Falling For Innocence - Episode 33

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"Mom, where are you? The movie is about to start" i whine into the

phone. As soon as i woke up this morning, mom had arranged some

clothes for me and insist on a girl's day out. I had wanted to just

sleep the day away but she insisted we atleast go to watch a movie

together since she already bought the ticket. We were already ready to

leave when her phone rang and she told me leave without her promising

to meet me there before the movie started . Now, she's nowhere to be


"Am almost there sweetie. Just go in and remember the seat i said you

should sit so i would be able to locate you easily okay?" she ask

through the phone and i nod. I remember she can't see me so i say yes

then hang up. I guess i have to watch alone for now.



A day off. I wonder how sarah's dad managed to get me out of work

today. He said i have been to focused on daisy ever since the

incidence and wanted to me to go loosen up and forget about my

responsibility for a while. I wonder how a movie can help me loosen up

but i came out of respect and i did need a break. Taking care of a

little baby hasn't been easy for me even with the help of Margaret.

Especially with the media trying to get little scoops about her and my


All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/falling-for-innocence

. No way am i letting her go through the hassle of the

press. I also don't want that for Sarah. Even after telling her i love

her that day, i can't bring myself to fight for her. I am now a father

of a little kid. Putting this responsibility on her when she's still

young wouldn't be fair of me. Daisy and i are now a package deal so

asking her to marry me is like asking her to be daisy's mother. Would

she want that or would she blame me later for tying her down? I rub my

tired eyes and reluctantly walk into the movie hall. Its filled to

capacity. I remember the seat number dad insisted on then locate it.

Thankfully, its empty so i park my butt on the seat.

The movie is a tragicomedy and i can't help but notice my seat mate

who has been sniffing silently behind me. Women. Trust them to cry

even because of a movie. When the movie starts getting funny, she

laughs so loud. That laugh does several things to my heart. I'll know

that laugh anywhere. Sarah?. I turn to study the woman properly before

it hits me. It really is Sarah. Mr Paul, that conniving old man. I

want to get up and leave but the rhythmic sound of her laugh has me

tied to this chair. The last time we spent this much time with each

other, she was crying. I just want to burn the memory of her laughter

into my brains. I will just leave before the movie ends so she

wouldn't notice me. I dont pay any more attention to the movie, i just

watch Sarah laugh. When the movie start rolling to an end, i stand up

quietly to slip away but an obnoxious kid had to shout at me to sit. I

try to shun the kid but Sarah turn toward my direction.

"Jake?" she gasp in surprise and i walk out of the cinema quickly. I

can hear her behind me and i pick up my pace but stop when i hear

someone yell.

"Watch where you are going! Now you have wasted my cup of coffee" i

turn back to see Sarah on the floor with coffee on her shirt. I want

to walk away but i can't. I reluctantly pull down my cap to shield my

face from onlookers and walk over to help her stand.

"Are you okay?" i ask pointing to her soiled shirt.

"Nothing a good washing won't erase. What are you doing here Jake?

Thought you were avoiding me" she say then plant her hands on her

slender hips waiting for my answer. I rummage my head for what to say

but come out blank. People are starting to troop out of the cinema

when a woman in a black hoodie screams.

"Hey everyone, thats Jake. Lets get his autograph!" Its a stampede as

everyone rushes in our direction. I wonder how that woman knows am

Jake. I dont ponder this much as i just grab sarah's hand.

"Run!" i yell then drag her behind me as we run away from the crowd. I

see an open door by the side then pull Sarah inside. Our breathing

come out in fast pants and i can feel her breathe on my face. The

crowd rush pass the door and Sarah breath out a long sigh.

"Sucks to be you. I dont think i can go through that everywhere i

go" she says then turn to look at me. Our eyes lock and it feels like i

can get lost in her beautiful eyes. I brush a fallen strand of her

hair behind her ear and i can feel her pulse quicken. The room is dark

but i can see her biting on her lips. I want to kiss that sting away.

