Forgetting You - Episode 26

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Olivia runs back into the room and stops beside me, her hands behind her.


I stretch my neck and I notice two bars of chocolates in her hand.

One which was half eaten already.

Oh, so Jason sent her to steal the phone and in return gave her chocolates.


Smart dude.

Jason returns and hands Mr Michaels his phone, a triumphant grin on his face.

"Here dad!"

Mr Michaels snatches it and inspects it thoroughly.

Satisfied, he pushes his chair and he was out the door without another word. God,he's so grumpy.

"I know right?"

Jason says and I blush.

Oh, did I say that aloud?. I turn to Mrs Michaels who waves at me and gets up too.

"Don't worry dear. He's a grumpy old man. Now, come on Olivia"

she says

"Where to?"

Jason asks

"To make a few inquiries about some topnotch schools. If were lucky, we would fill admission forms today"

"But mother. You know what happened yesterday right?"

"I know son but sooner or later, she'll still go to school. Better late than never. Come honey"

she takes Olivia by the hand.

"Say bye to daddy and aunty"

She turns to us and waves, her mouth full with chocolate.

When they're out of sight, Jason turns to me and takes my hand.

"Let's go" 

I stay mute as we climb the stairs up into his bedroom.

Safely in the confines of his bedroom, he pulls me by my waist and i gasp at the sudden gesture and place my hands on his chest for support.


"Hailey, I have somewhere to be and so you won't be seeing me till tomorrow after the duel that's if I come out alive"

He says calmly and my breath instantly hitches.

I feel hot tears burning my eyes, threatening to fall.

"Don't do this Jason please"

I grab the collar of his shirt desperately.

"Hailey, I'm doing this for you. And Olivia. She deserves a normal mother and a normal life don't you think?"

He asks and I shake my head vigorously.

I can't allow this..he can't leave me too. I choke on a sob.

"Hailey don't cry please. It breaks my heart"

he pulls me closer, wiping my tears with his thumb

"Then don't go. Please. Jason, you can't do this. You swore this morning you won't leave me. You swore Jason. Don't break your promise... You..."

My words are cut off when I feel Jason's soft lips on mine.

He kisses me so softly for few seconds but then when I feel his tongue graze my lips, I shiver.

Desperation and a whole lot of emotions overtakes me as I let go off his collar and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back, giving him access to my mouth, letting him taste me as I do him.

I feel him squeeze the small of my waist and a mo*n escapes me.

His kisses soon become soft yet demanding, rough yet smooth and I feel intoxicated by him.

His hands glides lower and he lifts me up.

Instinctively, I wrap my legs around his torso and he begins to move.

He drops me softly on the bed, breaks the kiss and begins to assault my earlobe and neck with featherlight kisses. 

I don't want to think. I'm not going to.

I'm just going to bask in the pleasures of this moment as long as it last.

In a swift motion, my dress is off, then my bra and undies. His eyes hungrily rake over my nakedness.

And for the first time, I don't mind being naked before a man, before Jason.

"God! Hailey, you drive a man crazy. This is wrong. We can't do this"

he mutters rolling away.

"Please. I want you. Make love to me Jason please"

I plead and he sighs.

I reach out and grab a handful of his hair and he groans.

I c*ress his taut, well built and hard muscles through his shirt.

He stares at me for a minute, and I see the resolve in his eyes beginning to melt away.

He suddenly grabs me and pulls my upper body off the bed and smashes his lips against mine, kissing me hungrily and fervently, his hands roaming over my body.

I take off his glasses and throw it away, I rip his shirt apart and the buttons fly all over.

"Fiesty, I like it" 

he whispers against my mouth and lowers his mouth to my neck, nibbling on my soft spot.

"Oh God!"

I groan and hold on to him tighter as he eases me onto the bed again and parts my legs.

I stare at him as I await that moment, the moment of genuine intimacy I never experienced with any man.

The moment of pure Bliss and ec*tasy.

