Brothers - Episode 4

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Raymond was hanging out with his brother and friends in a club, his bosom friend Chris had decided to tag along. 

He would like to think they had settled their differences but he was still skeptical about Richard, because he knew him, Richard was usually nice before he struck, he wondered what he was planning.....especially now that he acted like they never had any issues..

"god I love big mamas" Chris said eyeing a girl walking past, Raymond looked but wasn't interested, his mind was not there, he sipped his drink again...

"hey shawty" Chris licked his lips beckoning her over but the girl ignored him and walked past

" You know if you put your mind to it you could actually have fun with your brother"he leaned and whispered to Raymond who was deep in thought

"I'm not looking to have fun" Raymond replied and looked down at his drink "he's up to something, just can't figure it out yet" he twirled his drink in his glass, Chris stared at him

"Well what if he's not?"he asked " what if he actually had a change of heart"

Raymond looked at him "Because I know my brother, we having a meeting with the board of directors of the company tomorrow, just hope things are as they seem"

Richard popped another bottle of champagne and poured into glasses, Raymond stretched his glass to get a refill

"You don't seem happy, thinking about your patients?"Richard asked sitting beside him

"I should be" Raymond replied

"You should loosen up bro, you usually more fun" he said

"Funny Jemima said just that"Raymond said

"You's short" Richard said and leaned back to  gulp his wine as  they both thought about their father.

"Excited about the meeting?"

"I'm not looking forward to it" Raymond replied, because he feared something would go wrong

"You should, you officially gonna be ceo of Brighton's and sons"he said and stood up.

Raymond watched him talk to a girl beside him, and wondered what Isabel would think of that as his phone vibrated....he checked it then kept his glass and stood up

" I have to go"


"We have an emergency, they need hands"

"But you're not on call"

Raymond felt he would rather be in the hospital with Isabel than be here with them

Why was that weird....?

"I uh, just have to go" he said "I have to go help out"

"Ok bro" Richard said and looked disappointed as Raymond shook him and his friends around then walked out of the club

"I'm thinking your brother hates you" Prince said to him

"He doesn't, he just has his priorities"

"Well we do too...look at that" he pointed at a girl who was scantily dressed and had just walked into the club "what a night".

Raymond got to the hospital and true to form  the hospital was crowded, they needed hands as there had been an accident with many casualties. He wore his gloves and set to work immediately, as they tried to save the ones who could be saved

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. It was a long night but five hours later they could say everyone had been stabilized.

Raymond stood watching a critical patients vitals when Isabel finished her rounds and came towards him

"He'll be fine, he's a fighter"she said glancing at the little boy, he was barely eight years old. Raymond still stared and hoped he survived, he was too young and had so much to live for.

"Thanks, for showing up, I couldn't reach the MD, I and the others were overwhelmed "she said and hugged him

" no problem Is, you not gonna thank me for doing my job" he said pulling away as he walked towards his office

"You could have chosen not to come, were you asleep?" she asked following

" I was in a club with Richard" he replied as he opened the door and went into the office

Her mouth formed an 'O', then

"About that....did you talk to him?" she asked, he leaned on the desk hands supporting him

" We've been busy with a lot of stuff lately Is, but I will"he said


"Besides you can easily just tell him to go to hell, why do you keep putting up with that" he asked and crossed his arms"I know how many men who would kill to have you"he said....she held his gaze

"Yeah, guess I'm stupid and in love"she looked back down

"Maybe that's the problem" he said, and moved away to  sit "I'm not going to intrude though, its none of my business" he took up his pen to write on the case notes in front of him, she leaned on the table

"Glad you guys settled your issues"

"Did we?" he asked

"Richard said you guys called a truce"

"Well we did..."he said distracted

"Why. .you think he's up to something?"she asked surprised

"As usual" he replied

She laughed"Richard's not that bad"

"You're only saying that because he's your boyfriend" he said, looking up at her, she held his gaze then leaned away

"I...have to go check on the other patients" she said and went out the door, Raymond dropped his pen and roved his hair.

*hmm, anyone sense something coming up?

Sorry about the delay, busy, but would try and upload more episodes

comments please

. .

Read " Amidst Temptations " by the same author ( Funmi Anita Adesina )

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