...." I tried to get up but he wouldn't  let me..

"I said I am sorry...I was just still mad about the Mason issue. It's not that am still not mad but that was a stupid move. I enjoyed every tiny bit of moment yesterday and I was happy you were there with me Eve..."

"I need to leave Nicholas...I just had one wish tonight and it's already fulfilled, to grab your naked ass..."

"Come back home Eve????"

"I am not sure I want to..."


"Don't force it Nicholas...."

"So what are we now???Friends with benefits...."He spoke through his teeth with a forced restraint...

"What's wrong about that???You are literally a s*x god and I am sure no guy will ever make me feel what you make me feel...." I stood from the leather sofa and began putting on my clothes.

"Thanks for stroking my ego but I don't want that..."

"You have to deal with it...." I bent down to kiss him goodbye only for him to crash me against  his chest and unzip my dress...

"Who said I am done with you for the night????"

What does Eve really want???

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  • Zoey Whyte picture
    Zoey Whyte
    Eve doesn't know what she wants...please she should not divorce Nick
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    How I wish I know what Eve wants
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Eunice I am also trying to figure him out
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @zoey I hope she figures herself out
  • Shiru picture
    Am wondering what she wants too
  • Dolapo Oloyede picture
    Dolapo Oloyede
    Eve , you better go back to Nick , he is your medicine Well done Fideh
  • philzzz vicky picture
    philzzz vicky
    She knows what want...just that she loves Nick endlessly..but you can't blame a woman in love...pls I don't want them to break up ooo mbok,plix,Biko,ejoor
  • Graciela picture
    Eves confusion is confusing me too
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Shiru mental issues are no joke
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Dolapo thanks dear
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Philzzz every couple goes through trials...
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Graciela all will make sense soon
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    That's a million dollar question @Fideh
  • philzzz vicky picture
    philzzz vicky
    @ fideh...I know that's why am saying no matter what they should sort out themselves plix
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Philzzz Eve is so complicated, I wouldn't even date her if I were a man
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Pamela I know right
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