Hotel Palava - Episode 45

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Final episode

Henry's POV
At the church, before I made my way in, mom walked in arranging my collar. "My son is going to be a married man" she muttered and I smiled.
"Where's Adesuwa?" I asked, "She's on her way definitely. Every bride comes in late" she smiled and then dad pulled her away.

By past ten while we waited in church, i grew worried. The pastor was already getting impatient . I wasn't with my phone, the Deji had gotten my phone from me.
I wanted to put a call through to her. I was still waiting when Mom walked up to me whispering Into my ears.
"Adesuwa has been arrested" she announced and I stood up in shock. "How's that possible?"

I drove like a mad person over to the police station where she was apprehended. Lilian and Michelle were there.
They explained everything to me. 
 Mom and Dad came with the attorney from the previous case. 
They pulled some strings and I was allowed to see Adesuwa. I was with the attorney.
I walked in and my Adesuwa was seated in her wedding dress. I almost cried. We would have exchanged our vows already.
I sat down with the lawyer. She was in tears

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. "I'm sorry" she apologized to me, "I received a text message from Segun that was why I went there"
"Lilian told me already"
"I didn't kill him"
"I believe you"
She busted into tears. "Someone is  trying to set me up but I wonder who must have done that." She answered then she looked at the lawyer.
"Hey Adesuwa. I want you to explain everything to me slowly, every single details. Including what you saw in the house, it can help out"
Adesuwa nodded in tears.
"So much for my wedding day" she rolled her eyes and I held her hands. "Hey listen, we're going to get you out of this mess and we're going to catch whoever did this"
"I can't afford to be in this situation not in my condition," she paused. "Henry I'm pregnant" she revealed and I squeezed her hands softly. 
"Mark is there a way we can do this quickly?"
"It's a murder case, if there's no prove that can help her get out of this mess, we might just have to pay our way through and talk to Segun's family so they don't press charges" 

The next day, Segun's death was all over newspapers. The matter escalated and hence forwarded to the court. 

"Miss Ighodaro can you clearly tell the court what you were doing at Mr. Olaniyi's house at that time?"
"I received a text message from Segun Olaniyi, he said he was about to commit suicide. He wanted to see me, my friends were present when I received the message. They advised me not to go but I did anyways. When I got there, he was already lying in the pool of blood. I swear on my life, I didn't kill him"
She yelled and I witheld myself from crying.
"Your honour, there's a possibility that the deceased may have been killed before my client arrived.  My client has only been set up by the real murderer"

The prosecuting attorney, Judith Ekpo came forth to cross examine her. Mark has given us a load down of who she is and what she's capable of. She's a smart and crafty woman who has never lost a case.
"What were you doing at Mr. Olaniyi's house?" She asked and I rolled my eyes, "I already answered."
"I believe there's more to it than you think" she smirked, "Objection my Lord!" The lawyer protested.
"On what grounds?" The judge asked and he sat down.
"Your honour, she went to a house of a man if I'm not mistaken, fourty fives or so before her wedding. Which woman in her right sense would do such if the man didn't mean something to her" She asked, she was creating an impression on people already.
"Didn't you hear what I've been saying? He said he was going to commit suicide"
"Yes he did, and your defendant did mention something about Mr. Segun commiting suicide. Mr. Segun didn't commit suicide, he was pushed, he hit his head on the table and then he fell on the floor according to forensic report"
"How can you tell this precisely? " Adesuwa asked,  "Because I get my facts right and there was blood on the table. You were the only one present there, you pushed him"
"I didn't, someone set me up"
"Okay let's assume someone did, what could have made the person do such?"
"I don't know, I have a lot of enemies, last year on the 25th of December I was almost killed by Adebimpe Falana" Adesuwa answered. 
"Is that a diversion from the fact you killed Mr. Segun Olaniyi?" She asked, "Objection My Lord, she's judging my client already" The defense attorney yelled and the Judge sustained it.
"What's your relationship with late Mr. Segun Olaniyi?"
"I was his employee when he was the manager"
"So no s*xual relationship existed between you two" she asked and Adesuwa hesitated. 
"None" she answered, "Okay. Your honour I would like to bring in one of our testifiers in" the prosecuting attorney replied and the judge nodded. 
"It's going to be alright" I whispered to Adesuwa, I was behind her.
Mummy B was brought in. My heart pounded without rhythm. She took her stand and swore by the Quran to say nothing but the truth.
"Do you know Adesuwa?" She asked and Mummy B nodded. "What's your relationship with her"
"I was her superior when she was working as a maid"
"Who is this Adesuwa?"
"Adesuwa is user, she's an hypocrite a very bad person, asewo oshi" she snapped. "Mind your language" the judge warned.
"So you think Adesuwa is capable of murder"
"Anything is possible with Adesuwa"
"That's a lie!" Adesuwa yelled and the judge slammed her gavel on the block.
 "Comport yourself Miss Ighodaro!"
"Why do you think Adesuwa would be capable of doing such?" "Because a time came that she started hating him, shouting at him even in front of the employees"
"Because Mr. Segun was cheating on his wife with Adesuwa nah. Adesuwa probably wanted him to divorce the wife but he didn't want to" 
"That's a lie!" I heard Adesuwa mutter. 

