Cold But Charming - Episode 15

Cold but Charming

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Caleb pov:

My blood ran cold, as  it pump into my brain
The sight of lost I saw in Sam eyes when the guy kissed her terrified me,  this isn't Sam right
My heart began to pound in double as it clenched and hurt. It hurt so bad, my lungs began to tightened for an upcoming tears,
I couldn't do anything but watch, watch like I watched her secretly all my life . 
Emotion pumped and stired in my chest as I become physically distorted,  I started to shake all over.

I wish I was able to stand up and punch the guy right in his eyes but his face said it all as he left,  how could I have been so stupid...
Have been such a weakling all my life, Sam is been stolen from me, and all I could still do was watch,
My jaw tightened at the thought as hot tears started to fall.
I must be dreaming right, my gaze turned sideways into her eyes as I searched it with so much tension. 
The kind of tension that seeped through like vibration,  my pulse skipped as I swallowed more tingling nerve .

This isn't Sam right

More pains and panic ripped through me as what I could see in her eyes now was anger, anger that begged to answer whatever it is she's asking me..

Yes this is the Sam I know, this is the Sam I watched secretly all my life

Cold sam,
not the one I just saw a while ago.

"Caleb, answer me" she drawled

I searched my brain for every possible signal to get myself into position,  but I couldn't,
sweat rose in every corner of my body I swallowed as all I could hear now was my own heart beat,

I couldn't bear the pains that surged, at the thought that I left everything,  my career,  my family all to come for her, only to see a guy tasting her sweetness right in front if me ,
I closed my eyes as more tears drop.

Good God Caleb  get hold of yourself dammit

I just wish death could come right now cause imagining life without Sam is worthless ....... I stare into her eyes as I inhale sharply to stem more of deep emotions churning through me, I thought of nothing to say
when I opened my mouth but. 

"Sam has he slept with you, "

"how dare you Caleb, " she said with gritted teeth

"I should ask you,  about your stupid fantasies in making love to me in your dreams, I mean this guy that just left saved your life or else you could have died , "

"you should have left me to die instead  Sam, I didn't remember I fantasies  about you but don't you think it meant how much you drive me crazy every day" I shouted

She was looking at me with horror but I do not mind,  she has been in my heart for too long to accept defeat to some guy who came from only God knows where

"you know," I said as more of my tears fall
for the past eighteen years,  all I  could think about is loving you, and seeing this guy kiss you like that is driving me nut, who the hell is he sam"

"for your information Caleb,  I see Steve as a man, so you should understand what I mean, and don't you dare ask me that kind of question again" she warned

I gapse and swallowed my saliva

"a man " I whispered as more realisation nudges me, how have been less a man all these years, a weakling,  an idiot....
I hold my chest as more pains seized through it,
"please Sam I can't loose you, I got stabbed and this is all you could do. "

"what do you expect Caleb,  if you hadn't come to my house unannounced maybe u wouldn't have gotten yourself into this mess what if you die damn it , what do you think would happen to me "

I stare at the fury in her eyes

"am crazy about you "

"Just shut up caleb we just had our first conversation after eighteen good years, and you telling me now you are crazy about me"

"you do tell me you love me then Sam,  how I normally played with you hairs, how you laughed happily to my jokes remember" I was talking anxiously all along

"remember, "

She cut my words,

"enough caleb, enough I don't wanna hear anymore, do u see who stabbed you "

I swallowed as I could remember he was a middle age man who says he was actually family to Sam, I was confused as I knew no other family to her apart from her mom and dad.. He might be anybody who knew  i was snicking my way to that window ..i bet that's the last thing I want is for her to find out  ...

"no, I didn't " I lied

"well fine" she stands

"I will come check up on you tomorrow, "

"pls don't leave sam"

I called out,  but it was too late as she left,  I froze as this look of disappointment shadow in my face, how could I not see this coming, how have been so uselessly doing nothing but watch her like fool all this years,
I deserve this, but I won't give up easily,  I won't,

And that stance, or Steve whatever would hear from me..  To hell if he saved my life,  I wish I get better fast cause the only thing that matters to me now is Sam,  not even the person that stabbed me.
And am not just gonna sit and watch some guy take her from me,
am gonna get her even it has to claim the last of my breath .
She's mine.....mine


Sam pov:

I frowned as I shut the door behind me,  Gosh why is everything around me happening so fast, first with P.A and now my child hood friend. .

God when did Caleb become this way,
The little kid from eighteen years ago isn't as desperate as this,,
He's so scary and stupid. But thank God he didn't see uncle Erik.
I threw my gaze sideways only to see Steve elegant back frame pacing left and right with his phone clung to his ear. I study his form for a moment and Incredibity held me gaze locked to his iron hard features. So tall and very cute without his office wear

Gosh this guy should be a model

A strange lethargy enfolded me as he turn bringing a new sort of feelings i could not comprehend.
He spoke through the phone before moving towards me, 

"she's here" he said

"who is it" I asked quietly

"it's your dad" he quietly replied

"she's here with me"
he said reaching out the phone to me,
I squeezed a smile towards him before taking it.
Everything suddenly sounded very sane, very rational, very lovely
talking to both mum and dad felt like like some part in me has been curedcured, how much I long to see them,
to tell them how  I really care about them, to tell them I love them so much
Steve already took my hands along with his as we were now sitting on a black leather chair at the corridor. He was watching me intently as if the phone would swallow me up in any moment.
I was smiling at him 

he whispered as I could feel his breath fanning my other ear ..
"babe, you are beautiful when you smile"

I tap him slightly,  smiling all along.

