Christian - Episode 14


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Rosemary saw us and moved away from him but he held her to him from behind, I still stared shocked at them, when did this happen, how...?!

"You don't have to see this, let's go"Christian said to me, I just wanted to know why as I stared at Rosemary who refused to look at me

"It's not..what you think"she said"we just..."

"We like each other just as you two like each other, big deal"Tunde said smirking

"So you have an attraction for my remains"I told Rosemary

"Just like he has an attraction for mine"Tunde shot back looking at Christian

I stared at Rosemary who stared at the floor

"I hope to God that he's not using you and that your happy" I said to Rosemary as I walked away pulling Christian with me, we were silent as we walked back towards class

"You shouldn't be bothered.."he said"I mean you're with me now and..."

"It's not going to last, he's just using her to get to me"

"That's what you're telling yourself"

"If I don't know Tunde enough I wouldn't say that, we were together for two years"I said, he was silent after I said that, I realized I had said something wrong but it was too late

"Are you jealous.. ?"he asked "seeing them like that"I looked at him


All episodes of this story can be found here >>

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"I mean you can always go back to him.."he paused.".. that obviously affected you more than I expected..."he said


"It's fine"he walked ahead towards class alone while I stared after him...this was clearly Tunde's goal and he had achieved it.

I kept looking at Christian in class but he refused to look at me, what exactly did I say or do wrong, I didn't even have a bestfriend anymore to rant to, so many things were going on at the same time and I really did want to cry, Rosemary finally turned to me, her seat was right beside me so there was no way we could avoid each other

"I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have done that"she said, I didn't reply I didn't know, if to be angry at her or not

"But you did"I said after a while

"I thought you guys were over and I really like him...but you're my best friend and it just feels all wrong"

"It does"I said but I stared at her, she looked sad

"It's not like you can have both guys"she said

"I'm not... I'm not bothered, I just feel you're my bestfriend and it feels. ." I sighed "it's no problem..I give you my blessing"

She looked at me" serious"

"I don't give a shit about Tunde, I only care about Christian"I said though she didn't look convinced

Christian walked out of the class immediately the bell rung, I took my bag and went after him but he had disappeared, next I saw him get in Jade's car and they zoomed off, I crossed my arms

"Trouble in paradise?"I heard and turned to look at Tunde

"Shouldn't you be with someone?"

He sighed"Can we talk?"he asked

"About what, how you had your tongue down my bestfriends throat immediately I turned my back"

He chuckled"I see it worked, you're jealous"

"What, in your dreams, I know you're using her and it gets to me"I moved closer"I don't want to see her hurt"

"You should know I only did that to get to you"he said, I stared at him flabbergasted"when are you going to get back to your senses, I've been patient enough"he said

"Are you being serious right now, when are you going to get it into your senses that it's over between us"

He got closer to me"I'm not giving up, I wanted you to know that"he walked away and I turned and stared after him

"This is just great"I said exasperated, just when everything was going on fine between Christian and I, I went down the stairs towards the parking lot, and dialed Christian's number severally but he didn't pick up, what was I supposed to do now?

Christian and I keep going round in circles, it was getting frustrating, maybe we really didn't belong together...


Thoughts???Do you think their relationship can stand the test of time, comments and likes please

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Read " Brothers " by the same author ( Funmi Anita Adesina )

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