Forgetting You - Episode 4

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*** He adjusts his tie and rakes his fingers through his locks that had grown over the years.. To say he was nervous was an understatement.

He was annoyed.


Furious. Frustrated.

How could they do this to him? How could his own parents do this to him? How could they force something as huge as this on him? He snorts.

He was twenty-three for f*cks sake!! Only twenty-three...

"I don't want to do this.. I don't . I can't"

Jason mutters as he begins to walk out of the church auditorium when an older version of himself suddenly walks up to him, blocking his way.

A deep scowl on his slightly wrinkled face.

"Where do you think you're going Jason Attah Michaels?"

He bellows

"Where does it look like I'm going dad? To the washroom of course"

he rolls his eyes, clearly irritated.

Mr. Michaels narrows his eyes dangerously at his son

"You're lying Jason"

he deadpans Jason sighs

"I'm getting out of here before I suffocate to death dad. I can't do this."

"You can and you will Jason. Don't put me to shame

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Go back to that alter and wait because your bride will be arriving soon. You're getting married, like it or not!"

Mr Michaels sneers and walks back to his seat, plastering a fake smile on his face.

Jason scowls.. Why couldn't they understand he didn't wanna get married.

But of course, his ambitious father was having none of it because he claimed the marriage will create a bond between both families, hereby increasing his father's company sales in the stock market and blah blah blah.... He was just a spawn.

A bridge on which his father could use to make his dream come true.

But he didn't wanna get married.. Jason sighs.

He wasn't the same nerdy boy with big rimmed glasses and huge backpack that was larger than mount Everest.

Oh well! Of course he still used glasses except they were much more fancier now.

He had built quite impressive muscles over the years because he was tired of people calling him the 'lanky skinny nerdy boy' Sure he was still tall, except now, he had built muscles which complimented his tall figure.

He had also stared to braid his hair in a faux locs style which had grown up to a little above his neck.

Now, he was hot, handsome, well built and all but he still wasn't content because.... Five years had passed since he completed high school and got into the university. Having persued pharmacy(again,on his father's insistence), he completed few months ago and was yet to start national service program for a year before starting to work only for such bomb to thrown in his face.

He could as well get blown up into pieces.

Five years.

Five years since he saw or heard from his high school crush Hailey.

Strangely enough, the day after they talked, he never saw her again.

Neither did he see her the following term or the term after until they wrote their WASSCE examination.

Truth was, Hailey never reported to valley view high school again.

And no one knew why.


His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the famous wedding tune began to play.

He turns away when his fake bride-to-be walks in majestically, a bouquet in one hand and the other draped around her Father's arm.

Three bridesmaids and bestmen strolled in behind followed by a flower girl and boy.

Jason watches on with a bored expression as they walk towards him and the bride's left hand is placed in his.

She was smiling.

The hell! He thought they had agreed on something earlier? Pfft! He waves it off. She was probably acting too.

Well... They turn to the priest and walk towards their designated seat before he begins his sermon.

Several minutes later, they are called onto the podium and Sarah is still grinning.

Oh well..


"Do you Sarah Osei take Jason Michaels to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to respect till death do you part?"

The priest chants and Jason holds his breath.

Say no. Say no. Say no. She was supposed to say no She had to say no.

They both had agreed to it this morning.


"We both understand this don't we Sarah?"

Jason asks over the phone while he stares at his black tuxedo laid out neatly on the bed.

"Yes Jason. We both are too young for marriage. I don't love you. You don't love me.

Read " Daddy's Girl " by the same author ( eliza )

. Our parents can find another way of boosting their business"

Sarah replies from the other end of the line.

Jason nods satisfactorily

"Good. We don't have to accept the marriage at the alter. There will be chaos for a few days and we both go back to living our lives"



he repeats and hangs up.


"I do"

the cheerful answer came and Jason's head immediately snaps towards her direction. Wait what?

"What? What are you doing Sarah? We had a deal"

he whispers Sarah doesn't spare him a glance.

She stares straight ahead.

The priest nods and turns to Jason.

"Do you Jason Attah Michaels take Sarah Osei to be your ...."

The rest of the vows fades away into oblivion as Jason stares at Sarah, hoping she would change her mind, say something but no.

Her lips were set in a firm line.

Why the hell did she back out on their deal just now?

" love and to cherish, till death do you..."

Jason doesn't let the priest finish when he blurts out.

"I'm not f*cking doing this!!"

The priest looks shocked

"Uhh Mr. Michaels.."

"I said no!! F*ck this! I'm not marrying her!"

He yells and storms out ignoring the loud gasps from the entire auditorium.

He couldn't careless.


He could hear his father's angry voice booming from behind but he increased his pace.

He wasn't going to get tied to a complete stranger all in the name of pleasing his father.

He keeps walking...


The voices seemed distinct and far.

Though close.

The voices continued and for a moment it seemed as though they were whispering.

The voices grew louder and clearer and she desperately tries to open her eyes ignoring how heavy her eyelids felt.

As if she had been asleep for days.

As soon as her eyes flutter open, the sun rays sweeping into the room blinds her vision and she immediately shuts he eyes,cussing silently.

She opens them again and let's her eyes roam around.

She was in a hospital.

She had probably fainted after having another seizure.

Just then she sees a nurse and a dark well built guy talking in hushed tones.

"I'm not sure sir" the nurse who's back was turned to her says.

"Well. Inject her again as many times as you can and get rid of that thing in her womb. She can't have a child. Got it?"

Hailey's eyes grow wide as she recognizes the voice.

Jack!! Her arms goes around her protruding belly immediately.

They were planning on killing her child? Oh God! They continue to talk as she moves her eyes searching for something.

A weapon. Then she sees a syringe. She sees Jack leaving and the nurse turns.

Hailey immediately pretends to be asleep as she hides the syringe under the sheet.

As soon as the nurse gets to her side, In an attempt to check the drip, Hailey's reflex was fast as she immediately lifts her hand and jabs the syringe into the unsuspecting nurses' neck, injecting whatever liquid into her body.



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  • Views (11596)
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  • Comments (18)
  • Rating (4.5)
  • Esther Mutunga picture
    Esther Mutunga
    Someone is still suffering uninterruptedly........i cry for Harvey
  • Esther Mutunga picture
    Esther Mutunga
    Someone is still suffering uninterruptedly........i cry for Harvey
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    Hailey is still in that bondage after how many years, what happens to her parents? I really feel for her. Nice writeup dear
  • eliza picture
    ikr. feeling is mutual @ Esther
  • eliza picture
    thanks Favour you'll soon find out.
  • lydy mbuh picture
    lydy mbuh
    what inhumane to extend of killing someone's baby without a conscience, pray Hailey gets out of this bondage, thumbs up Eliza
  • eliza picture
    thanks lydy
  • Amma picture
    Jack has been a devil from day 1
  • eliza picture
    ikr @ Amma. some things never change
  • Jennifer Aboagyewaa picture
    Jennifer Aboagyewaa
    Oh wow! Hailey finally is ready to fight back. Good job.
  • eliza picture
    ikr. thanks Jennifer
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    Speechless, Ride on dear
  • eliza picture
    thanks Ucheoma.
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Sarah deserved to be left there,she's a sell out.... I feel pity for Hailey
  • chijay picture
    Ride on , dear.
  • eliza picture
    thanks chijay
  • Ndifreke Joseph picture
  • eliza picture
    thanks Ndifreke
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  • Esther Ogbonnaya

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