Crime To Love - Episode 1

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With the uncertainty of the weather, the transition from rainy season to dry season had made the atmosphere contemptible. The seemingly serene breeze that blew across carried in it messages of ill days, trying moments blended with intense and restive scenery. The sun’s gentle rays that kissed the ground and virtually all objects beneath seemed to be the bane of the deep green foliage in the surroundings. The persistent pestering of mosquitoes hibernating in the surrounding escalated . All the inhabitants of the place poised themselves, slapping their uncovered bodies indiscriminately in a desperate bid to get rid of the troublesome creatures.

A giant male dog sat beside the entrance of the house wagging his tail as a defense mechanism against the unabated attacks of the mosquitoes.

The house had about three apartments with verandas in the frontage and backyard. Its painting was styled to meet the fashion of the present era. It was impossible now to recount when the house was built, nevertheless the painting and styling portrayed it as one built by a hither-to affluent man some ten years ago. The house was the only property Cyril could boast of now.

Cyril, forgetting the appointment he should be having with one of his clients in his office, still lay down on his bed dancing to the beats of the mosquito’s music.

Read " If I Die Tomorrow " by the same author ( AFRICAN CREATOR )

. On opening his eyes straight to the wall clock hanging loosely on the wall by the door he saw that the time was 9.32am, while the meeting was supposed to be by 9.30am

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. He sprang to his feet and rushed to the bathroom to get himself ready, which was his usual routine every morning. On coming out from the bathroom his phone rang, he purposely ignored the phone concluding that the caller was the client he should be having the meeting with whom he felt he has disappointed. It was on his way to the garage that he realized that Chike his childhood friend was the caller and not Mrs. Odili his client


Cyril was a relatively tall man, and had a dark complexion with an axe-like head. His face was ridden and wrinkled making him look older than his age. Cyril finished his law school and was so lucky to come out with flying colors with second division. He was the most brilliant student among his friends and this made him admired by all. For the past one year when Cyril was called to bar he had never lost any case in the law court. He was a very notable lawyer in Apata for his ability in the law court.

The final examination in the law school was fast approaching while all the law school was fast approaching while all the law students were busy trying to make sure they left no stone unturned before the arrival of the long awaited call to bar examination but this seemed not to look the same in the side of Cyril when the news of his parents’ death and that of his only sister was brought to him. The world seemed to have ended to Cyril but he was consoled by his friends; which partially proved abortive.

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