Dangerous Romance - Episode 12

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Joe. B Pov's

At the party I met Gina my university mate, after our graduation I didn't set my eyes on her again.

She was over excited when she saw me, maybe she had a crush on me at school.

She told me how her friend lued her into drug trafficking. She got arrested and had been imprisoned for eight months.

Today is a happy night I didn't want her to spoil my mood so I cut her short by dragging her to the dancing floor for us to dance.

We were dancing when Vera came to asked of Steve, I offered to help her search for him but Gina wouldn't let go of my waist. 

She was after me with every inch I moved, it was as if newly married couples on their honeymoon. 

I called his number several times but maybe because of the noise he wasn't hearing.

I was about going in search of him when I saw him and Nancy on stage dancing.

It was surprising that Nancy who never smile was joyfully dancing with Steve.

What shocked me most was when Steve proposed to her, I was expecting her to slap the hell out him but she even kissed him.

The whole scene appeared to me as a dream but it wasn't.

I remember Steve showing me the ring she has given to Nancy and telling me she will be proposing to Vera on her birthday.

Why did he suddenly change his mind?? I think there is something wrong somewhere, I go to find out..

After the media had asked Steve and Nancy plenty questions, Nancy lifted to her room leaving Steve and I outside. 

I got close to him to question him but I noticed he was smelling of alcohol.

"We need to go now" I said to him, the guests were leaving to their various homes.

I held Steve's wait as I dragged him to the car, I dropped him at the back seat and wrapped the seat belt around him.

I was about entering the car when a voice called..

"Please can you drop me at my junction" Gina said

"Why not, get in." To prove myself gentle to her I opened the door for her before I entered to the driving side.

I switched the engine, stepped on the accelerator and zoomed off.

"what's wrong with him?? She said.

" He is fine I think he is just tired"

"Your friend is a lucky man"

"What do you mean by that??

" Don't tell me you are jealous of him"

"How can I be jealous when you're right here with me" I said in a teasing way. 

"Why didn't he spend the night with her??" 

I was getting uncomfortable with her too much talking 

"They want to get married before spending night together" 

To prevent her from further questioning I increased the volume of the music. 

I finally dropped her at her house as Steve and I went to his house. 

When we got to Steve's house, his mother was sleeping in the sofa. 

She suddenly stood up when we opened the door. 

"What happened to my son" she said running her eyes on him. 

"He is fine, he was over excited and got drunk. 

" Drunk! My son doesn't take alcohol, When did he stated drinking?? 

We sent him to his room and his mother applied cold water on her head. 

"I will be in the guest room" I said to her

"Alright son, good night"... 


Steve pov's 

The sun rays and the chirping of the birds made me realized it was day. 

I opened my eyes and found myself in my room how I managed to get here is what I don't know. 

I felt a little headache, the memories of me proposing to Vera yesterday hit my mind and I smile. 

Finally I have been able proposed to the love of my life, I hope she slept happily as I did.??

I took my phone to call her when someone knocked at the door. 

It was my mum. 

"Son, how are you?? 

" Am fine mum" she seem worried. 

"When did you started taking alcohol? 

" Sorry mum, I took juice but I think my drink was mixed with alcohol. 

"Who could have done that? I also took juice and I didn't get drunk."

Joe.B said.... 

"Let me get you your breakfast" mum said. 

"Man, what you did yesterday shocked me and the entire nation."

 "Did you got drunk to get rid of fear of the crowd"?? 

"One of the maid's served me with juice, I didn't take any other drink apart from that but I realized my legs were heavy "

"Do you really love the woman you proposed to yesterday"??  

"of course I love her...and why that question?? 

"Do you think her father will accept his driver as his in-law"?? 

"Am ready to fight for my woman, am not a coward" 

"I am hungry Let's get something to eat" 


After breakfast Joe.B lifted to his house, it was Sunday no work 

I have to invite Vera and introduce her to mum, I took my wallet from the table and went to the market. 

I bought some food staffs and came back home. 

I told mum about her and my intentions of bringing her for introduction. 

I haven't called her to find out if she will be able to make it and here I am planning of cooking., how stupid love have turn you to Steve 

I brought my phone out from my pocket and dialed her number, I called her but she didn't answer. 

Maybe her phone is not with her I wanted to call again when a call came in,

I checked the number and it was Nancy 

I hope she isn't calling to tell me come send her to somewhere because I will disappoint her. 

I didn't want to pick but on a second thought maybe Vera was calling me through her phone. 

I picked and the voice was Nancy's 

"Hi baby good morning".... 


Vera's Pov's 

I wake up this morning and realized I spent all night sleeping on the bare floor, my head aches and I felt pains all over my body. 

I found Emily sleeping beside me on the floor. 

"Good morning" she said 

I rise from the floor and sat on the bed, I felt a sharp pain hit my head 

"Eeeish , my head aches" 

"Sorry baby, you need to take a cold shower and drink enough water." Emily said. 

I carried my dizzy body of the bed to the bathroom. 

"I will go take a shower in the guest room" Emily said when I entered the bathroom. 

In the bathroom, the memories of Steve and Nancy kissing hit my mind. 

I was about crying but it seems I have cried enough, tears was stuck on my eyes. 

When I came back to my room Emily was sitting in front of the mirror as she apply cream on her body. 

"You missed a call" she said 

I took the phone and it was Steve, I didn't bother to call him back because I knew she was calling to say sorry for choosing my Sis over me. 

After putting on my dress, one of the maids came to inform me breakfast was ready but I had no appetite for eating....

"You have to eat, you didn't eat yesterday because of what happened," Emily said. 

When Emily and I went to the dining table, Nancy was already seated waiting for me. 

"Good Morning Sis" she said 

"Good morning" I replied with a fake smile 

"We were eating when she called Steve..

" Good morning baby, how was your night?? Nancy said to him

"Come pick me up at 12pm for lunch, I want to to see your mum" 

She added and hang up... 

My heart was bored with anger and jealously I dropped the spoon and run back to my room crying..... 

When Emily came I was sitting on the sofa, my head in my hand as tears dropped from my eyes to the floor. 

"Please Vera, you are hurting yourself you need to calm down " she said hugging 

"Can I stay at your house for sometime , I said in a sob. 

" Come on, you don't need to ask before coming to my house. "

" I have to pack few things am going with you"

I brought out my bag and packed few things I will be needing for weeks , in less than thirty minutes we were down stairs with my bags. 

I met Nancy on the phone with someone I never bothered knowing the person, I saw her dangerous face as he listened to the person on the phone. 


"Am traveling" I said to her but she didn't she say anything. 

We entered into Emily's car and lifted, at least I can give them some privacy. 


Nancy's Pov's 

I called Steve to get Vera jealous, I knew she can't stand me talking to him in a romantic manner. 

The way she run from the dining table nearly made me laugh but I did not want her friend to notice I was acting. 

After breakfast, father called

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/dangerous-romance

. I knew he had seen what happened yesterday on the TV or headlines. 

I picked the call and he started..... 

"What's the meaning of that nonsense on the graphics?? "I give you one week to revise that stupid thing on the headlines, I won't watch you destroy my reputation". . He said and hung up without allowing me to talk. 

I have lived all my live serving and obeying him, he made me offer a course I didn't want to do in secondary. Because of his company I studied economics at the University. 

My desire of becoming a doctor was converted to something else I never dreamt of, I don't expect him to choose who I get married to for me. 

All my life I have obeyed him but this time am on my own, don't dare me father because if you do, I don't care taking your life.

You taught me to be strong and fight for what belongs to me, I am practicing what you've taught me. I don't care how dangerous you are I will bring you down if you step on my way... 

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