And suddenly fear surged through me at the sound of his name, 
did I just heard her say Erik, fear clouded my face as paralysis seized my kneels wondering what to do next
"your uncle wanna speak with you dear, " mum said

And I knew within me I dare not cut the phone cause he's really capable of doing anything. It's like he has eyes everywhere.
I froze at the sound of his voice
The leisure lowering on Steve face snapped me out of my frozen state.

"Sam,  hey sam are you okay"

"yes"  I said shakingly..

"hello sam" Erik said


"how's life with you, it's been such a long time, your mum,  dad and I are worried. Mmmmm mmmm, cutie cutie

I immediately remembered cutie, the innocent dog whose eyes was bulged out of her skull...
My hands was shaking with the phone all along feeling the rush of my blood boil, I was staring wide eye and confused

"say hi to Steve "

Steve suddenly grab the phone and placed it to his ears
"helloooo" and the phone disconnected..

He was surprisingly looking at the phone and at me as if I wasn't the one smiling at the phone a while ago, I was so shocked, puzzled and afraid, he knew Steve, he knew Steve...

Steve tilted my head sideways to his

"hey Sam look me, are you okay "

Panic rose up in it as I stood up angrily

"you shouldn't have taken the phone from me steve,  you shouldn't "

"look at you sam , you are shaking all over"
He was moving closer to me when I stopped him

"am calling your dad back, "

"whatever,  Steve... am going and don't you dare follow me "

With full terror I ran with all of my strength, I could sense as Steve was running along with me

"hey Sam,  wait,  sammm please"

I ran out of the hospital to the heavy rain, I was running so hard , as the rain drenched my whole, 
I wish I could just ran away from this world and everything in it,
Run away from this whole mess
To run far away so I wouldn't exist any more,

"Sam" Steve shouted as he was running along with me

"Sam wait damn it"

I wanted to die and I wanted to run as far and as fast as I could to wherever...
More sadness broke open inside of me as I ran hollowing out my heart .. My feet felt rooted in the water . The road was empty as I took up my speed to an open field

But steve was fast enough as I now felt his wet hands drag my back form to his  strong chest,  I was breathing heavily while I struggled away from his hold,  why can't Steve understand am trying to protect him, why can't he just back away from me..

"let go of me Steve",  I struggled

But he was too strong, too strong I started to give up.  He swung me around wrapping me so close to his chest..
"its okay babe,  am here for you it's okay" he said cares-ing my wet hairs with his hands.

yet heaven kept it's fall as full drops hammered, the rain battered our form as I couldn't help but wrap my hands around him.. I cry softly,  but thankful the rain kept it hidden...

"I don't wanna loose you Steve " I said softly
I could feel the pounding rate of his heart, while he hold on to me tightly..
"You won't loose me babe, but suffering is optional,  I hate the way i keep seeing you suffer, stop doing this,  and tell me"

"what would you do if I tell you Steve,
No mater how smart you're, you can't be wiser than the people watching you right"

"then tell me all about it Sam" he holds my face closely and shifted it up so I could lock eyes with him....
I couldn't open my eyes as the rain keep slapping it's form on my face

"you are such a stubborn woman Sam, see I meant all I said to you
he said clearing the water away from my face.

"I'll protect you and I meant it.

I swallowed while I glare up silently at him, I opened my mouth to speak,
but no words came out as I shut it back.
my gaze slid from his eyes  to the strength of his nose,
the firmness of his lips, the smoothness of his strong cheek. As it's  all I could do not to reach out my lips to his ,
So close I started inhaling his masculine scent .
“What can I do for you to trust me "
He finally whispered,

"I don't know steve, I don't know"

Hours later

My eyes scaled down my pale trembling body as the hot shower run down on me, am glad Steve dropped me and left with his car instead but deep inside of  me I knew I wasn't as glad.

Putting on my cream robe, I made my way to the kitchen while I took out some peanut butter and bread from the fridge
I yarned occasionally realising it was still 5:0clock,

"Gosh Saturdays are always slow"

After eating I made my way upstairs, Shutting all of my scary thoughts away I pulled my weight under my blanket, and digged myself into a cold weather sleep.
I hope I never woke up again.. But damn
I was woken  by the sound of the door bell, I glanced at my watch as it was still 7.0clock at night. Only two hours sleep
Who could it be..
Not that I have any other friend apart from Steve,  and if it's death pulling at my door right now then am convinced am ready to lost myself in its embrace

