Daddy's Girl - Episode 29

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*** "What the hell are you being paid for?"

Arnold shouted as he pounced angrily on the doctor grabbing his collar. His face wet with angry tears.. "Sir please calm down. We are doing our possible best" the stout middle aged doctor assured.

"To hell with your sweet words. You were trained to save lives so I expect you to get yourself in there and save my daughters life . I do not want to hear any nonsense. Got it?"

He screamed.. "Sir I..."

"Just cut the talks and get in there!! Now!!! Do not come back without good news because I'm not leaving here without my child!!"

The doctor sighed in frustration and walked back into the theatre... Arnold slumped into the chair at the reception and buried his face in his palms,shedding silent tears... Alexander who had been watching his friend shout at almost everyone he came in contact with took a seat beside him and patted his shoulders.

"Arnold she's going to be fine. Relax"

he said finding it hard to believe his own words.. He had seen how Fiona's blood had soaked her fathers shirt turning it from a plain white to red.. Her petite body was almost lifeless. No child her age could go through whatever shed gone through and come out sane. 

"I'm scared Alexander

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. I don't want to lose my girl... I've been so unfair to her ever since her birth.. And now, now that I want to make things right, she's gradually slipping out of my hands and I feel helpless. She can't leave me Alex, she can't."

He sobbed... Alex sighed and patted him, words failing him.. The last time he had seen Arnold so broken and dejected was six years ago when Amanda died and seeing him now in this state, he wished he could help soothe his disturbed soul.. But then again, if only wishes were horses, he would be riding thousands of them by now....


The three bodyguards and two armed men walked into the premises of the hospital alongside a young woman who had bruises on her face and bloodshot swollen eyes.... They walked over to where Arnold and Alex were seated, each in their own thoughts... "Sir?" Brian called out.. "What?"

He snapped without looking up at them .

"We found this woman tied up in an outhouse near a cottage while we were running after detective Randolph and Mark"

They both lifted their heads abruptly as their eyes widened in shock.. "Sally? Oh my God!! Did Mark do this to you?"

Alex rushed to her and gathered her in his arms, running his fingers through her messy hair... "Yes" she whispered.. "That bastard!! Where's he? Take me to him now!!" "Sir he got away.

We only found detective Randolph's dead body" Christian chipped in.. "What? He got away? You're all useless!!!! How could you let him get away? How could you!! Huh!! F*cking useless, pathetic! All of you!" Arnold shouted getting up from his seat caring less about the people staring at him as they passed by.. "He almost killed Helena.

He murdered several people and my child is fighting for her life in there and you let him get away? F*cking interesting!!!" He added.. "Sir we are sorry. We promise to fish him out and pin him down" Brian apologised. "Don't sorry me!!" Arnold snapped and walked out.



"How is she now doctor? Can I see her?"

Arnold asked immediately he saw the the doctor approaching him.. He sighed

"Her condition is pretty bad. There's a swelling in her head and her condition isn't stable either. We also discovered an overdose of chloroform in her blood. I really can't tell if she's going to survive this or not. "

Arnold eyed the doctor for a few seconds before speaking up.

"I want to see her. Now"

Here wasn't going to stand there and listen to the doctor's negative talks. Bullsh*t. Whatever the doctor was spewing was nothing but nonsense. "Room 25 in the children's ward" Without another word he walked past him towards the ward with Alex behind him.


"Hey princess" Arnold whispered as he sat near the hospital bed on which Fiona lay motionless.. His eyes scrutinized her entire body, watching keenly at the several tubes attached to her body, a drip connected to her veins, a bandage around her head and an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. He sniffed as he let his fingers brush her face lightly.. "Wake up my love. So I can love you like I was supposed to.. I promise never to let you out of my sight. I will be a better father I promise but please wake up... Open your eyes my love" "Arnold.."

Alex stepped away from the door but he was shushed.. "Let me talk to her. Don't interrupt me Alex. Let me talk to my baby in peace"

He cut in and turned again to face Fiona

"Remember all those times you used to come running into my room because you were scared of the dark and I would push you away? Remember how I never asked you about school or homework? I'm sorry for all that honey.. I'm sorry... And I swear, I promise to be a very sweet and charming father.... I would take you on tours every weekend, play with you and even sing you lullabies...with my horrible voice..."

He paused, laughed and wiped a tear with the back of his hand and continued.. "Your mama would always tell me how my voice was horrible enlugh to maie frogs fly. But not to worry Darling, I will sing to you. Day and night until you get tired of me. Even if you want me to sing that stupid Moana show I hear you watching every time, I will sing it honey. I will."

He paused again yo sniff before continuing, squeezing her hands in his.

