From The Eyes Of A Spinster - Introduction

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14th August 1996

Kano, Nigeria


The cold humid air of early august blow around the hospital corridor, sending shivers down the spine of those waiting along the labour ward. Three, out of the four people waiting were seated, while one of them kept pacing to and fro. An unreadable expression on his face. 

"Bello, sit down mana!" His elder brother Alhaji sa'eed said.

"I can't yaya . I can't be at ease without knowing how my wife is doing in there. She's suffering" he replied, as if his puppy like face will save his wife from what she's going through.

"Sit down and pray for her. That is the only solution right now, this pacing of yours is pissing me off" Alhaji Sa'eed scolded him.

"Fine!" Alhaji Bello said, heaving a defeated sigh as he sat down "Allah gani gareka." It has been thirty minutes after he sat down when a nurse came rushing out of the labour room, her white uniform all stained with blood.

"Nurse" Alhaji Bello called out as soon as he saw her running towards them. He couldn't wait for her to get to them when he rushed over to her.

"How is my wife?" He asked, his voice almost inaudible due to the fear of what the outcome maybe.

"I can't say for sure sir, the doctor can explain better, he's coming out in a bit" she replied quickly before taking off, turning a deaf ear to the calls from Alhaji Bello.

"Yaa Allah!" Alhaji bello said, his eyes all watery "O Allah!, make it easy for her yaa rabb, for only you can make things right and bring her back to me safe and sound." He was so deep in thought and didn't even noticed when his elder brother approached the doctor who just came out of the labour room.

"Bello" Alhaji sa'eed called sitting beside him "Siyamah has lost a lot of blood. The doctor said she's in critical condition and needs blood transfusion quickly."

Alhaji bello stood up quickly, one can point out the fear in his eyes "I'll give out my blood if it matches" he replied quickly looking at the doctor.

"What blood group are you?" The doctor asked.


"Well am sorry sir but its not possible

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Your wife's blood group is O+ and only a person who has thesame blood group as her can donate his/her blood. Right now, we don't have any blood on ground to sell" the doctor explained.

"What then are you trying to tell me? that i seat down here and wait for my wife to die? Can't you try anything or look for the blood somewhere else?" Alhaji bello said between gritted teeth.

"Excuse me sir" A man who seem to be in his early fourties___Alhaji Bello's age mate Approached them. He and a little boy of about eighteen years have been sitting opposite Alhaji bello all this while "Take things easy please Alhaji, issues like this are not rushed upon. My wife has also been in there for the past eight hours, i know i meet you here, but that doesn't mean you act this way please." He was trying to calm Bello down

Alhaji bello gave the man a nasty look, deep inside he was wondering if this man is really a caring husband. Maybe she isn't his only wife and maybe the unborn child wasn't his first. That explains everything.

"Well, thank you so much, but right now i don't need your words of wisdom, my wife is in there suffering and needs blood Right. Now!" Alhaji bello replied sternly.

"That's why i intervened mister. I only want to help". The man replied sounding hurt "I overhead the doctor saying she's O+ which happens to be my blood group. If its okay with you, then i would donate my blood".

Alhaji bello suddenly felt shy, deep inside he was regretting his actions. "Ma shaa Allah, thank you so very much sir."

"Don't get worked up, I'm just helping a fellow brother in need, and I'll do so to whoever i see in a situation like this. Let's go doctor" its obvious that the blood donator was still angry at the way Alhaji Bello had treated him.


"Congratulations sir, Allah ya raya. May she grow up to be a source of happiness to you and your family". Alhaji bello congratulated the man who donated blood to his wife few hours ago.

"Thank you and may Allah make it easy on your wife". The man replied smiling.

"I'm Alhaji Bello Gada" Alhaji Bello said, stretching his hand for a shake.

"Alhaji Kabir Tukur" the man replied, accepting the handshake "And this is my son Dawoud. He's eighteen years old and already in his first year in the university studying international relationship In A.B.U zaria".

"Maa shaa Allah. You're so blessed, am having my first child now after twenty years of marriage and trying. We were blessed now". Alhaji bello replied

"I hope its the best for you and your family sir". Dawoud said smiling.

"Amiin amiin my son.

Read " Trapped In a Jungle " by the same author ( Murjanatu Alkali )

. And thank you so much Alhaji Kabir for donating your blood, Allah ya saka da Alkhairi". Alhaji Sa'eed said.


His words where cut short when a nurse approached them. 

"Excuse me sir, where are the baby's cloth?" 

"Here nurse" Alhaji bello replied quickly handing her a big baby bag "Is she okay? Has she given birth?".

"Just be patient sir" the nurse replied, collecting the bag and dashing back.

Alhaji bello couldn't sit down, his heart beat increased with each passing second. He kept muttering every single prayer that came across his mind.

An hour later, the same nurse came out smiling "Congratulations sir, you're now a dad of three pretty baby girls".

"Whaat!?" He asked shocked, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Triplet" he asked not believing the nurse. 

The nurse nodded her head in response saying "yes"

"Allahu Akbar!" He said, facing the kibla, he went into sujood position with Alhaji sa'eed behind him. He was in that position for almost ten minutes before he stood up.

"Can we see them?" Alhaji sa'eed asked eagerly.

"Yes sir" the nurse answered before making her way back to the room. Alhaji bello and his brother quickly followed her, forgetting totally about Alhaji Kabir and Dawoud, and without being invited, Alhaji Kabir and dawoud trailed behind them into the room. And, as soon as they were inside, Alhaji Bello's eyes fell on his kids. His triplets. His source of happiness. Sakinah, Nafisah and Safinah Bello Gada. And now, there story beings, as we slowly unfold it and knows what their life is all about.

Happy? Sad? Twist? No one can say, only my phone and my brain can crack up what happens next!.

Prologue down! who's eager to know the story of our cute triplets? I can't wait to start unfolding my dramas.
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