Forgetting You - Episode 39

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I step into the room, shutting the door behind me.

lean against the door and sigh heavily.

"What did the nurse say?"

Tess questions walking up to me.

I had just escorted the nurse whom doctor Frank had dispatched here outside.

"She said he needs a lot of bed rest and also gave me a list of medicines to buy"

I show the prescription and she nods.

"Is Jason asleep?"

I ask and she nods.

"Thankfully yes. I think we need to get the medicines before he wakes up"

she says after a moment and I nod in agreement . But...

"I don't have money"

She just smirks and waves a credit card in front of me.

I gasp.

This girl is evil.

"Your father's credit card?"

"Yep. And also..."

She pauses rolling her eyes as she checks out the house.

"This house needs a few homely touches here and there. We women turn a house into a home. We also need to get accustomed to this new surroundings. And also,we need to do a few shopping. New clothes, shoes, bags, make up kits, a new hair do, manicure, pedicure.." 

She rants on and on, staring into space dreamily.

"Oh dear Lord Tess, by the time we're done, your father will go bankrupt"

I chuckle but damn, her offer is so tempting.

"Oh please, that's the least he deserves for what he did this morning and for making my brother move out of the house impromptu"

she waves off and I bite my lip.


she leans in closer and whispers

"You could buy a few toys for Olivia and a few lingeries which you could wear for my brothers eyes only. Jason loves red and he'll go haywire when he sees you in a s*xy dress"


All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I blush.

"So? Ready for some shopping?"

She asks wiggling her eyebrows and I laugh.

"It's so hard to say no to you"

I say and she grins.

She turns to Alex and Olivia who were tackling each other on the sofa.

These two are gonna make a mess of this new house soon.

"Olivia honey?"

Tess calls out and Olivia stops what she was doing and turns.

"Wanna go out with me and mummy?"

For a second,Olivia looked like she was considering the offer but then Alexander whispers something into her ears and her facial expression turns into confusion. She stares at us and then at Alex.


She says and Alex grins triumphantly.

Tess looks at me and I shrug.

"Oh well, we can have all the time to ourselves then. bye! Please check on my brother yeah?"

Without waiting for a reply, Tess picks up her purse and drags me out of the house.



"Whoa! Did you guys buy the entire mall?"

Alex exclaims as Theresa and I drag the numerous shopping bags behind us.

"Oh shut up and come help us. We bought stuff for you and Jason too"

Tess grumbles and drops the bags at the foot of the entrance.

I do the same and collapse my tired body on the couch.

Oh dear, I'm do exhausted.

It took us almost an hour to find our way through this complicated estate and when we did,we had gone straight to a salon and had our hair done, manicure and pedicure.

Then we had gone to the nearest boutique to shop for a dozen clothes.

And then we had to ask for directions for the nearest grocery shop to buy some groceries to fill the fridge.

Then we had to buy stuff like buckets, soaps, washing powder,pomade, cooking utensils,spoons,plates.. Oh dear Lord, I can't imagine the amount we've spent today.

Mr Michaels is so gonna flip when he finds out.

"I'm so tired"

Tess complains beside me on the couch and I couldn't agree any less.

"We still have to decorate this house"

I grumble and Tess just whines.

"Alex get your butt here and help us. Make use of your muscles"

An hour and half later,I let out a breath as I watch my handiwork.

We had fixed the new curtains we Bought in all the rooms, filled the fridge and set a few cooking utensil in place.


Olivia runs towards me and I bend to lick her up.

"What's up little one?"

"I'm hungry"

she pouts rubbing her stomach.

Sh*t. It's almost 5pm now.

"So sorry baby. Mummy was busy... Come"

I lead her to the couch and rummage through the shipping bags.

Finding what I was searching for, I take the bag of Chips out and give it to her.

"Eat this while I prepare something for you. And,look what I got for you"

I pull out the teddy bear and doll.

Olivia gasps as she snatches both items from me.

"You like it?"

"Yes yes!"

She squeals and runs into the room to play with her new gifts.

I sigh and walk my tired body to the kitchen to meet Tess already preparing something.

"Hey. Can you cook?"

She asks while slicing onions.

"No. I never had the chance to learn"

"I'll teach you. Just leave the cooking to me for today"

I just nod and and walk back into the bedroom to find Jason still sleeping.

I walk over to the bed and place a kiss to his cheeks.

I then trudge to where he had dropped the suitcases and open them.

As tired as I feel, I still have to do this. It's the least I could do.

He got me a roof over my head.

I sigh.

I begin to single out Jason's clothes and hang them inside the wardrobe.

Half way into arranging the clothes, I notice a black polythene bag underneath the suitcase.

Curious, I take it out.

Ha! Did Jason seriously pack his unwashed dirty clothes too? I smile.

This man is strange.

Shaking my head, I pour out the contents of the polythene making the clothes spill onto the floor.

