Forever, Mitchell - Episode 9

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Misunderstandings are the bane of human existence. 


I didn't take the day off, there wasn't a need to. 

Madam K had called, telling me to take time off but I didn't, it would be me admiting that what happened last night got to me. 

On the contrary it just goes to show that I did a good thing not falling for Tyler's charm. 

Good job Mitch, you deserve a hug. 

I haven't seen any of them this morning, I don't want to. 

I'm walking around with a limp so madam K has asked me to leave the kitchen work and just concentrate on cleaning the rooms. 

I don't know why she had to do that, there's an higher risk of me seeing Tyler that way. 

I drag the laundry out with me, I just finished Bryant's room and he isn't inside. 

I enter into Tyler's and he's absent too, I do my job and come out. 

I begin to pile the laundry to take them down stairs when Clarissa, one of the kitchen maids approach me. 

"What's up M?" She asks and I smile at her. 

I think she's nice, it's been long since anybody abbreviated my name and I like her for it. 

"Nothing much, just going to do this laundry" 

"Yeah? Let me take that, madam K wants you to go to the other floor and clean those rooms too" 

"What?... But that's master Xavier's rooms" 

"Orders from above Chic" She says, dragging the basket from me and leaving. 

I bite my lip, looking at the stairs that lead to those dreaded rooms. 

I'm surprised madam K wants me to clean those rooms, she normally does it herself. 

I'm sure master Xavier isn't around and that's why she wants me there. 

Behold, who am I to dispute orders from above? I grab the tray of cleaning supplies before climbing the stairs. 

I knock on the doors of the room for good measure, no response from inside so I enter. 

My first impression of the room is that no one lives here, but it begins to change when I see the stray jacket here and there, the cigarettes butt on the coffee table, an handglove, an half empty bottle of Jack Daniel's 

The room is as unwelcoming as the man who lives in it is, the blinds are shut, the bed unmade and the place eerily silent. 

I pull open the blinds and begin my work from the toilet, my body wants to get out of here as soon as possible. 

When I'm done with the minor jobs I begin to vacuum, not that there's a speck of dust any where, but I clean like my life depends on it. 

I pile the used, notice i said used not dirty, I pile the used clothes into the washer because he has one up here. 

And before I finish cleaning it's washed, I put them in the dryer as I go about fixing any little thing that looks out of place. 

The last thing I want is to get killed because I forgot to roll the lint from his favorite coat. 

I begin to hum as I pile some of his book, wow, the man reads finance books a lot, that I can tell you. 

I walk up to the dressing table and atop it is a crucifix, it's pure silver and beautiful. 

I don't touch it and just move away when I hear the dryer ding, I pile the clothes and seat on the ground as I begin to fold them. 

I finish folding them and take them to his closet. 

I feel pressure on my neck as someone grabs my hair and I gasp. 

"Who are you?" A cool voice asks menacingly and fear saturates my being. 

It's him! He's around! He's grabbing my hair and it hurts. 


All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Sir..." 

He let's go of my hair to grab my neck and I bite my lip because mother of God that sh*t hurts like a mother. 

"Why are you in my room? Who sent you?",He asks, Watching me with dead eyes. 

He opens his closet with one hand and grabbing a necktie, effectively holding me and tying my hands. 

"You have 1 minute to tell me who you work for" 

He says and I whimper, it is at this junction that I must tell you that I am many things but not brave. 

Someone else would have effectively rescued their self from this situation but not me, never me. 

"30 seconds" 

"I.. I was... I was told to clean your rooms" I say in an almost whisper. 

"Only Kathrine cleans my rooms, why are you here?" 

"I got my order from her, that's why I'm here" I say and he looks around, seeming to take In the clean state of the room and the pile of laundry I was putting away before turning to me. 

He drags me from the room and downstairs, my leg is burning from all the pressure and I know there will be bruises around my elbow where he is holding me. 

We pass through the family room and I see Bryant and Tyler who looks to be in a heated conversation. 

They freeze, fear climbing their faces when they see Xavier holding me. 

We move past and I cast my eyes to the floor, my dead brain registers that Xavier is barefooted and wearing only a short, his back is covered in scars. 

I'm going to quit after today. 

We enter the kitchen and everywhere is silent, even the stove becomes silent too. 

"Kathrine" He mentions the name with meaning and madam K materializes. 

He pushes me to the front and I fall on the ground hitting my elbow on the canter, something cracks. 

I wince, tears filling my eyes but nothing spills. 

