Demigods(book one) - Episode 21

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A battle cry interrupted everyone in Adeola's camp from their worry free sleep.

They were being attacked and no one was prepared.

Remi rushed out clumsingly holding his sword and battling to keep his cloudy lids from closing.

Other men had began to rush out of their tent in the same manner.

Their sight caught something else, The attackers were fleeing.

Demon like Creatures were falling from the heavens and ripping the men apart.

It was Adeola's doing.

She was levitating and had a malevolent smile plastered to her face.

In seconds, their battle was over.

Remi checked around for Ajoke.

She was missing.

Where could she be? He wondered.

He found Ajoke sleeping on the bare ground like a baby not far off.

She had a book clutched to her chest.


He called.

Ajoke woke up immediately brushing her eyes with her hands in a circular motion to clear her eyesight.

"Is anything wrong?"

Remi was sincerely worried about Ajoke, she had been acting a little bit off lately. "I'm fine."

She replied.

She did not look fine but Remi did not probe further.

"Okay . Let's go."

Remi said and tried to help her up and they began to walk back to the campsite.

He noticed she still clenched tight to the book and he badly wanted to know what it was for.

"What's that?"

Remi asked, referring to the book hugged tight in her hands.

"Just a book I've been reading."

She casually said,

"what happened? I heard noises."

She said changing the topic.

"We were attacked."

Remi said accepting defeat.

"Did anyone get hurt?"

No one did

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Not with Adeola's Mysterious powers at work.


He cool-ly replied.

"Remi.." Ajoke stopped walking and looked into Remi's eyes with all seriousness. 

"Can you die?"

She asked.

Of course he could die, he was still part human.

She had a fearful look in her eyes like she feared the worst for him.

He wondered who could have told her something that made her so jumpy.

Holding her hands, be spoke words that surprisingly came with ease,

"Maybe. But, I'm still alive."

She smiled and they began to walk again, hand in hand.


Adetoye could not imagine ever seeing his partner in crime again but here he was flesh and bone.

He has so many questions but could not determine which one to pick.

"How did you escape? I remember Adeola mentioned that you were trapped in Aje."

The disguised mage did not have time for the necessary chit chat.

"Where is the jar containing Remi's blood?"

He demanded.

"What do you need it for?"

Adetoye retorted, wondering what the swarf wanted to do with it.

"Do you remember what Aje said when you asked if you could save Ayetoro?"

He did.

It was fresh on his head like yesterday.

The witch said he needed to dump Remi's blood in the hellmouth.

The small openings in all the four kingdoms withan eternal fire burning.


He wanted more.

"I'm going to do more than that."

Adetoye heard Ebube's croaky voice transform to a soothing yet sinister one.

The man standing in front of him wasn't Ebube.


He screamed and ranted.

No one seemed to hear or see him as they all moved about doing their business.

"What do you want?"

Adetoye demanded, more like a frightful whimper.

"The blood."

Gbade replied.

Adetoye scrambled to the corner and brought a jar filled with a reddish brown chunky liquid.

He hijacked the jar and began a chant.

"Blut, oh Blut brennt vor Helle. ein Opfer fer den Schutz, die Entstehung des Feuers."

The mage chanted and the bottle immediately caught fire.

Gbade dropped it to the ground and turned to Adetoye who rolled like a ball at the corner.


He said and then shifted to a bird before taking to the skies.

Adetoye did not know what happened but his men whispers and surprised expressions made him come out of his tent.

Ayetoro was covered in a dome of flames.

Why did the strange man protected Ayetoro? What was going on and more importantly where was Esu when he needed him.


Aremu had entered the plains of Ayetoro.

He could already smell victory.

Read " Allure " by the same author ( samuelade. )

. With the kingdom divided, they would be easy picking.

He turned back to watch his legion of soldiers enter the kingdom when screams and wails suddenly began.

A fiery shield immediately covered the borders.

The unlucky soldiers were roasted to nothing but Ash.

What was happening? Was Ayetoro ready for him? A bird descended to the cracked red earth and took the form of a man.

"Gbade, what is going on?"

Aremu demanded.

"I trapped them for you. You should be grateful."

He said with a sly smile.

"You killed my men."

Aremu fumed.

"I could kill you right now."

Gbade knew he had to think of a quick excuse before Aremu began to suspect he had Ill intentions.

"The shield will kill the boy who can oppose you."

Gbade said in high hopes that Aremu would be satisfied.

Aremu's frown turned to a smirk.

"You take this job seriously, I see."

Oh, Gbade did and he surely wasn't going to stop there.

Hell fire was potent enough to burn the marking that bonded him with Aremu but it wasn't time yet.

"We still have to remain in hiding for a week. Then, we can attack and I assure you victory."

Gbade said nonchalantly. Aremu turned to the mage and in pride said,

"I always win."

"Then you're in for a shock."

Gbade muttered under his breath.

Now, he had the opportunity to see his daughter and learn of Remi's present predicament.


Remi could feel his body heat up like he had just been thrown into boiling water.

It was way worse though, it was like fire.

He screamed in pain as the feeling washed over his entire body.

Ajoke screamed for help as she saw him writtle on the floor like an earthworm exposed to the sun.

Daruma immediately came to their aid.

His body got a wicked burn when he touched Remi.

"Hell fire."

He muttered. Remi's physique was changing.

It was like he was melting.

His hair had completely disappeared and had stopped moving.

The madallion on his neck glowed in a bit to keep him alive.

An orange glow suddenly covered the whole camp replacing the bright day.

It prompted Ajoke to look up and the feeling of dread suddenly came over her.

It was just like the one she saw in her vision, Remi was dying and for some reason, the new force shield had a hand in it.

"Do you know anything about what is happening?"

Daruma asked as more people began to gather around Remi.

Ajoke could not tell now, it was far too late.


She lied and ran away.

The flapping of wings informed Ajoke of her estranged father's presence.

"Will Remind die?"

She asked, not even knowing why.

"Oh, he will and painfully too."

Gbade replied with a snicker laced to his voice.

Why was her father so inconsiderate? His smile confirmed a dreaded thought that crossed her mind.

"You have a hand in his predicament."

She accused unable to believe what her once sweet father just did.


Gbade answered refusing to even lie for his daughter's sake.

"he's getting just an ounce of what his father caused on many."

"But he is a good person."

Ajoke wept.

"So was his father once, Evil does not skip a generation daughter, it's always there."

He said and attempted to hug his daughter in a bid to pacify her.

Ajoke pushed him back, disgusted.

"I hate you."

She stated.

The words made Gbade's blood boil, infact, it made his blood steam.

"You think he is so good than your own father who have birth to you?"

He spat.

"Do I even know you anymore?"

Ajoke sadly answered.

"Then save him. Your powers can rival mine. Save him if you can resist the allure of the powers that flow in your veins. Deep down, you know you hate everything related to Aremu. You hate him for killing your mother. It's there, it's always there."

Gbade then shifted into a bird and flew off.

Ajoke watched him leave and pondered on her father's words.


Did she hate Remi for his father's doing? Could she save him? If she could, would she? (sorry for the late update, I have been busy writing another book for a contest. you can check sanctum out on Wattpad, my username is @jumolade.)

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