Something suddenly catches my eye.

I move closer and study it.

Amongst the dirty clothes was the diary I had hidden in his jeans.



"You should go Alex. I'm not letting you sleep In my home"

Jason grumbles.

He had woken up few hours ago looking a lot better than he did in the morning.

"Just because you bought a house doesn't make it entirely yours.

Read " The Last Virgin " by the same author ( eliza )

. I can sleep here if i want to"

Akex replies and Jason glares at him.

"Fine! I'll go"

"No don't. You too Tess. I have to discuss something with you"

They all stare at me.


"Yes please. Olivia is asleep and I put her to bed already."

I say and they both nod before taking a seat on the bed.

I take a seat too.

"Everything okay?"

Jason asks c*ressing my face.

I nod and lean into his touch.

"I have something to tell you Jason"

"What's wrong love?"

He asks with worry lacing his voice.

"I've made a decision"

I say and they all stare at me,waiting.

"I'll get admitted into a rehabilitation center."

I bite my lip, staring at him.

Jason's face breaks into a smile and he pulls me into a hug.

I hug him back, careful not to hurt his wounds.

"I'm proud of you love"

"But before that, I want to do something. I want to bring Hank and his entire empire down"

They all stare at me incredulously.

"What? How?"

Tess questions.

I reach into my skirt pocket and show them the diary.

"This. I had put this in your pocket the day we met again at the hospital. I thought those men would take me away so I had put it in your pocket but I found it again amongst your clothes while I was unpacking"

I explain and he nods.

"How's that diary going to help?"

Alex questions.

"Because it contains everything we need to destroy Hank.

All those years I was under Hank's mercy, I had acquired this diary and written every single thing I knew about Hank.

I had become accustomed to Hank's daily routine and so I wrote it down.

From, the plan and structure of his mansion, his secret passages, tunnels, hideouts, where every single one of his secret cameras are, when he goes on trips, what he goes to do, his secret meetings,his clients.. Everything.

It's all in here" When I'm done, they stare at me openmouthed.

"The f*ck! Really!"

Akex exclaims and I nod.

"I just have to decode it so you can read and understand."

I tell them and begin to decode the words I had written in a puzzle form.

After some time, i take in a deep breath and show it to them.

They both take turns in reading it,their eyes shining with wonder.

Suddenly Jason looks up at me.

"It says here that Hank Anderson always holds a secret meeting in a certain nightclub on Tuesdays and Fridays at 9:00pm where he goes to meet new people who are interested in his drug dealings. Correct?"

He asks

"Yes. It's called Escapades nightclub"

I nod.

"Hmm. And what day is today?"

Alex asks "Monday" Tess chips in.

"Meaning tomorrow is Tuesday"

Jason adds and i watch as they all stare at each other and then smirk knowingly like they know what each of them is thinking.

Jason turns his attention back to me with that look on his face.

And I instantly know he's planning something.

"It's showtime!"

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  • Blessing Opeyemi picture
    Blessing Opeyemi
    Yeah.. Show time indeed.. Can't wait for the drama to unfold.
  • eliza picture
    thanks @ Blessing
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Thanks for adding another episode today
  • Afia Pat picture
    Afia Pat
    Let me charge my phone and wait for the latest show in town .lol
  • Mavis Siaw picture
    Mavis Siaw
    Let the show starts
  • Oluwakemi Oluwatoyin picture
    Oluwakemi Oluwatoyin
    So love dis babe its really d showtime Love u more Eliza
  • chijay picture
    I love what is about to happen . Pls, make it double episode, thank u .
  • Amma picture
    I just hope Hailey's cravings won't come at the wrong time.. bless u Eliza
  • eliza picture
    you're most welcome Benedicta
  • eliza picture
    lol Afia
  • eliza picture
    I love you too Kemi
  • eliza picture
    @chijay let's hope I'm able to get another one completed soon
  • eliza picture
    aww bless you more @Amma
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Seems like Hank messed up with the wrong people this time.....thumbs up dear!
  • Precious Anikwe picture
    Precious Anikwe
    I love this story because this is my first time of commenting on any story that i have read
  • eliza picture
    he sure did. thanks @ Pamela
  • eliza picture
    aww thanks so much for commenting Precious.
  • Ukbaby picture
    It's show time!... Let the show begin!.... Yeah
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    yeah yeah!!! I love d sound of dat Leggo
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    am damn so ready for this show eliza,make it hot and interesting.more of action and you know the thing am trying to say right.will be waiting.
  • steves wamy picture
    steves wamy
    I really fallen in love with this thanks dear Eliza more pliz
  • eliza picture
    lol ukbaby
  • eliza picture
    lol. I got your back @ Confy-Dencie
  • eliza picture
    don't worry @ young royalty. it'll be just like you want
  • eliza picture
    thank you too Steves.
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