I notice a set of feet in my peripheral and I know it's Tyler's. 

"Why was this woman in my room?" 

Madam K looks at me before turning to Xavier. 

"I sent...." 

"Choose your words very wisely Kathrine" He says, automatically knowing madam K was going to lie. 

"I don't know sir" She rephrases and he turns to me, tilting his head to the side. 

"You said you received orders, from whom?" 

He asks and I whimper, curling into myself. 

"Speak..." He says and that loosens  my tongue. 

I lift my head and look around the room, searching for her, for Clarissa. 

She's standing by the door, fear in her eyes, slowly shaking her head at me, it's then that I know I've been a victim of another prank. 

I slowly lift my hand and point at her, guards materialize, dragging her to the center. 

She begins to wail. 

"It was only a prank master.... I didn't know you would be inside... I just only wanted to..." The slap to her face silences her and I pull back, my butt bumping into someone, I get pulled up to find myself in Pearl and Katie's arms. 

"You will die girl" He says before exiting the room, guards pulling Clarissa after him. 

I breath better from there on out, my legs giving from under me, Katie's hands are the only reason I'm not sprawled on the ground. 

"It's okay" she whispers, and it's then I realize I'm shaking really hard. 

"Grams?" Bryant asks steping forward but I don't look at him.. 

I'm too hurt to look at him, the pain of Clarissa's betrayal is worse than the pain coming from my sprained wrist. 



Thanks for reading! 

Tell me what you think! 

Don't forget to rate and comment. 

. .

Read " Forgetting Yesterday " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

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  • Samantha Evans picture
    Samantha Evans
    Wow..Mitchell sure has seen hell..Thumbs up Bebe
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Why is that guy soo dreadful, everyone tend to get scared around him. Mitchell u've seen hell but I pray u come out shinning. Bebe u deserve some accolades babe
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    Why will Clarissa play with such an expensive joke knowing fully well who Xavier is? That was really bad of her. Nice one dear
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    This their stupid prank must cease, why will one play with someone's life all in the name of a prank? I hope Mitch comes out stronger, nice one bebe
  • Mhiz Jenny bee picture
    Mhiz Jenny bee
    Good job bebe
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Backstabber serves her right....Katie and Pearl why are they being nice?,I mean they hate Mitch,good job hunny!
  • Mavis Siaw picture
    Mavis Siaw
    Which stupid prank bi dat ooo nyc one dear
  • picture
    [email protected]
    What kind of prank is dat?serves her right.bebe luv u rock.
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    This dem b*tches is getting out of hand, even if they want to hurt Mitch, must they do it through d almighty Xavier. By d way, what's dat guy's problem gan? Why is he behaving like a sadist? More episode Bebe love
  • Confy-Dencie picture
  • Bebe Ernest picture
    Bebe Ernest
    Thanks Samantha!
  • Oluwakemi Oluwatoyin picture
    Oluwakemi Oluwatoyin
    Wch kind prank be dat self ehn good for dat useless girl and hope Mitch come out fine!! More inspiration Bebe
  • Bebe Ernest picture
    Bebe Ernest
    You deserve some accolades too adeoti, thanks very much dear
  • Bebe Ernest picture
    Bebe Ernest
    Favour, jealousy is the mai reason she did what she did, she did not expect Xavier to show up like that
  • Bebe Ernest picture
    Bebe Ernest
    I hope so too bene,
  • Bebe Ernest picture
    Bebe Ernest
    Thanks mhiz jenny
  • Bebe Ernest picture
    Bebe Ernest
    Pamela, Katie and pearl have seen the light, they are now very much aware that Mitchell can't be bullied
  • Bebe Ernest picture
    Bebe Ernest
    I just tire mavis
  • Bebe Ernest picture
    Bebe Ernest
    Bella dear, you rock
  • Bebe Ernest picture
    Bebe Ernest
    Confydencie, some people don't just know when to stop, using Xavier as a prank was ourra line, Xavier is well Xavier, only God knows why he does what he does, thanks lav!
  • Bebe Ernest picture
    Bebe Ernest
    Thanks oluwakemi, you are awesome
  • Ruth O'Ratemo picture
    Ruth O'Ratemo
    More episodes please.I love this.
  • Bebe Ernest picture
    Bebe Ernest
    Thanks Ruth, I posted an episode, hope it gets approved
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    @Bebe that's our Mitch she's doesn't let anyone bring her down,not even Tyler
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
    OMG!! Mitch, leave that place b4 they kill you, go look for another job.
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