Could it be your eyes? - Episode 10

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Dera's p.o.v
I keep on looking at my phone should I call him or should I call him not. It seemed like child's play when  we became a couple just moments ago.  "Dera!Just swallow that pride and call him"my inner voice warned. okay! I picked up my phone ready to call when I cringed "No!No I can't do it!"and I slumped on the bed covering my head and groaning. About that time my phone started ringing . "He's calling.... He's calling!"I screamed excited as I used my head to hit the wall before answering. "Hello..."That was his cool voice. "Hi"I said biting my lip trying to be cool. "How you're doing  I missed your voice"he smiled. "Me too"I said. "So what are you doing..."he asked and I could tell from his tone he was smiling. "Nothing much here and there"I smiled. "Okay want to hang out at lunch during lunch?"he asked  just as I heard my mom calling from downstairs "DERA! DERA! IT'S TIME TO EAT."  I said "Ok a date it is but I have to go my mom's calling." "Okay princess I'll let you go for now.... I LOVE YOU"he said. "Ok bye"I said curting the call

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. what's wrong with me why can't I say ILY "Stupid stupid"I insulted myself as I rushed downstairs.

Bobo's p.o.v
*during lunch hours*
I sat beside Tiffany as I tried eating but I couldn't actually eat anything since she was glaring at me. Seems someone is angry with me because of what I told her yesterday. I said"Could you stop looking at me like that your eyes are as wide as saucers... " "Oh what's wrong with it or do you also have a PROBLEM with that!"she hissed. Oh God! Tiffany and her temper issues. "I'm sorry" I muttered. I didn't hear a thing did you? she asked Troy who knew better than to respond and continued eating. "I'm sorry"I said louder. "I'm sorry couldn't hear you clearly what are you saying?"she asked holding her ear. "Tiffany Stewart... I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday"I apologized. "That's better and... "She drawled. "I won't repeat it again"I sighed.  "See it wasn't all hard was it!"Tiffany giggled and that was when I saw Dera and that boy that fought me  that I totally hate walking with her. They sat at the next chair holding hands and he was even feeding her. Why Am I jealous? my face suddenly became vicious as she wispered something in his ear. "so ... Bob what do you think were you even listening!"Tiffany frowned. "Excuse me I need air"I said getting up briskly. "I'm not even done..."then she noticed my face "Bob are you okay?"I ignored her last statement and walked angrily out of the room

Barbie's p. o.v
"He's literally sitting next to her...  he's literally feeding her.. cooing her.. holding her hands That should be me!"I growled at Nettie."But it isn't"She said and she realized her mistake when I gave her the deadly glare. "Like it's so absurd that he sees something in that nobody"I complained. "Totally"Nettie said but I have a hunch she was not listening. I saw Dera wisper in in Denis's ears and I have had enough as I broke my chopsticks in anger. Yep broke it into two. Bye Chinese!I never liked you anyway. I got up ignoring Nettie's gestures and walking to my favorite people I ask "Mind if I join?"

Dera's p.o.v
Oh my gosh I'm literally falling, Dennis took me to the lunch room holding my hands. Everyone is totally staring at us after that toilet issue but he doesn't even care. I noticed that new guy,I think his name is Bob or something like that. He looked really angry, Dennis should apologize the way he treated him was so unfair!  I sit next to Dennis at the next table as he insists on feeding me. "No!"I protested but he spooned the rice in my mouth and it tasted sweeter. He just wouldn't stop feeding me at intervals my eyes kept drifting to Bob who looked really sad. I should apologize about what Dennis did yesterday . I wispered in Dennis ear what I thought but he shrugged it off. I was about making up my mind when Bob stormed out. I sat back trying to fake a smile "Everything alright.."he said touching my face.

Read " Deciet " by the same author ( Lo is )

. "I'm okay"I nodded just then Barbie had to show up and was like "Mind if I join?" "No we don't"Aji said and I gave her the are you mad look. "So what's going on here?"She tried sounding cheerful."We're a couple"Dennis held my hands. "It can't be... No...No"Barbie screamed and I looked at her in shock. "What"Dennis exploded. "You heard me right..  it can't be.. Dennis I want you and you can bet on a Nickel I'm gonna get you ...time will tell"she said walking out. I hold Dennis hands in fear,that sure sounded like a threat to me.


Yaaaay!!I finished this episode yaaaay with me.... and I loved it as hell.... you better comment .....I mean it.... or should I stop the story....

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  • Tony Presh picture
    Tony Presh
    What a romantic episode. Who will come lemme love and feed her. Lol. I am day dreaming again. Lemme go and eat indomie as I wait patiently for the next episode
  • Tony Presh picture
    Tony Presh
    Ride on author lo is. Winners never quit, quiteers never win
  • Lo is picture
    Lo is
    Lol Tony buh it's really discouraging when no one else comments
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