Attorney Mark cross examined Mummy B. 
"I couldn't help but notice your use of probably" "So?" "Are you sure Adesuwa had s*xual relationship with late Mr. Olaniyi or is it based on probability, remember you swore on the Quran. Are you sure or it's only based on probability?" He asked and Mummy B kept quiet.
"I know that there was something going on"
"How do you know? Have you ever caught them together before?" He asked and she shook her head.
"Your honour, these accusations against my client are nothing but mere assumptions"


Adesuwa's POV

The prosecuting Attorney brought In Theresa, Segun's ex-wife and she swore on a Bible.
"Miss Theresa George, what's your relationship with late Mr. Segun Olaniyi"
"I'm his ex-wife"
"Ex-wife right? Can you tell the court the reason why you filed for a divorce"
"I filed for a divorce because my ex-husband was cheating on me" "With who?"
"With her!" She pointed at me.
I shook my head. Who in the world was doing this?
 "My husband claimed to be in love with her. There was no place they didn't have s*x, even in the office"
"That's a lie!" Lilian yelled. 
"That woman is lying" she added and the judge angrily hit the gavel on the block.
"I've caught them before!" She yelled and I shook my head. She was definitely lieing. I whispered into my Mark's ears.
I was ready to tell the truth.
"Order in court!"
"My honour we have established a fact that there was a relationship between the deceased and the accused. Then the accused definitely lied after swearing a oath. Your honour, members of the jury. Even without proff, I think an argument ensued between the deceased and the accused. The accused pushed him to his death"

I was called back to the stand by the prosecuting attorney. "I'll ask again Miss Ighodaro, what was your relationship with late Mr. Segun?" She asked and I sighed. 
"He was my boss, a cruel one at that. I didn't have s*x with Mr. Segun" I answered and the court murmured.
"At least it wasn't willing, I was r*ped by Segun Olaniyi." "Do you have witnesses of the r*pe?" She asked, "Objection my Lord!" Mark yelled and the Judge sustained.
"Go straight to the point" the judge responded.
"Segun drugged and raped me that was the only time I had anything intimate with him. The testimonies against me are lies, I'm not a monster, the real monster is Segun Olaniyi" I answered and the prosecuting attorney walked up to me with a smirk.
"You must have hated him for it"
"Hate is an understatement"
"Was that why you killed him?" She asked and I scoffed. She was trying to turn this around against me.
"I didn't kill him, you're trying to use this against me"
"Your honour, members of the jury, tell me this doesn't sound like the tone of a woman that can kill a man to avenge being raped."
"I didn't" I cried.
Mark decided to cross-examine Miss Theresa. "My  client just confessed to the entire court that she was r*ped by the deceased but you hold a very different opinion that she was having an affair with your late ex husband"
"She killed my Ex"
"Let's not deviate Miss Theresa, you clearly told everyone present here that you're sure they were having an affair and you even caught them"
"So what if I exaggerate? Mark, this b*tch here was having an affair with my husband. Even when I called Olaniyi personally to fire her, he didn't. If Olaniyi didn't live abroad I would have said she's also having an affair with him"
"Sounds like you hate her" Mark said and she rolled her eyes.
"She's the cause of my divorce, my foolish husband fell cheaply in love with a maid. How would you guys feel?"
"How am I sure it wasn't you who killed Mr. Segun Olaniyi and then pinned it on Adesuwa?" He asked and I thought of it. 
It might be true.
"You're crazy, I'll never kill my husband"
"We can't know that for certain"
"I was at work, you can ask around. I didn't kill Segun"


The case was adjourned to another day with Theresa as a suspect to the murder of Segun. I thought of other possible suspects, of all people, why was I sent a message? Why not someone else? 
Jummy could have been a suspect if not that she had traveled out of the country. That was the only notable enemy I had. Who could have planned this evil against me?