I can't help it. I start lowering my head to taste her atleast once.

Sarah's eyes drift close and i groan. Self control snapping. I pull

her to me with my arms around her waist.

"You guys better leave before the crowd get back." A familiar male

voice say from outside the door. We pull away from each other quickly.

"Come on, lets get out of here" i grab sarah's hand and pull her out of

the room. A man with a black hoodie is standing outside the room. We

by pass him and start walking away.

"I saw them looking for you towards the left entrance, you should go

this way and walk straight till you get to a park. They won't be able

to find you there" the man behind us yell and i nod. I guess we are off

to the park then.


"Wow, its an amusement park! Always wanted to go here" Sarah whisper in

awe beside me. She looks like a kid in a candy store. Just one ride

won't matter right?

"Hey Sarah. I have been wanting to try riding in a rollercoaster. Lets

just take one ride please" i lie. I am actually afraid of heights.

Sarah nod enthusiastically and i forget all about my fear of heights

but not for long as i begin screaming like a teenage girl as soon as

we get to the highest peak of the ride.

"Well that was horrible" i say as soon as we get off the ride.

"It was awesome. Lets go again" Sarah says and i shake my head. The

thought of going back makes me want to puke.

"Hey Jake lets buy these shirts. Aren't they cute? People keep looking

at me because of this soiled one and your designer shirt is drawing

attention to you" Sarah says pointing to a vendor witheCorny t-shirts

with i love the park on them. I won't be caught dead wearing such

crappy shirts.

"Thats a big no, Sarah." i say and start walking away but she grab my

hand and blink those puppy dog eyes at me. Yea, am toast. I can

already see myself wearing the stupid shirt. No sane man can resist

this woman.

"Okay, lets get the stupid shirts" i say and she hug me.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you"she chant in my eyes. If one shirt

can get me a hug maybe i should buy the whole kiosk.

"How much is one of these?" Sarah ask the boy incharge of the shirts.

He's actually just a boy of about 12.

"Its 1k" he says.

"Well, we will take two" Sarah says and the boy's face light up. We are

probably the only people who will buy such crappy clothes. I can't

believe I'll be wearing such cheap clothes. I feel like buying the

whole clothes just so this kid will get out of the hot sun. I put my

hands into my pocket to find my wallet missing. I pat all four pockets

on me and nothing. Sarah and the kid are already looking at me.

"I can't find my wallet" i tell Sarah.

"Oh no. i left my purse at the cinema because i was running after you!"

"Can't we just forego the shirts?" i ask but both Sarah's and the kid's

face make me shut my mouth.

"Wait here okay?" i tell Sarah and the kid who nod. I guess i have to

find a way to get Two thousand naira pronto.



"Come on! i heard Jake is singing a love song by the candy store!" An

excited teenage girl screech to her friend as they pass me.

Read " To Live For Once (Set Me Free II) " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. Its been a

while since Jake left so i follow them to see for my self. I find Jake

sitting on the floor while strumming a guitar and singing about

falling for innocence. People drop money into the guitar case as they

watch. The song talks about finding love at the most unusual time,

place and circumstance. My eyes are already watering when he meet my

eyes and gestures for me to come to him. The crowd's eyes are on me as

i walk slowly to him his side. He serenade me with two more songs

before the crowd disperse after he thanks them.

"So madam, is this enough?" he ask pointing to the guitar case filled

with alot of money.

"That was beautiful" i tell him and he grin crookedly.

"Lets go get you that shirt" i go to say before she plant her lips on

mine. I freeze but only for a second before i deepen the k-ss. It may

very well be out last. Cameras go off around us but i don't care.

"I need to go now Jake, i have a flight tomorrow" she says as she pull

away from me. She starts running and i can't stop her because some

fans surround me.


i love even numbers so lets stop at episode 34.

Who will end up with who?

Even i dont know.

Who is ready for the final episode? I know i am.

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