Forgetting You - Episode 16

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We alight from the car which thankfully I got back from my dad after so many arguments and head towards the school.

I carry Olivia and hang her school bag on my arm as I stare at the large board.

*Shining Star Montessori* It read.

I glance at Olivia who grins at the sight of a seesaw.

"You want to play?"

I ask her and she nods quickly.

I chuckle and walk further into the compound.

A teacher walks up to me smiling.

"Good morning Mr..."


I complete and she nods smiling.

Why is she so smiley? I raise an eyebrow when I realise she's actually checking me out. I grin.

Nice . I haven't lost my charm.

"Good morning to you too miss"

I smile and she blushes.

Oh nice,nice.

"Umm. It's her first day of school correct?"

She asks.

"Yes and I brought everything I was asked. Her toiletries, plates,water bottles and whatnot"

I gesture to the other bag full of those stuff in my other hand.

She takes it from me and nods..

"I'll be teaching her. What's your name princess?"

Olivia stares at me as if waiting for my permission..

"Go on

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Tell her your name"


she says shyly.

Oh, so someone has the tendency to be shy huh?

"Hmm. Nice name for a pretty lady huh?"

The teacher says tickling Olivia who throws her head back and giggles.

The moment she says pretty Lady, my mind is taken back to Hailey and a pang of pain hits me but I shake it off immediately and set Olivia down and take her small hand into mine.

"Umm miss.."

"Abigail. Call me Abigail"

She interrupts.


I say and she blushes one more.


"I would like to ask of a favour from you"

"Why, tell me"

"Umm actually. I need you to pay extra attention to Olivia. The thing is my daughter has respiratory disorders, you know like breathing problems. And it usually occurs when she's upset, hyperactive, overly excited or too tired. I just want you to make sure she doesn't go around jumping too much and all because the moment you take your eyes off her, she tends to move around a lot and mess things up.. So.. If you could pay more attention to her"

I explain

"Sure Mr Michaels no need to worry. We'll take care of her."

Abigail assures and I nod,giving her bag to her.

I let go off Olivia's hand and Abigail takes it.

Olivia looks up at me in confusion,probably wondering why I let go off her hand.

And when I begin to wave her goodbye,she suddenly realises my intentions and her lips begin to quiver, her eyes watering.

My heart instantly pulls and I kneel in front of her gathering her in my arms.

"Don't cry little one. Daddy's going to come back I promise"

I say but she only cries harder, clutching my collar..

"Olivia honey it's just school. I'll be back. Don't cry baby"

I wipe her tears and get up, moving away from her.


She calls out crying harder and I'm tempted to go back to her and take her home but sooner or later, she's going to start school.

It was now or never. 

I get into my car and sigh,leaning my head against the headrest.

"How did it go?"

Alex asks.

I almost forgot he was waiting for me.

"Bad. She was crying badly.

Read " Unattainable Perfection " by the same author ( eliza )

. I feel bad Alex"

He pats me on the shoulders.

"I know. Every child goes through that phase. She'll get used to it in a couple of days"

"Is it safe to say I miss her already?"

Alex smiles.

"Who ever thought you'd become such a great dad?"

I smile

"whoever thought we'd be working in the same company?"

"Touch Jason"

he laughs as I spark the engine to life and head to work.




I sigh as I take off the helmet and wipe my brow off sweat and head outside,away from the room.

I had a long day,supervising all the medicines so they would be packaged in their correct quantity before taking it out.

I'm so exhausted I didn't realise Olivia's first day of school is almost over.

I have thirty minutes to go pick her up.

I bet my baby will be so mad at at me for leaving her all alone.


I call out to one of the interns at the company.

"Tell my dad,I'm off to pick my daughter from school, I'll be back"

I tell him before taking off my lab coat and throwing it somewhere in the changing room.


Hailey stood a few metres away from the school where her boss had sent her to.

She sighs,wiping her forehead.

The scorching was showing no mercy on her delicate skin.

She had been waiting for the so called client for so long and so far she hadn't seen anyone matching the description she was given.

She moves to find a shade when she heard slight whimpering and sniffing.

Hailey follows that direction and came across a girl not more than three or four years leaning against a wall crying.

"Hey little one"

Hailey says softly and the girl lifts her head up.

"Where's your mommy?"


"Where's your daddy?"

She asks and the girls lips began to quiver as she cries some more.

"Hey,there,there.. Don't cry. I'll take you to daddy okay"

Hailey cooes and the girl nods.

Hailey checks her badge and sees *shinning star Montessori* boldly written on it.

Well, guess she could take the girl to her school and her parents can be traced from there.

"Come princess. Let's go to daddy yes? What's your name?"


the girl says as she takes Hailey's hand in hers and begins to walk with her.

