Dance With Me - Episode 23

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She shut her eyes in disappointment, she had been so stupid.  She checked the time, it was just some minutes to six in the morning and she hadn’t gotten any sleep at all.  Still, she wasn’t going to betray Adams’s trust by staying with Alex. She stood up, picked her bag and walked out of the room.

She was back in the living room and to her right side was the flight of stairs that Alex had taken to his room, she needed to find him and demand answers from him. She walked towards it and began to climb . Surprisingly, Alex was on his way down, he was naked to his waist and seemed like he hadn’t even slept at all. There was a camera hanging around his neck and he gasped on seeing her.

“Hey, thought you were asleep.” He said.

“Yea, same here,” she replied, eyeing him suspiciously before slamming the magazine against his chest, “were you going to take my picture while I was sleeping? An exclusive for your magazine?”

Alex shut his eyes as he realized she had discovered his secret, “I’m sorry for lying to you.”

“Really, you are sorry? For lying? Wait, which of the lies?” She demanded and continued, “the part where you said you were an admirer or that you were into jewelries and estate?”

“Sincerely, I am sorry but I really do admire you and...”

“Shut up and answer this. What is it with you and the House 24? Why can’t you just let it be? You have Rita, what do you want from me?”

“Well, we just thought you have a great opportunity by working with us and we want to make you a star, don’t you know how beautiful you are and...”

“Save it

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. Lose my number and don’t ever set your foot at House 24 again!”

With this, she took her leave while he watched her.


“She is not my responsibility...she is not my responsibility....” Adams kept on muttering to himself as he kept on pacing up and down. He looked at where Candy and Betty stood at the front of the counter, trying her number as well. Everyone was worried and yet she hadn’t showed up.

He was standing in front of his office and checking the last message she had sent hours ago.

Read " Ichabod " by the same author ( Tobi Loba )

. “I’m on my way.” He was angry and worried same time. If she hadn’t left last night, all this would not have happened and if he hadn’t left her because of sheer jealousy and listening to Marcy, all this wouldn’t have happened. Could it be that she finally realized that this place was not good for her? Has she also regretted meeting him or coming to the House 24?

He shook his head and climbed down  the stairs.

“Adams? How long do we need to wait for her? Can’t we just begin the meeting right away?” Marcy said, surprising everyone and Betty stood up to respond but Candy tapped her not to say anything as Adams approached.

He stopped as he got to the counter. “She is part of us and we are not starting this meeting without her.” Adams declared, walking out of the room but before stepping out looked back and said, “Candy and Betty, do you mind coming with me?”

“Sure.” The two ladies said at the same time and followed him out.

Omega who had been watching the whole thing from his station behind the counter whistled to annoy Marcy more but she kept quiet.



The three stood up and Adams faced them.

“I know you two are very close to her and I know she went out with a dude last night and must have probably slept over, but do you know if she is coming back because this is so unusual.”

Candy smiled, “Adams, are you thinking she might bail out like Rita did just because she went to spend just one night elsewhere?”

He was quiet. “I don’t know but it’s just so unusual.”

“Do you even have a thought of probably maybe she is in danger? Are you thinking of that or is it your business you are thinking of?” Betty asked.

To this he was quiet. He hadn’t actually thought if she was okay or if she was in a danger but what sort of danger could that be? With her secret admirer with whom he could see she was getting along quite well?

He wanted to respond but a scream from somewhere close distracted him and he wasn’t the only that had heard that.

“Who is that?” Candy asked, looking around until she sighted a car at the other side of the road pulling into the parking lot.  There seemed to be a kind of struggle in the car.

“Isn’t that Angy in the passenger’s seat?” Betty asked while Adams watched.

“Wait here.” He said to the girls while he worked towards the car which was still pulling into the parking lot, yes, he could see that it was Angy at the back seat and what was the struggle all about? Quickly, he took out his radio and spoke to it, “hey it’s Adams, draw the chain across the entrance, over.” He said and then put the radio pack into his pocket.

The chain was immediately drawn across the entrance, blocking the car from going further in.

Adams rushed towards the car and banged on the window with his hands. This caught the driver’s attention and the window was lowered to reveal a shaggy face which was mostly obscured by a dark scraggly beard, his eyes, devoid of warmth.

“Angelica, get out of there now please,” ordered Adams.

“Mind your business, Man,” the driver warned.

“Angelica what is this man’s name?” asked Adams.

“I don’t know,” she replied, struggling to get out of the car but unable to.

Adams’s eyes flared. He reached on the driver’s door and unlocked the car so she could get out.   Quickly, Angy rushed out of the car, and before the driver could think, Adams removed the keys from the ignition.  Now the driver was sitting duck while the security guards  and the girls came closer .

