Finding Solace - Episode 3

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Seriously, thanks guys , for the vote of confidence in the previous episode. I read your comments and my head was How are you doing?   

So, we will start from where we stopped. Here, I guess the story is just beginning. The anonymous lady is still being anonymous for now, but you will get to meet her later. Also, please,the episode is unedited, in case of some errors but I promise there won't be many.                                                                                                 
The doctor came in again, this time with some other man I could barely recognize, not that I wanted to anyway . I just needed an explanation about everything that is happening to me.
“Hi dear, how are you doing this morning?” The doctor asked, moving closer to my bed. While the man stayed a little further back.
“I am fine doctor, I just don’t understand what is happening here. Please, how did I get here?” I asked again.
The doctor exhaled. 
“Remember what I told you about a man that brought you here?”
I nodded

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. “You mean the man who hit me?”
He smiled and nodded. “Yes, he is here.” He beckoned to the man who stepped forward. That was when I took a better look at him. He was tall and fair.  The way his lips were primed created a hollow on each of his cheeks.  He had a shiny diamond hanging at the center of the white T-shirt he wore and a tiny one on each of his ear lobes. They all sparkled each time he moved. His hair was full, curly and jetty black. He was very handsome and was looking so guilty.
“Hi” He started, advancing towards my bed. “I am so sorry I hit you. You came out of nowhere.”
I shut my eyes, a little bit confused. “ I came out of nowhere? Where was I coming from? Do you know me from somewhere?”
He exchanged a look with the doctor and then sadly shook his head. “No. I don’t know you. Can you try remember your name?”
“Ofcourse, why not.” I replied without thinking. My name should be pretty simple to remember, Who even asks people if they remember their name? I scoffed in my mind.
“I am…..” I began and my voice trailed of… This isn’t possible. There is definitely no way I wouldn’t remember my name even if I couldn’t remember the past couple of days ..or months..oh dear…..or years! I stood up, catching both men by surprise and I moved towards the mirror  on the wall.
I stared into the mirror. For an instant, I couldn’t recognize the person reflected in it. Only when I waved and the person waved back did I realize it was me. An unsettling feeling began welling inside me and a dozen needles danced their way across my forehead.
“What is happening to me!” I cried. Starring at both men in horror! “Who the hell am I?”
The doctor walked up to me, holding me by the shoulder and trying to calm me down. He took me back to the bed on which I sat.
“What is happening to you dear , is that you are suffering from a memory loss. But believe me, it is just temporary, it will come back to you in bits. You don’t need to be alarmed. Though it will take time but it is not permanent.”
My heart was beating rapidly as I listened. I felt numb all over. Fright was consuming every cell in my body and I was breathing as if I was running out of oxygen. I scrambled my brain desperately searching for anything, any memory of my mother, or my father or where I came from. Instead, I felt trapped in this moment. My brain completely shut down and the more I tried to force it, I felt like I was going to explode so instead, I burst into tears.
The other man came closer to me and hugged me. I was exploding and the tears just kept flowing.
“ It just hurt so bad. I have no one. I can’t even remember where I come from. I am all alone. This is so unfair!”
He held me steady and kept patting my back.
“You will be fine. I promise.” He whispered into my ear.
His voice was soothing and as clear as crystal. “Thank you.” I managed to say before pulling away.
“So what next’s now Doctor?” He asked.
“Well, we need to give her a name.” The doctor replied.
The man took my hand in his, “Well, then, how about Fiona? It is my mother’s name.” He added with a smile.
I nodded as I felt like I could trust him. “Okay, thank you mister….”
“Nicky, call me Nick.” He replied, deepening his dimples.
“Thank you Nick.”
“So, you will be staying with me, until we get a place for you. You need all the attention you can get and I am willing to keep an eye on you.”
“Alright. Thank you so much Nick” I said quietly, what other choice do I have?
“We will be right back.” He said reassuringly to me, before he stood up and followed the Doctor out of the room.

I didn’t know why I had said that but I did.

Read " When A Woman Wants.. " by the same author ( Tobi Loba )

. I haven’t even told my girlfriend about this.  How could I have promised the girl that everything would be alright when my relationship is in jeopardy? How would my girlfriend take it?
Jeez! I knew I was in so much trouble!
I didn’t blame myself actually, the way she had broken down was too much for me to bear.  She didn’t deserve it and I had hit her. Maybe if I hadn’t, all this wouldn’t have happened. You could call it guilt or compassion, I have no idea. Thinking about Yvonne now, I definitely see it as sheer stupidity.
“Mr Nick!” The doctor shouted at me and I snapped out of my thoughts.
“Are you okay? You seemed so lost in thought.”
I smiled. “Sorry Doctor, I just felt so sorry for her.” I lied.
“Well, you have done the best thing and she should be grateful, you have been a good Samaritan.”
I scoffed at that. I felt more like a stupid Jew.
He passed the document to me to sign which I did.
“So, what’s next is for her to be coming for check-up in every two weeks.”
“Alright Doctor. Thank you so much.”
“Well, you are free to take her with you.”
I smiled painfully as I shook hands with the Doctor. Damn! I’m so much in trouble!                                                                    

So , folks, what do you think about Nick? Well, he is a fine boy with some swags,a big boy. I mean, he's got the looks and the money, he also is compassionate and has good intentions but what he doesn't have is a heart of a lion, he is a chicken for being scared of his slay-queen. I'm sure we all want to know his profession, we will find out soon too, actually, I am still working on what best fits him, your opinion can actually help in deciding that. So what profession would you like to give him? An Actor, a singer,an Architect or an artist or any others? Lemme know what you think ....thank you

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