Finding Solace - Episode 14

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@Belladiva54 and @Oluwadare Mojisole, this is for you, so you don’t have to faint, lmao because I am not a doctor.


Nick and I were setting the table while she was practicing her Yoga or whatever she called it. I actually didn’t understand the  whole Yoga-thing but having realized that she is a movie star, I understood that Stars could have some weird things going on. I and Nick were joking as usual and when she came out of the room in her bikini and bump short, even I myself couldn’t help but stare . She walked seductively to him.
Seriously, believe me, I was getting used to that and if her plan was to make me uncomfortable, she would really need to try harder.
“You guys won’t just keep quiet right, maybe this would you shut up.” She said, before covering Nick’s lips with hers. 
Okay, probably her plan was working because I felt out of place but I just continued with the setting of the table.
“Wow! Babe, what was that for?” Nick asked, surprised.
She giggled and smiled, running her hands all over him. “Well, nothing. Do I need to explain why I am trying to be romantic with my FIANCE?” She had stressed the last word and I swallowed. That was noted.
“Kindly excuse me.” I quickly said before walking to the kitchen.
I sighed. 
What was the lady doing? Did she think I wanted to compete with her for Nick? I chuckled and shook my head

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. She must really be seeing me as a threat. I didn’t actually blame her with the way I relate with Nick but that would be really stupid. I mean, except if Nick was blind, dumb and deaf would he choose me over her. What was I even thinking? Nick was nothing to me, except my benefactor, once I get better, I would be out of here in no time.
Just as I started to dish the food, I saw Noah  from the window, walking towards the door. 
“The guy is cute.”
I turned around quickly as I heard Yvonne’s voice.
I shrugged. “Well, I didn’t notice.” I replied, trying not to blush.
She gave me a suspicious look. “Well, you must be blind if you haven’t noticed. I think he likes you too.”
I placed the plates in a tray while she washed her hands.
“Why would you think he likes me?” I asked .
“Well, he is always here to check on you, maybe you should give him a chance.” She winked at me .
“He is not my type.” I said before I realized.
“Oh! Really. So you have a type? Thought you lost your memory.”
That stung a bit but, she actually has a point.
“So who is your type?” She asked, arms akimbo.
I shrugged. “ Well, I like someone who is open, cute, funny, playful…successful.”  
“Like Nick?” She asked on purpose but I was lost for words. Sincerely, Nick was not in my mind as I said all that but then I realized he had all the qualities I just said.
“…I mean…well…” I stuttered but she only scoffed and walked away. 
Crap! What have I done?

Some hours later, we were all watching the TV. I only pretended to be, my focus was Noah. I  hated that guy, there was something about him which  I just couldn’t understand and knowing that  he was also looking out for Fiona always make me so uncomfortable. Right now, Yvonne was sitting down, her legs on my laps, on the other couch, they were both sitting, laughing and talking in a whisper.
What could they be saying they couldn’t say aloud? I looked at Fiona, she seemed relaxed as if she was talking to an old friend and then she hit him on the shoulder.

Read " Dance With Me " by the same author ( Tobi Loba )

. That was our thing!
“Baby are you okay?”
I faked a smile at Yvonne . “Of course Love, what is it?”
She gave me a curios look. “ You look as if you are fighting with someone.”
Now, Noah and Fi were looking at us. 
“I am fine babe.”I said again.
“Are you okay bro?”
I looked at Noah so hard I felt like punching him but I nodded. “I am fine , bro.”
Fiona looked at me but said nothing, then Noah said something to her and she burst into laughter.  My stomach did a double flip and then I had an idea.
“Actually Noah, you have been coming here for a while now and we do not know what you are trying to do.”
Everyone starred at me.
“What is going on?” Yvonne asked but I ignored her.
“Well, this is my house and I want to know his profession.” I said again.
Fiona frowned at me but I ignored her too .
“Well, I ..urm…a consultant. I…..” He started.
“Who do you consult for?” I demanded.
“Nick! What is with the question?” Fiona shouted at me, her brows knitted in a deep frown.
“He has been coming here for some time and no one knows anything about him. Don’t you think it  is strange?”
“You should have asked me instead Nick and yes, I know this is your house, you do not need to remind me!” Fiona replied before standing up, Noah did the same thing and they both left the house.
Yvonne threw me a questioning look.
“What was that Nick?”
I shrugged. “I am only trying to be careful.”
“You are behaving as if he is a threat to you!” 
“He is not a threat to me. I just do not know why he is here. His attention has been on Fiona ever since he got here.”
“Well, maybe he likes her, it is not your business.”
“Actually it is. I need to protect her.”
Yvonne slapped her phone against the couch. “What is the matter with you! She is not your girlfriend Nick.!You are behaving like an idiot seriously!” Then she angrily wore her pair of slippers and walked away.
Have I done something wrong?
Well, like I said, drama! Do you think he is being overprotective of Fiona? Was it wrong for him to have confronted Noah like that? Anyways, more of Nick-fiona moments would come soon, I’m sure we would enjoy that.Right?

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