Angy rushed into the arm of Betty and Candy.

“Oh my God, Angy, what happened?” Betty cried.

“Are you okay?” Candy asked, checking her all over.

With the key still in his hands, Adams popped the trunk while the guards checked the car for weapons.

“He is not armed.” One of the men said after checking.

“He is clean, “the other one added.

Adams nodded to the guards and moved closer to the man who was still in the driver’s seat, looking defeated.

“I am Adams and this is my club, by the way , thank you for bringing my waitress home. Come out, drinks on the house.”

The man looked pretty shaken, “no, thank you but my keys will be fine.”

“No, I insist.” Adams continued, but the man refused politely.

“Are you sure?”He asked the man who nodded, he couldn’t see any sense in Adams’s unexpected offer.

Adams signaled to  the guards to unchain the lot and then threw the keys to the man, “before you go, get this clear. Never give her a ride again or lend her a helping hand again, do you understand?”

The man nodded before turning on the ignition key and was later speeding away.

Adams sighed and turned around to the girls, locking eyes with Angelica.

“We need to talk,”  he declared before walking back towards the club.

“Wow!” You are really going to talk.” Candy said to Angy.

“What the hell happened to you? What about Alex?” Betty asked and continued, “and who was that man?”

Angy sighed, “it’s a long story but just know that Alex is a spy and he is not whom he think he is, for now, I need to talk to Adams, I think we have things to thrash out.”

“Yea, you do.” Candy replied, “ and I think it’s best if you talk about everything.” She added.

Angy nodded, “yea, he has saved me again,  after abandoning me last night, I guess he has an explanation to do as so do I.”

With this, the three walked towards the club.



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  • Amadi Ebere Favour picture
    Amadi Ebere Favour
    This is interesting... can't wait for the next episode, where everyone will have to say their mind.. lol � .. Thumbs up ma'am
  • Akos Geyevu picture
    Akos Geyevu
    Thumb up Tobi pls 10 is too much now but please let her not Marcy be part of talk
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Wow! They sure have a lot to talk about, I hope Adams is able to see the kind of person Angy is. Nice one Tobi. From the way things are going, I hope you get an episode for my birthday oh but I guess by then, the story would have ended lol
  • Loveth Dennis picture
    Loveth Dennis
    Hmn I pray angy open up and Adam also need to say is feelings before some 1 take her again genuinely
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    Awww, @Benedicta, when is your birthday please
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    Thanks a bunch @Ebere
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    Thanks Akos lol
  • Eunice Iyanu picture
    Eunice Iyanu
    Abeg post more. I'm really expectant Pls pls
  • Akos Geyevu picture
    Akos Geyevu
    Please comment is ten now post
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    lool@Akos, Im not counting mine lmao
  • edna addo picture
    edna addo
    Just can't wait for the next episode.. Tobi thumbs up
  • Taiwo Joy Ogundeji picture
    Taiwo Joy Ogundeji
    Another episode please!!!!!
  • Queen Anny picture
    Queen Anny
    Lack of communication is what ends a lot of relationships before it even starts. Thumbs up Tobi, more wisdom
  • Alfreda Ephya picture
    Alfreda Ephya
    Great story ... Good to go
  • daria picture
    tobi you're born writer see as the story is flowing without cracking your brain much kudos to you please we want more of it not sleeping till I read the next one so I can sleep
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Better!!! Time to talk let d duo express their mind and thinking. I still don't trust Marcy sha, there's more to find out about Alex who's using him to spy. Tobi 3gbosas for u babe, another episode tonight *winks*
  • Ronke Adetula picture
  • Xeynab picture
    Nice write up?
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Ouch...guess I suck at being a detective, Tobi.......yeah Angy and Adams really needs to talk.... thumbs up Tobi,,I'm no longer a detective ooo
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    Hahaha@Confy, worapin now, lool
  • Kadosh Wa Wambua picture
    Kadosh Wa Wambua
    Wahala following poor Angy haaaai
  • Linda Lyo picture
    Linda Lyo
    I like Angy's boldness
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Nice episode dear
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Wow!!adams saved her again.they really need d talk.kudos T
  • Annaly Parry picture
    Annaly Parry
    finally there's a chance to clear their heads
  • Queen Anny picture
    Queen Anny
    Lack of communication is what ends a lot of relationships before it even starts. Thumbs up Tobi, more wisdom
  • Queen Anny picture
    Queen Anny
    Lack of communication is what ends a lot of relationships before it even starts. Thumbs up Tobi, more wisdom
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