Black Widow - Episode 13

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“Where are we going Fabian?” Shelby asked as he started the car.

He smiled. “Well, I’m about to kidnap you.” He teased.

“I’m not a fan of kidnapping Fabian and...” She realized he was smiling. “Why are you smiling?”

Fabian chuckled. “You are smiling and you are asking me why I’m smiling, why are you smiling?”

She shook her head . This was unbelievable. “Wait, your lady is not around is she?”

Fabian grinned while making a sharp turn. “Why would you ask me that?”

“Because, you are becoming the Fabian that I used to know and I don’t know why you have been acting so differently eversince I got back...”

“Yea, I know. I was just dealing with some things, that’s why , and I am here to make it right.”

“Is she around or not Fabian?” She teased further...

‘Okay,okay, she is not.”

“ I knew it.”

He laughed. “I just had to get rid of her so I could bring you here..”

“Where?” Shelby gasped as she realized where they had come. It was the field they had had their first picnic with Nana

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. “Oh my God!”  She smiled excitedly. “You remember this place?”

“Yea, I never forgot.” He said in a smoky voice and pulled the car to a halt.

She climbed out first to breathe in the fresh air that brought her so many beautiful memories of the past.  There were playground gadgets everywhere likes swings and the merry-go-rounds. Ever since she got back , she had never tried visiting this place and being here, made her feel exactly the way she had felt those years back.

Fabian came around with two baskets and brought out a blanket which he spread on the grass and they sat on it.

For a while, she was quiet as she recognized the veil. “Isn’t that Nana’s veil?”

“Yea, glad you recognized it.”

Shelby smiled. “Who are you Fabian? One minute you are behaving like you don’t give a shit, the next time you are coming up with emotional stuffs...what is the matter with you? Is there something I missed?”

As a reply, Fabian dipped a hand into one of the baskets and handed her a plate of cookie. “Stop thinking about these things Shelby, go ahead, have a cookie, you will love it.”

Shelby took a deep breath and opened the pan, took a cookie and put in her mouth . True, she loved it but still...

“Fabian, what is happening? I need answers. Everything has changed since I got back and a cookie will not give me the answers...”

‘Sh! We will have time for that. Right now, let’s just enjoy this moment okay. Right now, don’t think about anything, just postpone them and be rest assured that I will give you all the answers you need.”

Shelby calmed down. “Sure?”


The next minute , they were both quiet.

“Do you remember this?” He asked. Shelby gasped and laughed so hard as she saw the stupid pipe she had used as a ring.

“Oh my God Fabian, I’m so going to kill you for keeping that...Give it to me Fabian...”

“Nope.” He stood up, contorted his face somehow, and holding his finger out, he said in a sing-song voice. “You are so dumb sometimes, Fabian! Come on, put it on my finger, Nana will be the priestess...”

Shelby screamed with laughter as she remembered she had said the exact thing those years ago. Quickly , she stood up and began to chase him all over the field. “I’m gonna kill you Fabian, I swear, that is so embarrassing, you just wait for me...”

Finally they both fell to the ground while she climbed on top of him to tickle him into releasing the pipe as they had always done as kids. She was already on top of him chest to chest and face to face with her hands wrapped around his when she paused.

Fabian felt both their hearts beating in sync as she lay on top of him and they just kept staring at each other. She smelt so good and he just wanted to bury his head in her hair , This was the only moment they have been this close and for the first time, he was aware of her feminity. He felt weak under whatever femine spell his body was responding to. Her finger was around his palm as he held the pipe inbetween his fingers tightly. He felt so paralysed under their close proximity that his palm opened by themselves ..he thought he felt her bend her head closer to his....even if she was never going to his, it would be fair to kiss her right...instead she rolled off of him , taking the pipe with her and rolled to his side and finally stood up.

He groaned as she stood up, laughing and waving the pipe at his face while walking back to where they had set their picnic.

“For a moment, I thought you were going to kiss me?” He confessed.

“Aww, you are too easy. Besides, you have a girlfriend so...kiss yourself.”

 He groaned. What a killjoy!

*** **** ***

It was already evening and they were now on sitting on the swings. They had spent all the day talking about important and non-important things and now, he knew his time was fast approaching but he was still enjoying himself with her. He didn’t want to spoil things yet.