Emmy's POV

My name is Emmanuella Okoli, I'm the daughter of Engineer Best  and Doctor Chioma Okoli. They're both Deaconess in church, faithful Christians to the core. 
The church was always full of hypocrite so I decided to join in the pretense. No one knew I was having sex with Dele, the G.O's son.
I gained admission into tertiary institution at the age of sixteen, I was the youngest; more freedom alas! That was where I met Jumoke. 
We became best friends for life, I would kill for her, there's nothing in the world that I won't do for her. I knew all about her dearest Henry, and I finally had the opportunity to see him.
I got a good job after school, I was dating the CEO, the pay was great until a new person was hired. A new lady fair to her toes. 
My boss took interest in her, she was definitely screwing with him. It was a competition and I couldn't win. The thought of it made me angry.
I hated competition so I decided to take her out of the way. I stabbed her twice but she didn't die. 
In order to overrule my crime, they concluded that I was insane. I was committed to a psychiatry hospital in order to get better but I didn't. 
My employment records got tainted, getting a good job was difficult because I was still crazy even when I was out of the mental home.
I loved being crazy. My parents cut me off after news broke out that I was having sex with Dele who was now married.
They threw me out of the house. Jummy gave me a place to live. The reason why I'll forever be indebted to her.
After she caught me with her Dad, I had to go back to my house. Mr. Festus cut me off and I tried other sources to get money but I had nothing.
I wasn't the kind to save, I have never been the kind. Segun became my ATM card. I went to his house that day, I didn't think it would get bloody. 
I stole a huge sum of money from Segun the previous day. More like borrow, he called me up and I went over to his place.
An argument broke out between us and it got out of hands and I pushed him. Segun hit his head on the table then landed on the floor.
Before I knew it, blood was all over the floor.
I knew I had to do something. The security was outside and if I didn't act smartly, I would be caught. Then I remembered Adesuwa.
I used Segun's phone in sending her a text message, I hoped to God that she would be foolish enough to come.
I gave the security two thousand naira to go get toileteries and use the rest change for himself and he left. I took to my heels the moment he did.
Then I went to meet an old friend of mine, Judith Ekpo. A well known attorney, she's known for being cunny, she never loses a case. What people don't know about her was that she was a lesbian. 
She has always been attracted to me. I decided to use that to my advantage.
"What would I do?" I asked after explaining it all to her and she closed her eyes in thought. 
"Judith na, what will I do?"
"Let me think!" She yelled.
"Let me just think! First thing first the security at the gate, you have to kill him off or pay him off." 
"I don't have money"
"Didn't you say you stole from this guy?"
"Isn't it advisable to stay off the crime scene? I want that bitch to pay for this"
"Cause I don't like her... She's a pest and I want her out of the way. Jude you have to pin this on her. I can't afford to go to jail please help me"
"What's in it for me?" She asked and I pulled the arm of the gown i wore down to signify that I could use my body as a means of payment; wouldn't be a first.
"If I know these rich folks, they'll try to cover it up, first thing we're going to do is take it to the media, and there it is, we push it to the court, and I'll take up the case against her."
"And I won't be pinned to the case"
"I'm not promising anything but I'll try my best to help you out. We're going to need a lot of evidence we can use against her, there have to be a reason she must have wanted him dead, do you have any or persons that can testify against her?" She asked and I nodded.
"I can think of a few" 


Theresa walked into Judith's house angrily, while I was having a glass of champagne. 
"I was almost pinned as a suspect" she complained, "At least you were smart enough to tell them you were at work. At least your company would be able to attest to it" Judith answered.
"As much as I want Adesuwa in jail for ruining my marriage, and killing my husband. I don't want to be a suspect to a crime I know nothing of"
"I hate Adesuwa as much as you do" I said, "Even more than you do and of we work together, we're going to make sure she rots in prison for killing Segun"
"Do you want to know what I think sincerely?" She asked, "I don't think Adesuwa killed Segun, I think she was set up but I don't care anyways. She must rot in jail"
"That's the spirit" I said giving her a glass of champagne I held and she drank it.


