Death's Game - Episode 8

His light

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Previously on Death's game

I will take all you have to offer in return for this betrayal.

And before I could comprehend the situation. I grabbed the knife, settled on Michelle's limp body, and plunged the knife into her heart. I watched the color red paint me and it felt good. I was satisfied.

She was dead and so was he.

Michelle Snowlie and Tom Stevens were dead.

"You better have a good reason as to why I'm here Milianda." Michelle slumped on my bed right next to me while searching for something on her phone . "Because," she moved the screen of the device towards my face "someone doesn't just text 'please come it's urgent' and is smiling like that." She pinned me with an accusing stare. "You gave me a heart attack, I freaking thought you were dying," she sighed.

"Of course it's urgent." I rolled my eyes, sitting up to face her. I couldn't wait to tell my best-est friend the news so maybe I had exaggerated a little. Not like it isn't important either. "He asked me out," I blurted.

"Who?" She was surprised. "Who?" She bounced on the bed with me.

"Who else?" I squealed and a second later she did too

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I wasn't really paying attention to Michelle, all I could hear was my own heartbeat and all I could see was the scene playing over again in my mind. I jumped some more.

"Tom?" She smiled "You ain't kidding me?"

"No, he told me to be his girl." I pushed my face into my hands, trying to hide my supposed tomato hue, still grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm so happy for you!"
I rocked side to side, the excitement still overwhelming, until she jumped on me pulling me into a hug.


I looked at the two bodies that laid before me, their eyes empty and lacking, but I felt full as blood soaked my jeans. How could a liar, a bitch, or even a heartless person have this much blood pumping in her veins?

Tom must have not known about the bond because the look of surprise that overwhelmed him when he grasped at his chest and slumped was priceless. So much for him being amused when he saw two girls fighting. I laughed. I guess no one told them about the bond, served them right. Betrayal was far worse than dying, even when they already died twice; one by accident, the other by me, Milianda Gramm.

I wobbled on my feet as I stood, wiping the blood from my hands on my jeans.

"Milianda, are you okay?" I heard Derick ask as his footsteps approached. I let out a humourless laugh. Yep, I had lost it.

"So you do know my name." I slowly made a turn with an expressionless, face eyeing his godly body before meeting his eyes. I was hoping to go for a killer look and right now in this situation I was sure it worked nicely. "I'm guessing this is the most convenient time to use it." I was angry. "As you can see I'm not dead," I spat, "no need to worry about your existence."
He looked shocked.

"Wow," I chuckled dryly. "What? You weren't expecting the nice sweet girl to look this way? Well I have changed. Isn't this what you hoped for? I no longer seek to disturb your mighty presence."

"No, Milianda," he took a step forward.

"There it is again, my name. Is this Derick?" I mused, tilting my head to the side. He looked dumbstruck for a second before shifting back to his poker face.

"That's the Derick I know." I patted his chest and walked away without glancing back.

I felt cold even as the hot water greeted my skin, cleansing my body of blood and also taking my emotions. I didn't want to cry. I didn't even want to feel anything.

"What do you want?" I asked calmly, head still under the shower as I scrubbed at the dry blood.

Congratulations on your first kill. It was twisted, dramatic, and beautiful. For that you get a reward. Aren't you excited?

Was he joking? Excited? After doing such a  thing and loving it. A smile tugged at my lips but I kept silent, waiting for him to be done.

Well I'm offering your father quick health. He left and I was almost relieved. Well, my father will be alright. I brushed away the thought and focused more on the swirling of red till it went down the drain. I soon finished my wash and like a robot stepped out of the bath, put on my pj's and went to bed.

I settled down in Math class without a care in the world, only lost in the eyes of my prey as they took their last breath. People are so disgusting. I could spot a girl and a guy sucking at each other faces, probably thinking they were in love. Fool, just wait till the bitch stabs you in the back. I scoffed while seeking another entertainment, when the teacher walked in and I finally zoomed off to my own universe.

"Miss Gramm," my consciousness was calling me, repeating, each time louder and louder till I focused in on someone standing at the front of my desk. "Miss Gramm!" Miss Sophie called out louder now. I groaned, she was giving me a headache. I gave her a look. I wasn't sure what kind it was but I got what I wanted, she stepped back quickly and carried on with her subject. I smirked, packed my things and left the class without a word from her. I was a monster. A killer.

"Hold up!" I heard an unknown voice behind me and turned towards the source. "I'm Matt."

"So you are." I turned, walking away but he joined me. Such a pest.

"You know, you're really cool and hot." Seriously, is that how they get into girls' panties these days? He smiled, I rolled my eyes.

"You think?" Sarcasm rolled off my tongue as I eyed him. He was hot for a pest, with brown shaggy hair, blue eyes, a sculpted face and a lean body. Not skinny.

"Yes," was his reply. Couldn't he read the sarcasm? I was pretty sure he was thinking with his other head. I sighed, walking faster. Then I got an idea and stopped abruptly.

"Wanna go have sex?" I stared coolly. I could see his Adam's apple bob up and down. He was wondering if I was serious.