“How did you meet Laura?” She demanded. They were talking about so many things and now she felt she could finally ask.

Fabian chuckled. “How many questions do you have for me Shel?”

“A whole pack of questionnaire but let’s start with that.”

“Okay, I met her at work.” He replied.

“Okay, so you asked her out or she did?”

Fabian scoffed. “Well, is that really necessary?’

‘Yes Fabian, it is, now answer, you know you owe me all that.”

“Okay, yea, she asked me out.” He replied.

“I knew it. SO you said a ‘yes’ because of what exactly? Because you were afraid if you had said no, she might have stabbed you in the heart?”

Fabian shook his head. “No, I actually liked her, that was why I said Yes.”

“Please, what could you have possibly liked about her, she is intimidating, mean and selfish. Always intruding anytime I’m talking with you and everything. It’s like she is afraid you might fall in love with me or something....”

“Well, she knows I care about you and she knows we have a history together.”

That must have touched her because she smiled, without looking at him and asked. “You do?”

‘Yes, like you don’t know that I care about you Shel?”

She smiled more. ‘Well I don’t know. Maybe if you could say it one more time, I might believe you,” She teased.

Fabian grinned and shifted on his swing, looking directly at her. ‘Well, Shelby, I care so much about you. Do you believe me now?”

She shook her head and laughed. “I will have to think about if I believe you or not.”

Angrily, Fabian pulled her, making her swing so high back and forth before finally coming to a stop.

“Why did you come back here Shelby?” He finally asked.

“Well, you know the reason to that as well. “ She replied.

“I don’t know, maybe you can tell me.”

She rolled her eyes. “Seriously, you are trying to do your own back? You are so predictable.”

He laughed. ‘But I’m not, I just want to know. Why? You don’t want to tell me because you are afraid of  my girlfriend?” He said on purpose.

Tina stared at him with a ‘how-dare-you-look.’ “I am not afraid of your girlfriend, infact, I think you are more afraid of her.”

“Now you are trying to change the topic.”

“I came back here because..well, maybe I thought....” She paused.

“Spill it, I won’t bite you.”

She ignored him totally. “I missed my dad and I sortta missed you too. That’s it. We were best friends and your calls just stopped coming in for many years. Each time I asked dad to talk to you, he said you were not around, where were you?”

Fabian was surprised. He never knew she actually kept asking after him even when her dad had told him she had forgotten about him.

“I ..never got your message ...” He lied but stopped. He got everyone of them, he just never replied.

“I left a message each time Fabian, you never returned them and I stopped. I thought you forgot me...”

“I never forgot you Shelby, how could I? To me, you are everything, you are my sister, my bestfriend my....” His voice trailed off....he shouldn’t make things more difficult. “You are my only family, you are unforgettable.”

“So why did you ask me to go study at all those far away countries when  I could have stayed here and be all these things to you Fabian...We promised to always be together. When I finished college at UK, I came back home. I saw you only one time throught out my stay and you only came to tell me not to study in the country , where were you all those times, why did you leave all of a sudden again and I didn’t see you again until I left for my Uni at Paris, you left so many holes Fabian, why ? Where were you so far away even whileI was right here? Nana died during my first year in Paris and you didn’t even call me to tell you, now you are saying I am everything to you? Even if you were seeing Laura then, you could have told me something.”

Her tone was getting serious and emotional...

Fabian looked away. She was right but all those times, he had been far away because he was still training to become the killer that he became. He saw each of her missed calls on his phone but then he was trying to push her away and was surprised when he got a message that she was around, shortly he had escaped to see her. He had only told her one thing, not to spend her Uni in the country but in a far away place and he went back immediately. He was later punished a year later, for escaping the training ground and the punishment was his Red code.

“It wasn’t because of Laura, Shelby, I was away because...because I wanted to protect you.”

“What does that even mean Fabian. Please I just need the truth, with the death of Nana and why you ran away and where you went to.

Read " When A Man Wants " by the same author ( Tobi Loba )

. Please.”

Fabian stood up while checking the time on his wristwatch, he clicked the button by the sides to signal to Michael  where he was, he would get the beep sound on his phone.

“Why would you need to protect me Fabian, why?”

Shutting his eyes, he knew he couldn’t escape this. “Because..because I care about you and because I love you so much and I had to keep you away from this place.”