"I will take you to Disneyland and I'm sure you would love it.. We would have so much fun.. I will teach you how to draw just like me. You know, a little birdie told me you're really good at drawing and.." He trailed off when the monitor began to beep loudly, the lines indicating her heartbeat slowly going flat... Arnold stood up abruptly and pressed the red button near the bed and soon, the doctor alongside two nurses rushed attending to her immediately... He brought out his stethoscope and checked her... He felt her pulse and sighed.... "Bring me the defibrillator"

He shouted at the nurses who scurried out hurriedly and rushed back in seconds later.. The doctor collected it and slid his hand into each part of the defibrillator"

"Charge!!!! 120!!" 

He yelled and the nurses plucked it in... He rubbed both metallic ends together and pressed it to Fiona's chest.. Arnold watched in horror as his daughter's body jerked upwards, the impact of the machine lifting her upper part off the bed and then back.... Like a deja vu, Arnold stumbled backwards, the memories of six years ago rushing back to him like it happened just yesterday. He could vividly see Amanda laying on the bed, the tubes attached to her body as she smiled up at him when she'd told him they had a daughter.

How she asked him to kiss her because of the bet she'd won.

How they kissed. Like their lives depended on it.

How she suddenly stopped kissing him as her lips began to turn pale.

And the monitor.

The same monitor began to beep loudly just like right now.

He blinked rapidly trying to clear his eyes from the tears that blinded him.

"140, charge!!!"

The doctor screamed again, cutting through his thoughts as he pressed it to her chest again, once, twice, thrice but the line on the monitor went completely flat, neither increasing or decreasing.

He sighed in frustration and pressed the defibrillator onto her chest again and again, all to no avail. He dropped it and turned to face Arnold who was staring at him with a murderous look.

"Sir.... I...I am very sorry... We... We lost her".

Arnold stared at him and smiled. No one was going to die under his eyes.

Read " Forgetting You " by the same author ( eliza )

. F*ck no! "What did you just say?"

"Sir we..we lost her. I'm sorry"

he repeated and Arnold turned to look at Fiona to find one of the nurses attempting to cover her entire body with a sheet after removing all the tubes connected to her.

"I swear to God if you dare cover my child I will rip out your intestines and stick them into your brainless head!! Who the hell told you my baby is dead huh?!"

He snapped angrily and bent over Fiona's body

"My love wake up... !!"

He sat on the bed and gathered her in his arms as he rocked her to and fro.. "You can't do this to me.. Not you too please!!! Dear Lord bring her back to me.... I know I haven't prayed for sometime now but please bring my child back to me... It's all I ask please. I need a miracle... Wake up Fiona please!! Not you too baby. Not you too. Open your eyes honey! Wake up please!"

He sobbed uncontrollably looking up into the heavens.

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  • Abimbo Aji picture
    Abimbo Aji
    This episode got me having tears in my eyes
  • Callmie Adeomo picture
    Callmie Adeomo
    Please dear lord have mercy........... Welldone
  • Penangel picture
    This got me ???
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Oh Eliza darling, kindly bring Fiona back to life, you only have that power. I'm emotional right now...sobs
  • YO DE picture
    YO DE
    Dear lord perform a miracle for this helpless sinner
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    Pls bring Fiona back Eliza, we need a miracle plsssss, i'm in tears already...plssssssssss
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    Wassup with Helena too
  • temilade picture
    I pray this should be dream. Fiona must not die Eliza please more
  • eliza picture
    me too Abimbo
  • eliza picture
    thanks @Callmie
  • eliza picture
    it got me too @Penangel
  • eliza picture
    I'm going to consult the gods for my power Bennie
  • eliza picture
    I'm in tears too Ola
  • eliza picture
    it'll be revealed in the next episode Ola
  • Busola Bolaji picture
    Busola Bolaji
    I can't stop crying ,Fiona must not die
  • Angela David picture
  • Bintetim Shujaa picture
    Bintetim Shujaa
    I've read this story since I found it.....amazing piece..keep the episodes coming....hope Arnold is just dreaming about all this
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Mark can't win this one....hope she wakes up somehow!
  • Modupe Gbolagun-Bello picture
    Modupe Gbolagun-Bello
    Fiona shd better wake up any which way o cos her dad is going to run mad if she doesn't n dt stupid Mark shd get ready for 4th world war lol. Tnx for ds episode
  • eliza picture
    I hope she doesn't Busola
  • eliza picture
    thanks for reading @ Bintetim
  • eliza picture
    we can't let him win Pamela
  • eliza picture
    thanks for reading too @ Modupe
  • YO DE picture
    YO DE
    Please next episode I can't wait
  • Amy Maduka picture
    Amy Maduka
    I don't like this chapter and still I liked it... i'm in my feelings
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