Deciet - Episode 22


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*Chief Was having a meeting... it wasn't just any meeting... yes .. it was the money based and just he was just about hitting the nail his phone starting ringing. He turned it off in disgust and continued but the phone rang again. " I think your phone is ringing and it's important based on the fact the call has been repeated!"the ambassador says. Chief stormed off angrily to answer the call.*
Boss's p.o.v
'Collin your had better got a good reason for calling me if not you're dead meat!' I  screamed angrily . I heard some background noises. His voice wasn't even audible. Network!I hissed in anger attempting to go back inside when the phone rings again. Remind me to change my ringing tune cause mine was racous laughter."What!"I yelled answering the call. "Sir there's this girl that entered the house... she won't leave....!"he said. Oh no no no "Ask her the name!"I ask and "Jacinta"he muttered. I Curt the call in anger and called Divine. "Hello.. hun..."she began. "Hold your setiments! I was in a reeeeeallly important meeting... when I got a call that your deranged daughter is back you better get rid of her!"I warned curting the call before she could speak. Adjusting my tie,I forced a fake smile walking into the room

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. "I've taken care of that disturbance so as I was saying....."

Divine's p.o.v
I dropped my phone in the floor my mouth opened wide in shock. Jacinta was back in town....what am I going to do? No matter what she can never meet Jack her younger brother. How on Earth could she escape from a mental asylum  that has special protection. I entered my car and drove frenzily Wondering what I'm going to tell my baby that I haven't see for over twenty years. Tears fell down my cheeks and I immediately wiped it. "You must be strong!"I said as I spotted the house that I have come to suddenly dread. I park quietly to take her unawares and take off my shoes but immediately I enter I'm confronted with a gun. "Welcome mom let the party begin!" Jacinta smiled, screaming at me to kneel down.

Kiki's p.o.v
We have been driving for over two hours and I know Jack is not taking me anyway home. "Where are you taking me?"I scream angrily. "Someplace"he chuckled. "Take me home right now!"I ordered. "Yes... her highness so Anderson will send more goons to kidnap you cause he knows where you stay!"he smiled. crap! I've forgotten about that now I have to go into hiding. "Where are you taking me?"I ask stubbornly. "To be killed"he chuckled. To say I hate this man is an understatement. I curse silently while he continues driving pleased with himself. Finally we got to our destination as you can guess it's hidden from the rest of the world... wild spooky with branches it's not really painted but the windows are dark and tainted and there's a lot of wild life and trees. He doesn't even bother talking to me,such rudeness. I rush into the bathroom of this strange house to wash my hands as we had been advised to do so since Corona virus was at it's peak.... I see hand sanitizers and wash thoroughly. On second thoughts there's soap a towel cream and everything I'll need so I'll take my bath. I took off my clothes and was about entering  the bathroomwhen a voice interrupted me
"Do you want bacon for breakfast or Mac or cheese?"
and yes he just had to walk in at that damn moment!!

Peter's p.o.v
I look outside Kiki's house, yes I haven't given up on her yet. No sign of a human activity in the house when I heard her mom saying that Kiki no longer picks up her calls and she's beyond worried. What is going on?I wonder when I see a little girl running outside to hang the already washed clothes. "Kira hang those clothes and come straight inside we are supposed to be on quarantine!"her mom yelled. ooh lala she looks exactly like Kiki brainstorm. "Hey little one!"I smiled at Kira as I took her unawares from behind. "Stay away don't touch me Corona virus is real!"she said sternly..such guts. "But I just want to be your friend!"I said bringing out a. sweet. "Take your infected sweet somewhere else"She said trying to run. "Okay you want money!"I said bringing out my wallet. "Mom.."She started screaming, trying to run into the house I immediately brought out my handkerchief and covered her nose with it while also covering her mouth,she jerked for some time and finally became unconscious. I sighed as i carried her, tied at the backseat of my car promptly entered the front and drove off

Amaka's p.o.v
"You're a fool!"I screamed at the evil man standing before me. "You don't Know me!"he said throttling my neck. "But I do know what you want.... you want that girl that escaped don't you?" I ask smiling. "Don't talk about Kiki that way!"again that harsh tone. "Oh so you want Kiki I want jack and can work together to achieve our dream cause we have like minds"I said. "Goons release her!"he ordered.

Read " Fell In Love With A Bad Boy " by the same author ( Lo is )

. "The name's Anderson!"he said stretching out for a handshake. "It's Amaka"I said plopping on the chair, ignoring his outstretched hands. "And I have just the plan......

Jeff's p.o.v(I'm so sorry last time I used Jack's p.o.v just realizing)
"The eye is above the sky and if you look around the truth you're bound to find." This is saying this is a clue but it's obvious I'm straying.... what do I do? Try and remember everything you can about Job ok... he was a wierd kid,he loved eggs,he had 4 sisters he's cute... he's... he's.... had an upside way of seeing things! I looked at the sky, something did not seem right it was designed by Job. I laughed full of relief and I saw the eye hidden deep in the so called sky but it had a password and I wrote "Your secrets safe with me. Trust me"this was what Job said anytime he told me a secret. it worked! I saw the most beautiful piece ever, keeping it safely in my trouser pocket,I pick up a stone ready to hit that wall....


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