Dangerous Romance - Episode 24

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Vera pov's

One week after the incident i have being having nausea and weakness, Steve and friends have been busy with their land issue.
Yesterday i went to the restaurant with Steve while eating i felt nauseous i run to the washroom and vomited , i have been feeling dizzy and headaches.
I have to see the doctor it maybe malaria .

Hi babe, what's wrong ? Steve said
When he came to the hall
" am fine" I lied because i didn't want to make him worried.
"Your body is hot" he said after touching me.
"I will be fine"
"Let go see a doctor " i didn't want to go but he dragged me upstairs to change my dress,  we went to the hospital.
After the doctor's test he told us to wait for a minute, he later came with the results.

"Madam can i talk to you in private" the doctor said after he brought out the results
"He is my husband " Steve looked astonished when i said that.
"Madam you're three weeks pregnant"
" pregnant ! I twisted my eyes and saw the happy face of Steve, he held my hands
"Congratulations ," he said
"Sir your wife's delivery will be difficult if we don't get the baby out." the doctor said ,
"Why" Steve asked in low and disappointed mood.
She suffered a shocked and it affects her spinal cords as i am speaking to you ,she is on kidney failure".
The doctors plenty English was confusing,first spinal cord and now kidney what does he mean??
"What do we do?? Steve asked
"She needs a kidney transplant and we should do that in a week to safe her and the baby"
Tears started crowding over my eyes


"Doctor start the operation" Steve said
"you need to make a payment of  $400,000 before we can do the operation ."
"Where do you expect us to get that kind of money from" i said
"We will be back " Steve said and held my hand as we walk out of the doctor's office,.
"Take this, she must take these drugs until you are ready for the operation, remember we don't have enough time"
The doctor said after we have reached the door
"Thank you" ,Steve said
In the car, Steve started making calls. He looked distress .
"Steve calm down you're  driving" he stopped the car immediately
"Sorry babe you will be fine,you will do the transplant"
He called Joe.B.

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/dangerous-romance

. ...
"I want to sell my land and the company so get the papers "
"Do you think that will be easy "
"Meet me at the house" he called Benjamin and the three met at joe.B's house.
At the house, I was speechless on how Steve took that firm decision , how can he decide to sell the land someone has established a company on.
"Guys Vera is pregnant with kidney failure and we have a week to make payment of $400,000 before surgery could be done"
    Benjamin and Joe.B opened their eyes widely when they heard the news
"What do we now" Benjamin said
"I want to sell the land "
"Yes it a good idea but it will take time" Benjamin said
"Please google the company's name and let upload the land papers and pictures of the company " Steve said. They did exactly that and in less than an hour someone called.

"This is Mr.Appiah from NG company South Africa i am interested in your company"
"Let meet tomorrow at my branch  office in Ghana " he said
"Steve that Mr. Appiah" i said in surprise
"Yes and am selling it to him "
"What do you think he will say,"
"That will even make the buying to be easy, We are selling to him no matter the consequences

Steve pov's
At the office Vera and I sat at the auditorium as we wait for Mr. Appiah , not quite long when my secretary enters with his bag while he also fellows.
We stood up and greeted him
"Steve are you the owner of that company"??  He asked in surprise
"Yes sir"
"Why do you want to sell such a lucrative company ?
Vera is sick, she need a kidney transplant and we don't have such amount.
"How much is the transplant ??
"This is just a small amount , that company will exceed that .
"We had no choice sir"
"I will pay for the surgery but will be taking from your salary every month, you are young and you will need that company" i couldn't believe my ears
"Thank you sir " Vera said
"Let go see the doctor now" Mr.Appiah said , we went to the hospital  Vera was sent to the operation room .
Few minutes later the doctor came out
"how is she?? I asked


" there is a little problem , after performing another test on her  we noticed her situation is critical so we couldn't performed the surgery you have to refer her to a bigger hospital ."
"Don't worry i will fly her to South Africa my doctor will take care of her" Mr. Appiah said , this man is God sent , Vera came out from the operation room as health as she was..
"Steve what's going, why didn't they performed the surgery " vera said in a manner of fear and confusion.
"We decided to fly you to south Africa for better treatment " Mr.Appiah Said
"You are going with Mr.Appiah tomorrow " i said after we entered into the car.
Two days after Vera went to south Africa for her surgery, I haven't heard from her i called Mr. Appiah and he said she has been unconscious ever since the surgery .
I was at my house when two police men came..
"I am Sargent Sam" he said showing me his ID.
"We are looking for Mr.Steve Ackah"
"I am Steve "
"Your attention is needed at the station."
"I hope there is no problem??"
"We need you to answer few questions"
"One minute " i went for my phone and lifted with the police to the station.
At the police station I was sent to the inspectors office ..

"Mr.Steve there was a murder case at the house opposite yours   yesterday evening, one Mr. Mark was found died in his room . When we got there it was a gun shot and we found something that belongs to you..
He removed my national ID and showed to me
This is what we found at the entrance of his door.
What do you have to say about this?? I was confused because i haven't gone to his house before and my ID i don't know how it got there.
"Sir this allegation is surprising, i haven't enter his compound before not to talk of his room and my ID it got missing two weeks ago with my phone"
"Your phone, how did your phone and ID got missing at the same time??
I went to a friend house when i came home i wanted to call and tell him i had reached home but when i search in my pocket it was missing that when i notice my ID was also missing"
"Mr. Steve  this is a murder issue and you are the suspect, so you better say the truth before we find out"
"That's all i have to say"
He made a call and one of the police men came
"Take him away and lock him up"
"Officer what is the meaning of this , you get your  hands of me,"
All he said was" move", to my realization i was  behind bus  in  half  naked body .
In the evening i was allowed to make a call , i called Joe.B and told him everything that happens he got me a lawyer .After the call two police men took me from the sell to a tortured room, they began to asked questions.

"Why did you kill him??
"I didn't kill him there is a mistake somewhere " 
"Where were you on the night of his murder "
"I was at home" My head was bowed down thinking of what to say when a punch landed my face another in my stomach,i groaned in pain
"We are flexible with you but it seem you want it in the hard way "
They brought am electric device and showed it to me to tell the truth or else you will face this shocker
I was more than confuse i didn't know what to say again
"I am innocent i didn't kill him"
They held my hand and pricked me with the shocker I began screaming in pain ,their faces began to fade and that i how i fell unconscious...
I wake up in the next morning one police officer dragged me out to meet Joe.B, Benjamin and a lawyer.
They saw how terrified i look, i was exhausted ,two days in prison without Vera.
"Sorry man, we will get you out of here " Joe.B said
"Have you heard from Vera?? They looked at me in amazement, why i wasn't thinking of myself but rather Vera. She is my life and besides she have my baby, life without her is incomplete.
"She is fine " Benjamin said but i knew he lied
"Meet lawyer Dan, he will help you through this case" Joe.B said
I exchange hand shake with him
"Mr. Steve this issue is not as simple is we see it, we must be sincere and trade with caution."
"I remember five days ago at the hospital a guy barged onto me, that was how my phone and ID got missing."
Could it be was a bait to trap me??
So it was a setup , oh God how didn't i figure this out earlier
He asked me alot of questions and the shocking aspect was that,  the news is every where that i killed Mr.Mark
"I will do my best to get more information about Mr.Mark"
Tomorrow i will be going to face the court, it going to be tough but i hope things gets better.....

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