Henry's POV
After the first hearing, we all went home with personal fears. "What are we going to do? How can we find out for certain who did this. It's looking impossible" Tosin said and I agreed.
"All we have to do is find Usman, Segun's security or any of his house help. How is it possible that he dies and they all go AWOL" Mom asked and I sighed.
"How are we going to find him?"
"We have to find out if he was employed by recommendation or he just came on his own. Let's hope to God it was by recommendation or else Adesuwa would be toast"

On the second day scheduled for the hearing, Lilian was brought forward to the stand. She attested to Adesuwa being r*ped even if she didn't see it. 
"How was her reaction to the r*pe?" Judith Ekpo asked while cross examining her.
"Just like the way any human would react, she was angry"
"Angry enough to want him dead"
"I thought the evidence presented was that she pushed him, I meant whoever did this pushed him, that means it wasn't intended to kill him"
"So you're saying she pushed him"
"I didn't say so"
"Everyone here heard you loud and clear"
"Madam, don't twisted my words here, Adesuwa only went there to stop Mr. Segun from killing himself. I saw the text message, why don't we just think of it this way after all we've watched a lot of movies. Someone sent Adesuwa a text message, she appeared only for him to be dead. She was definitely set up. What the police should be doing is investigating this case rather than trying to pin it on my best friend" she cried.
"She didn't do anything"
The judge adjourned the meeting until further evidence are brought. We were relieved about the adjournment but I was angry that Adesuwa and my baby were still detained.


Emmy's POV

I finally found the security, while I wandering around the Estate Segun lived in. Infact, a friend of his called my attention to him.
it was so damn easy! It was more like God wanted us to see him. I invited him to Judith's home. There Judith and I gave told him we would pay him off provided he testified against Adesuwa in court.

"I want you to tell the court room that you spoke to your Oga few minutes before Adesuwa came, he was alive and breathing" Judith explained, "The Adesuwa na the babe wey them arrest shea?" He asked and we both nodded.
"I want you to tell them that your boss sent you on an errand and you left"
"How I go explain why I run and I no show face again?" He asked, "You go tell them say you being dey fear say them go say you join kill am"
"Sure say them no go arrest me?"
"Them no go arrest you. As you take testify say you sure say na she kill your oga, the case go close." I answered, "But na you being enter now?" He pointed out and I shrugged, "Who go know say I being enter?"
 "Na you kill Oga nii?" He asked and I hissed.
"I'm not paying you to ask stupid questions, it was an argument gone wrong. Nothing more. So are you going to do it or not? We'll pay you now and you'll get your balance later"
"I go do am for the money" he answered and I smirked.
"Good, very good"

Mrs Babalola's POV

We found out Usman was a security recommended by one of the family. We finally got an address where his family lived.
Henry and I set out that day. We knocked on his door and he opened. "Madam" he called out, he definitely recognized me from his look. Then head knelt down with his hands clasped together.
"I swear to Allah, I no get hand for Oga death"
I looked at Henry, we were definitely the first to get to him. "You sure?" I asked, "How I take sure say no be you kill Segun?"
"I never kill anybody for my life"
"Who con kill am?" I asked, "You better talk, innocent person dey prison because of you. You better talk or i go carry phone now call police" I threatened and he kept begging.
"Do you think I'm bluffing?" I brought out my phone.
"I go talk!" He yelled in tears.
"Na Madam Emmy"
"Which Emmy"
"Emmy, oyinbo pepper, bleaching cream. Na she come the house"
"What business does Emmy have with Segun?" Henry asked, "Many business, the two of them don dey since! I no fit count how many times she dey come here come spend night."
"No be today oh. When she come out that day wey the thing happen, she give me like two thousand naira make I go buy toileteries, make I con carry the change. Before I come back, I con hear say them arrest person. Fear no gree me to come near the house again. I sure y say na she kill am"
"Let's have Emmy arrested" Henry snapped and I shook my head. 
"We'll still have the same problem, no evidence!"
"It's his word against Emmy"
"We still need evidence and he's going to help us get it Henry."
 "She no go kill me so?" he asked and I shook my head in thought. "You have to be able to think like a criminal. She can't kill you, she'll want to use you to testify against Adesuwa so she can win the case." "She's definitely in this with the Lawyer" Henry assumed and I nodded.
"Usman, I don't know how you're going to find her and get her to talk. But you're going to and when she does, I'm going to need you to record her calls and make sure you have a recording of her making a confession"
"I no get better phone Ma"
"I'll get you a phone, an innocent person is in jail and you're going to help her out"