He came to his decision almost immediately though. "Why not?" He shrugged, almost unsure.

The walk to the bathroom was almost unbearable and long. The funny thing was, it was just by the corner, but with him trying to be all seductive saying things like "Yeah baby, you so hot" or "This is gonna go down good," I nearly puked and ran away. What held me back? I didn't know but I thanked all the deities I had no idea about for reaching the toilet, where I deliberately picked the stall I had seen Michelle and Tom shag. Finally Matt's lips found mine, but I still didn't feel anything. It was like we were holding hands and whistling a song. I was so lost in nothingness till I felt my underwear slide down my leg.

"What are you doing?" Derick's voice boomed, echoing in the close walls of the female toilet. Matt pushed me aside clearly afraid of the hotter, taller and well-built guy standing in front of us.

"It's none of..." Matt's voice trailed off as he stared into the deadly eyes of Derick. So hot.

"Leave before you die." I smirked at Derick's statement. The irony. Matt scurried away in fear.

"What do you want?" I whispered pulling on my panties and adjusting my gown as I walked past him. Or I tried to before he grabbed my arm, turning me to face him.

"What were you doing?" His voice was low and deadly. Normally I would flinch but I kept my eyes pinned to his.

"And you care, why? Because I'm a virgin and not a slut?" I clicked my tongue against my teeth. Who was he to just walk in on something I wanted to do. I yanked my arm away aggressively, staring darkly at him. "I'm a big girl. I'm not killing myself or trying to get killed. As you know I am more than capable of taking care of myself. No need to worry about going down with me." I stared deep into his eyes, waiting for something without knowing what it was, before I finally sighed in defeat. He wasn't even showing any emotion so I wore my poker face too.

"Get out. This is the ladies room," I stated. He opened his mouth, closed it and just walked away. I turned to the mirror near the sink to find a black haired girl with hazel eyes staring right back at me. Was this actually how I looked? She looked dead, but I traced my face to be sure while I watched the reflection do the same. I think it's for the best, after all I am actually dead. I picked up my bag and was out of the toilet, inside my car and heading home.

You know that moment when you crave something and try to make sure you have it by doing everything possible?

Well I was going past the speeding limit, swerving in different directions, not paying attention to the traffic light just hoping I would die somehow and yet to no avail. I was standing hale and hearty in my living room, looking at mum grin from ear to ear. What was she happy about?

"Darling, you alright?" She looked a bit worried. I tilted my head to the side. Why exactly was she worried? Couldn't she tell I was strong without emotions?

"Why are you happy?" I asked simply, adjusting my book bag on my shoulders. She wasn't too sure if she should speak with the weary glance she gave me.

"Your dad is around. The doctors released him saying it was a miracle. He is in his room resting." I had forgotten about the deal but still, he kept his deals. I tried a smile on my face. I should have been more enthusiastic and my mum thought so too,   but I couldn't for now .

"Where is he?"

"His room." She had definitely said it before. Guess I wasn't paying attention. "Darling, you sure you're alright?"

I guess killing can actually drain you and change you. I walked up the stairs and on the last step called back, "Yes Mum."

I stepped into Dad's room just to make sure he was well and alive, and walked out almost immediately, escaping from the discussion he was about to start. I told him I was tired, allowing me to escape to the confines of my room.

The following days went the same way. Having a poker face, going to school avoiding, people most especially Derick, even though I had not seen him since the incident in the toilet. Is he alright? I shook the thought away.

It was sort of weird not bumping into him from time to time and the more it happened the more cold I became and pushed majority away.

"I'm going to take a walk" I said one day at home. I left before mum replied, but I regretted my decision immediately I spotted Derick on the porch.

"Now you are into stalking?" I disregarded him as I walked past.

"Milianda hold up." Something wasn't right with his voice.

"What?" I stopped, a little concerned for him, turning to meet him combing his hair with his fingers. He didn't look alright either, almost like he hadn't slept and to add to that I could taste his nervousness. Derick was always composed, never nervous. I moved a little closer to him trying to figure out if he was an imposter. But I could feel the bond. It was my Derick.

"I don't like you like this," he mumbled. Thank heavens I could hear well, I almost missed it and just when I was going for a sarcastic remark he held a hand up.

Read " Eve " by the same author ( Amy Maduka )

. "Let me finish," he sighed and dragged air into his lungs like he was about to explode. "I really like the one that was too happy, inquisitive, annoying and caring." He paused, looking me dead straight in the eyes before he continued. "I know killing changes people but I don't want you to change. That's my job. You have gotten under my skin. I can't help it no matter what I try." I was so confused right then that I knew my face was a mess. He sighed again and picked up from where he left off.
"I want to take it all. Your pain, suffering and hurt. You see I needed a light in my life and Milianda Gramm, you have become that light."

Omh, when did Derick become a romantic!!!!! *pants*

Such a sly. I am so sure Milianda is shocked asf. .

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  • Fabian Ibeh picture
    Fabian Ibeh
    Yeah! Derick's coldness is a way of protecting her. But seems that has changed and he kinda misses being the protector. Girl, I love your story.
  • Abigail Amande picture
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