And for the first time, Jason made me know what it feels like to be made love to without being forced.

And I knew, there and then that I was falling in love with him.

I was fallng hard with only him to catch me.


"You're so unbelievable Madeleine!"

The man in his early sixties shouts at the Lady before him twirling his pen around his fingers.

"Dad! Sarah! Call me Sarah please, we don't want anyone finding out Madeleine is my real name right?"

She asks and the man frowns.

"I don't give a f*ck young lady. What I care about is how incompetent you've been. Three years ago, I thought things will be sealed once you get married to Jason but no, he walked out. He f*cking called off the marriage!!"

The man growls hitting his office desk.

"Calm down dad"

Madeleine says and it angers him the more

"Calm down? I will only calm down when you manage to make him marry you!! And by far you've failed miserably!"

"It's not so easy father. Jason isn't like any guy"

"Are you kidding me? He's a man. And every man is moved by what they see. Wear a skimpy s*xy, alluring and tempting dress and he will go hard for you. But you, you can't even seduce him!"

"Don't you love him?"

The man probes further and Madeleine nods.

"Then put your woman charms to work girl! Make him Fall for you"

"But father.."

"No buts Madeleine. No buts! I will be signing a huge consignment soon and for that I'll need to ship more drugs out of the country. And I need Jason's father's company for that! For that to happen, there has to be a marriage so that both companies can become one and then I can successfully smuggle drugs with Mr Michael's company do you get it?!!"

He growls. Madeleine nods again.

"Good now go out there, buy yourself a pretty dress, invite Jason for dinner, lunch or whatever, drug him, make him sleep with you then you can pin him down with pregnancy and you two will get married. Gregory Michaels pharmaceutical is one of the most reputable companies and no one will suspect if I smuggle drugs through them. Of course Mr Michaels doesn't need to know any of this. In his eyes, I will be an honest business man who wants to merge companies with his'. I want my hands on that company by hook or crook understood??!!"

"Yes father. I'll meet up with Jason right away" Madeleine answers and walks out of the office.

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  • Confy-Dencie picture
    I think Olivia and Jason's mother will need a bodyguard oo,especially Olivia. Make dem no go kidnap my baby for me ooo.. This Madeline a.k.a Sarah's father is a bad bad man,so he wants his daughter to marry Jason cos of his selfish interest, chaii. More episodes pls,,,can't wait ooo
  • Oluwakemi Oluwatoyin picture
    Oluwakemi Oluwatoyin
    Hmmm don't want to talk now pls next episode
  • eliza picture
    soon @ Confie-Dencie
  • eliza picture
    hehe. yes ma'am @ kemi
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    If only Jason's father knows this, he would be eternally grateful to his son for saving him, I hope and know this sarah/madaleine girl won't succeed
  • eliza picture
    I hope so too @ Benedicta
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    I just pray Jason survives d duel, Hailey gets her freedom and their love will conquer all but pls Olivia mustnt suffer o biko she's innocent after all.
  • eliza picture
    sure @Adeoti. thanks
  • Sholly Young picture
    Sholly Young
    Eliza.... I reserve my comment but you just cleared my suspense anyway.
  • Mhearty picture
    Let Jason win that duel battle first..more episodes pls..nice write up dear
  • eliza picture
    aw finally @ Sholly
  • eliza picture
    thanks Mhearty
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    I Just Hope That Sarah's fathers Plan Does Not Work,And I Hope Jason Comes Out Alive After The Duel.plsssssssss oooooo eli.
  • eliza picture
    we shall find out pretty soon@ Young royalty
  • Cutedreamer picture
    Jason will certainly win the duel, I have no doubts about that just that it will be a bit difficult. Isn't that right Eliza?
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Mmm another Lucious, hope he ends up in jail!
  • eliza picture
    don't bribe me into spilling the truth cutedreamer. I've caught you
  • eliza picture
    we pray so Pamela
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