He sensed how surprised she was with the way she gasped and was quiet.

“Fabian, you love me?” She asked again but he was quiet.

“Fabian...’ She called him again, now moving towards him. “I promise I will not judge you. Were you smoking or did you do something terrible? I will forgive you, I promise. I just need the Fabian that I knew back, the one I shared my childhood and my first kiss with....I know you love me, we have both loved each other since we were kids but I need to know what is happening, you are acting so weird and even though I appreciate you telling me first that you love me, still it feel so wrong as if you are keeping things. Please Fabian, make this right if you truly love me.”

Fabian shut his eyes as he opened his mouth to talk, his heart was beating so fast and then , he shut them again. He couldn’t do this. How could he tell her everything just at once? How could he just break all her heart at once?

“I want us back Fabian, I want to take that job that father offered, atleast we can be together and spend time together and....”

Slowly , he turned around towards her and moved so close that they were just inches apart.

“ I am not the Fabian that you used to know...he is long gone, this Fabian is a terrible person and you need to leave this country tonight. I have arranged for your departure with someone, your passports and everything is inside, I sent enough money to get you two on your feet and ....” He realized she was looking at him in a confused manner.

“Are you on drugs Fabian or what are you saying? Are you trying to make me change the topic? You just said you love me and now you want me to leave the country?”

“Yes Shelby.” He stated, holding her hand. “You are not safe in this place,there are so many things you don’t know.”

“Things like what?”

“Abominable things that you may never believe me.”

“You are scaring me.”

“Good, you need to be scared because it is the truth...” He stopped and looked at her. Her eyes were wide-open and her eyebrows were buried in a frown.

Fabian could feel the panic in his tummy as he held her hand with his hands firmly, he could see her chest rising and falling as he opened his mouth to say-“I killed Nana.” Slowly, he watched her pull her hands slowly from his grip...


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  • Irene Avworo picture
    Irene Avworo
    She is definitely going to hate him. Gosh I really miss this, feels so good to be back. More inspiration Tobi dear
  • carmen picture
    Beginning of hatred part 1....... Tank my super girl 4 dis long episode
  • Emash picture
    that's the only way he could get her to withdraw and leave the country. I feel 4 u Fabian. well done Tobi, so u no even let them kiss final kiss before handing over to Michael.
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    Lol@Carmen, Im glad you noticed the length
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    I was wondering you disappeared o@Irene, welcome back sis
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    lol@Emash, ko si time ni
  • Ndahi Juliana picture
    Ndahi Juliana
    Beautiful update again. Thumbs up dear. I feel for Fabian sha
  • Tobinna picture
    Chaiii! kasala don burst.. Nice job namesake.
  • Ola Hormolar picture
    Ola Hormolar
    Wow the saga begins, i pray she can cope wit dis news oo,nice work tobi..
  • Nenka Alobi-Bassey picture
    Nenka Alobi-Bassey
    Gbege don burst
  • Mandy-princess picture
    Fabian truly loves Shelby. I hope the chips in his body won't expose his deeds to Shelby's dad. It's not easy for Fabian at all. Kudos Tobi. Please upload 3 episodes today
  • Labi picture
  • Rachael Nnanke Omini picture
    Rachael Nnanke Omini
    Tobi Tobi, do us sallah na by uploading another episode though this was lengthy but u know na, we need more......So hard for Fabian, I pray Shelby shouldn't take it hard on him...
  • Oluwadare Mojisola picture
    Oluwadare Mojisola
    Eleyi ogidi Gan ooo
  • Oluwadare Mojisola picture
    Oluwadare Mojisola
    Eleyi ogidi Gan ooo
  • Celestina Oranye picture
    Celestina Oranye
    Oh God, my heartoooo Tobi biko upload let me another step to take
  • Fabian Ibeh picture
    Fabian Ibeh
    Its a good thing he told her first, she'd be angry at him maybe hate him. But will give him the room to explain why whenever they meet again...Nice episode Tobi.
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    another episode coming up, sorry i was out all through the day
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    Tobi but whyyyyy......weldone sis
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    abi, thanks @Ndahi
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    @Ola, yes o, lets hope
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    @Nneka, na serious gbege
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    @Mandy, yea lets hope
  • Tugba Solomon picture
    Tugba Solomon
    Dis is finish him
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