Groggy and illtempered, i shrugged into my robe and padded to the door.
It was still raining and more dark out than I expected.
I jerked the door open fearlessly but
The last person i had expected
to appear on my doorstep by this time of the night was Steve .
but there he was..
looking  as handsome as an elve Dressed in brownlacks, neatly pressed and perfectly molded to
his masculine frame, a white shirt, short sleeved open to mid chest, he seemed taller than ever. Freshly looking with droplets from the rain lingering on his carefully combed hair, he sparkled holding intently to an umbrella much smaller than his size.
As i examined him, i felt him examining me in turn. His eyes, brown  and fathomless, touched me, skimming my body from top
to toe  at full length and returning back to my face, which was now flushed with embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, I can see I woke you up,  may I come in, "

My eyes were filled with insecurity as i
stepped back to allow him in. He proceeded directly to the sofa  without a backward glance..
I skimmed him once more,

"thought you left Steve,  what are you doing here "

"actually,  my hotel payment expired today,  so I had to leave,  I have no where else to go other than to come here"

"really " I said clunging my rope to cover every open part of my body except my legs of course which I can see he was actually looking at...

"this place is hell way too big,  for your tiny self to live in Sam,"

"Oh are you here to insult me or find shelter" I said moving into the kitchen to pour myself some hot drink  as I could realise how cracky my tone sounds

“you are beautiful” he exclaimed, behind i shockingly glance sideways and started to wonder
when the hell did he walk towards me
I  turn back quickly to pour myself some heated coffee

"you care for one"

"of course, he said now sitting down on the kitchen chair

Well guess what I'd expected to see in those eyes were anger ..
Anger for not opening up to him earlier instead It was filled with warmth.

I poured him some coffee, while I nibbled on mine slowly, I could feel his stare burn my entire being,,

"why are you dressed so geogeously tonight steve" I actually blurted out before I could stop myself..

He was quiet for a moment before he finally said,,,

"for you babe,"
I made a slight motion towards him as though being tugged by an invisible string only to realise his hands had done the trick as we were now so close as anything, 
I closed my eyes and opened them perceiving his perfect cologne as his eyes busily scan my face..
His hands slid up my throat and curled around the back of my neck slowly making me shiver all over, he bent  to place a soft kiss on it


"What" he said smiling with his forehead against mine,

"I don't want you out of my sight anymore Sam, "

I was staring at his handsome view with need beaming in my face 

"steve" I called

"mmmmm" he muffled

"have you ever thought of being a model"

He laughed looking away slightly and back to me

"and have you ever thought of been a beauty queen babe"

My smile was so dim as our closeness keep sending some signal to every part of my body.. He was moving his now unsmiling lips to mine slowly, when I raised up my hands and flicked his lips.

"yeeee, God that hurt Sam," he winced in pain

"I bet it does" I said backing away from his hold

"come here, " he gapse

He was about grabbing me,  when I took up a race, and scooted to my larger sitting room

"Sam come here" he said running along with a flirtatious look on his face .

I was laughing all along

"never, "

"we'll see" he laughed back,

Running here and there,  he finally grab me from the back, while I gave up with a deep panting breath.

"please don't flick me back Steve, no no" I said while I shake my head slightly

"am your boss, I order you to stop"

"I shouldn't do my own back right,  huh huh" he said tickling my side all along....

I was laughing so hard

"Steve please, let me go "
I could feel the ruggedness of his laugh, heat on my neck.

I finally pull away and bounced my weight on the sofa.
"you started this Sam,  I should have flicked you back"  he said moving to sit closer to me,

I rested my head back on the sofa trying to steady my breath, only to notice he wasn't laughing anymore I turned my head sideways  slowly and there he was

His eyes scanning my entire form..

He reached out his hands to my neck,  sliding it slowly down to my colar bone ..
His name escape my lips as I realise I couldn't stop him .

He kept sliding down as his touch burn me with need ..
he reached the neck of my rope, and there

 he stare deeply into my eyes as if asking for a go ahead, faster than expected 

he slid his hands inside,
My eyes widened realising what he just did but before I could do anything to protest.
He quickly seized my lips to his and drew me closer into his frantic embrace.

My bones felt so weak cause I only did nothing but kiss him back..more deeply with love than need


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Thanks lots of love

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  • Views (12563)
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  • patience Nifemi picture
    patience Nifemi
    love in air Sam is already in love with Steve but she is just afraid of her uncle
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    this devil of an uncle, chai, Sam has do the do lol
  • Amma picture
    allow yourself to be loved Sam!! Amina u rock!!
  • Maame Konadu Fredua picture
    Maame Konadu Fredua
    Finally...i can sense some romance with fireworks
  • Jennifer Aboagyewaa picture
    Jennifer Aboagyewaa
    It better Sam warns her parents because they can be safer in knowledge of who to fear than to be eating and laughing with the enemy in ignorance.
  • lydia lucky picture
    lydia lucky
    I'm loving this...nice one dearie
  • Vivian Chime picture
    Vivian Chime
    Amina you're really awesome, seriously. Sam should really open up to Steve and her parents in a very coded way... It will be of great help
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Your comments are the best guys. ...thanks
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    So romantic, I pray this love will have a peaceful chance.
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    No be small tin
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Abi ooo @maureen ....thanks for reading
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