Heated - Episode 18

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By the time he had finished narrating the story, Ria had already cried her eyes out. With the way she continuously nodded at every word he said, proved she was more than ready to accomplish this task. He could see how had made her so vulnerable and this made him smile within. When she is like this, she can even kill the president and walk out of the scene.
"So what's next?" Ria asks
"When you are ready let me know. I don't want you rushing into killing him . I want you to enjoy what revenge feels like when done slowly. That is why I have kept the best for the last." Harps indirectly pressure her.
"I am ever ready. Just give me instructions." Ria says blinded by anger.
" Alright. He lives somewhere in Michigan. I'll send you his address. In this mission, address yourself as Rena Ushers and you will be given free passage. Tell them you are Rena Ushers and the General is expecting. They won't be surprised to see you. Just Mcclaire will be." Harps assures her.
" Why would i have to be named from Ria Rain to Rena Ushers?" Ria asks confusedly
" Because Rena happens to be dead. So this is a great opportunity

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. He killed Rena and when he sees you, he will think her ghost is back to hunt him. He might kill himself when you threaten him. Easy peasy." He states again confusing her the more.
"How? Do i look so much like this Rena? How would a different person look so much like another?" She asks again. This was pissing him off. She was acting dumb as if she hasn't killed before on gone on a mission. He tries hiding the anger and mutters rather orders her to start going before Mcclaire changed his schedules.
"Alright then I'll be on my way. Make sure you send me the address before i exit the premises." She stands up and walks into the elevator as angry as Ever.
She got the message as soon as she enters her car and she sped all the way to Michigan. She thought of using an airline, but she wouldn't want people to focus on her countenance in the plane plus she needed a little silence. She increased her speed anytime the words of harps gets to her. How dare Mcclaire! Was it a crime for one to be loved more than the other? She swore immediately to make his death slow and painful. She had taken the weapons needed for the operation.
Its was midnight when she arrived at Mcclaire's house. Everywhere in his house was dark except the lights in his compound. There is no security. No armed men in sight. How foolish!. She smiled and dragged her bag of weapons out of the car and headed to the gate which opened itself and she entered. She cared less if she didn't meet what she had expected. She walked towards the main door and opened it. To her surprise, it opened. She got in and locked the door just in case someone tends coming in. She switched on her Torchlight in her hand and she headed upstairs. She looked at the rooms and was at first confused on which one to enter but the confusion turned into a smile when she pointed at a giant door which spelt royalty and magnificence. She knew at once that was the his bedroom. She quickly went towards the door and she confused at first. Why would a popular man leave his house unlocked and unarmed even without a gateman at least. Was he expecting someone or maybe he had exited his premises a long time ago. But the house looked kept. Was it a trap for Harps to get rid of her?. Harps had told her there would be guards but there was none or had she come to the wrong house? She doubted because the house was secluded from others so it was not hard to point out. She was now facing an empty bed which upgraded her worry and confusion. Where is Mcclaire? She was about calling Harps when a voice stopped her.
"I wouldn't do that if i were you."
She was a little startled but comported herself. She was gonna trick him into switching on the lights then she would pull the trigger. Easy peasy. So she thought.
"Harps must have sent you." Came the voice again. She was surprised this time and the mission she had come to do for once faded. It was like she wanted to know more. Harps had said he would be scared of her but this man here was even expecting her. How can someone be expecting a ghost?
"Don't worry i will switch on the lights so you can continue your search."
Suddenly the lights came on and she stood face to face with General Mcclaire in his uniform. She couldn't say anything but one thing is for sure that she had come to kill the man who killed her parents. She raised her gun and pulled the trigger but no shot nor sound came out. Wow she thought. She knew she had loaded every weapon.
"What happened?" She ask aloud. Mcclaire only smile.
" I have been expecting you but you came neither too soon nor too late. Well the room you entered is no ordinary room. The moment you entered this room, your weapons stopped working. Every weapon made of steel and gun powder will no longer be useful as long as you are in this room. It was one of the things i learnt from Ushers Rain." Mcclaire said pouring himself a drink. What is happening? She laughed hard. Mcclaire only added to her condition.
"You mean my father right? The man you killed? How come you learnt something before you killed him? Were you that close to him?" She mocked him.
" Welcome Ria Ushers. I am sure I didn't kill him. The only mistake I did was to leave him behind while he died rather helpless." Mcclaire replied.
" Of course. Leaving him behind made him bled to death. Thank the Man upstairs you admitted to it. I will so kill you right now. You have no idea how prepared i am." She poured out through gritted teeth. 
"Bled to death? Oh my, i left Ushers Rain in the hospital where he was poisoned to death. I do not what Harps might have told you but you shouldn't trust him." Mcclaire said as calmly as she could.
" Then should i trust you instead? Do you think you can play with my head? I swear i will never be on your side. Never in my life. You had no idea what i had to do before being given this great opportunity to finally have my revenge. Don't try to brainwash me. I know the truth of how you abandoned my father in a war just to get all these wealth and fame. Harps protected my father but you were so jealous of him that you allowed him bled to his death. Oh i remember how you killed my mother in the verge of harps risking his life. Thankfully he escaped with me. I know everything!" She blurted out. Mcclaire was surprised. The story was totally different from what happened. What had Harps done to this lady.
"Wow. Why would I be jealous of our General?" Mcclairre asked and the shocked look on her face was clear.
"That was the position my father was aiming at before you killed him and now it's yours. So why confuse me? Would you please stop it and come out of this room so i can kill you once and for all and be happy!" She yelled.
" Killing me will not solve anything because the real devil is out there. After killing me he will kill you just to get your father's wealth." Mcclaire said. This wasn't getting any easy for her. It was like her head was going to explode. What wealth?
"You see, i guess in Harps story he might have mentioned a medallion, and probably our master who died?" Mcclaire asked knowing fully well what he was doing. He was stirring her confusion until she will conclude things herself. She on the other hand nodded. She really needed this confusion out of her brain.
"Your father was our General who died. Harps story about the other person abandoned in the war was a total fallacy. It never happened. He only created another image in the story. But I'll tell you the real story." He said looking at her. " That's if you want to listen." He added. She had the urge to listen but she couldn't. There was no doubt that this man knew something. But was it really thoughtful to comply to his request. What if he kills her? Oh he would have done that long ago. Leaving his house welcoming and opened to her was something else entirely. She decided never to listen to him. Harps said everything and Mcclaire is a wicked man. She would go back home and come another day. By then Harps would have told her the hospital part. Maybe her father was hospitalized before the war part.
"Good now sit down and hear the real story." Ria thought she heard wrongly only to discover while thinking negatively, she was nodding positively to what he has been saying. Well she should hear his part of the story before killing him. There was no harm.
"Before that i would like to do something." She said.
" Go on ahead." Mcclaire permitted her.
She went ahead to lock the door dropped her bag of weapons and the gun she carried but she had a knife tucked into her boots even before she entered his room. She walked into the chair opposite Mcclaire and sat.
"I am listening." She said.
"Well then this is how everything started................"

So i read some of you are confused.. ha! Really? Is this story confusing?
C'mon try cracking ya head. 
Now we see Harps has Ria and Mcclaire has Rena... So i have given y'all a hint. 

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  • Debby Treasure picture
    Debby Treasure
    I love ur story Hope u don't plan to stop writing
  • Henrique picture
    Gosh!!! This is like a puzzle story(Sherlock Holmes likes) where the readers will have to fix the boxes themselves.... I'm so not into puzzle stories but I'm so lovin' this.
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