An unknown emotion suddenly surges through Hailey as the girl mentioned her name.

Or was it because they were holding hands? She couldn't tell.


"What the f*ck!!! Where's my daughter!!!"


"Don't sir me!! I bring my child here for the first time and she goes missing? Huh? I swear to God, if anything happens to my baby, you'll regret ever being careless!!"

Jason sneers at Abigail who looked shaken and storms off in search of Olivia.



I walk with the little girl for a few minutes and we are almost at her school when she begins to breathe in and out heavily.

For a moment I thought she was just sniffing but it continued for a while and soon I realise she was hyperventilatiling.

She was breathing quickly and right before my eyes, Olivia falls to the ground breathing hard, like she was fighting to breathe.

Oh God! I kneel before her,trying to do something,anything but I can't. 

I don't even know what's wrong with her.

I only wanted to do good by taking her to her parents now this?



Jason runs as fast as he could towards Olivia who was laying on the ground, her small body jerking as she struggled to breathe.

"Olivia honey, why did you run off? Come on baby breathe, breathe please breathe for daddy come on!"

Jason pumps her chest repeatedly but her condition seemed to worsen.

"Jason? Olivia?"

Hailey whispers to herself trying to understand the connection. Jason.

Olivia. Her Olivia? She stares hard at Olivia and Jason.

Was Olivia her daughter? Did Jason keep and raise her? Did..


Hailey whispers reaching out to touch the little girl.

Jason who was distracted suddenly lifts his head only for His eyes to meet Hailey's. Confusion clouded his features, then realisation, then pain and then anger.. Suddenly Jason hits Hailey's hand away when she tried to touch Olivia.

"Don't touch her!!!"

He yells, eyes blazing at the woman he loved all these years.

The woman who run away leaving a one week old baby.

Here she was In front of him.

"Don't you f*cking. touch her!! Got it!!!"


Good morning guys.

Don't worry I'll write the next episode in both Hailey and Jason's POV so we can get to know their reactions after seeing each other again.

But do you think Jason has the right to be angry at Hailey?

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  • Cutedreamer picture
    Awww don't let anything serious happen to my Olivia oo @eliza
  • Amina Onaghise picture
    Amina Onaghise
    yes, he has every right to b angry at her. I hope Hailey opens up to Jason this time. thanks girl
  • eliza picture
    sure don't worry cutedreamer
  • eliza picture
    of course Amina. thanks
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Jason has the right of being angry with Hailey but he should calm down so after Olivia is fine, they can talk things out.
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    He has every right o. But like benedicta said, he should calm down n get olivia help first. Or maybe Jason should just call me, i'll take care of him.
  • eliza picture
    aww thanks Benedicta
  • eliza picture
    ugh Juliet you again!! I have left Noah alone for you ooo now you want to ambush Jason Abi?
  • Jennifer Aboagyewaa picture
    Jennifer Aboagyewaa
    Is his anger directed really at Hailey or the shock of finding Olivia is respiratory distress? Is Olivia on any bronchio dilator? That is what she needs so as not to go into respiratory arrest. Why will he be pumping her chest if she is not in cardiac arrest in this cast Olivia will need immediate help rather than him get angry at Hailey. He should be sending her to get help. That said how could the school allow a 3 year old to wonder off unsupervised? As for Hailey she is a sad soul feel sorry for her to have met her daughter again under such circumstances. For Jason's sake I hope Olivia makes it for it takes a selfless person to take on someone's child .
  • eliza picture
    yh Jennifer. pathetic I know. it actually happened to me once. i was having breathing problems and they pumped my chest making my condition worse. and oh i used to escape from primary school a lot though. thanks anyway
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    Jen you Are Right,i Do Have Some Respiratory Problem And Eli You Were A Naughty Girl Thats Why You always Sneak out.Next Pls And Nothing Should Happen To Oliva.
  • eliza picture
    aww Young royalty, school was a burden so I had to escape to go and watch my favorite cartoon series. thanks...
  • Oluwakemi Oluwatoyin picture
    Oluwakemi Oluwatoyin
    Juliet make me sad now here we are... U ar doing the same here pls and pls don't let Olivia die oo or else I will sue u to court
  • eliza picture
    awww kemi after threatening to take me to court I won't let her die.
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Eliza d escaper! This was y i stopped paying ur school fees
  • Thomas Camp picture
    Thomas Camp
    Yes, he has every right to get angry
  • eliza picture
    @ Juliet no wonder I was sacked from school. it was you all along
  • eliza picture
    thanks Thomas
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    His anger is right towards halys, she should have make an effort to look for her child all this year's.
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    He has every right to.....
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