Judith Ekpo introduced Usman to the witness stand. She had a smirk on her face. "So Mr Usman" she called out, "What can you say about the day your boss died"
"Na just normal day Ma, I see Oga and him sef see me"
"Do you know the accused?" I asked and he turned over to Adesuwa. He kept quiet for a while.
"Yes" he answered and I tightened my fist. He wasn't supposed to say yes.
He has to be kidding me if he thinks he can double cross me. I was so disappointed that moment.
For a minute I began to regret why I didn't bribe him, he has definitely being bribed and I've been fooled; Adesuwa is definitely screwed!
Henry looked over at me and I shut my eyes.
"Where you around when she stopped by?" She asked and he hesitated.
"Yes...As she take come, Oga send me say make I... Say make I go buy something naim I go..."
"Your honour, members of the Jury, we all know that Adesuwa was caught in the sitting room with Segun's body on the floor. Of she was the last person to see Mr. Segun, who else could be the murderer except her" there were murmuring In the court and the judge slammed the gavel on the block.
"Order!" She yelled and Judith smiled.
"Money no fit buy my conscience" Usman added. 
"I being dey lie, make I con talk the truth. You see this akuce? (accuse)" he paused, "Abi wetin them dey call am, I never for my life see her before."
I looked up to heaven and I sighed. "Thank God" i muttered.
Judith whispered something to him.
"Abeg leave me!" He yelled.
"Your highness, or wetin them they call am" he turned to the Judge. "I no even see when she enter, before she even come me I don go errand wey Madam Emmy send me. The person wey kill my Oga no be this woman" he pointed, "Her name na Emmy, I know where una go see her catch. This lawyer sef know" he pointed to Judith and she scoffed.
"You must be drunk"
"Everybody make una listen, I no drink. Na devil almost use me make I lie. This lawyer with Emmy them bribe me make I keep quiet."
"This has to be a plan concocted by the family of accused" Judith maintained and I scoffed.
"I get proof" he brought out his phone, he scrolled to the recording and the clerk got it from him.
The recording was played, Adesuwa was discharged with Judith Ekpo arrested and the police marched towards Emmy's home to arrest her.

Emmy's POV
I saw victory before me, I wish I could let Jummy know that I was about taking revenge on her behalf. While I drank wine to celebrate the fall of Adesuwa, the policemen barged into my house.
"What's going on?" I asked, "Are you in anyway Emmy?" One of them asked and I hesitated.
"Depending" i answered rising from the chair.
"Well Miss Emmy, you're under arrest they held my hands turning it backwards"
"Aw" I groaned in pain, "I didn't say i was Emmy"
"You have the right to remain silent"
"Aw, you're hurting me" I complained and they pushed me forward.
"Let's go"


Adesuwa's POV

I got released and I went back home. The first thing I did was to take a long shower. I walked out of the bathroom and Henry closed the laptop smiling at me. 
"Good to have you back" he rose up and I smiled walking close to him.
"I haven't slept here in a while, I haven't even gotten a good sleep" "I'm sorry about that. I was really stupid, I'm sorry. I just thought I could stop him from committing suicide."
"Let's just put it behind us"
"It could have been our wedding day. I ruined it, all the food, the money, the effort"
"We'll have a better one" he promised and I laughed. "Let's just dwell in that happy moment that you're back and you're not going anywhere" 
He kissed me then bent down touching my belly.
 "Hey little man"


We fixed our wedding once again in March. 
At the reception while I was being congratulated, I was surprised to see Jummy wheel towards me. She had a purple gown on. 
I was happy to see her. I had no idea who invited her but I was excited. When she got to where I was, she stood up to my shock. 
"Congratulations" she hugged me and I felt something pierced through my tummy. "Take that bitch?" She said and I woke up to realize it was all a dream. 
The last thing I needed after a court case was another drama to ruin my happiness. I placed my palms on my belly.
It felt so real. Lilian walked in with a night robe with her belly protruding from it, "Why your face be like that?" She asked and I hissed. 
"I just had a bad dream" 
"You don come again oh" she snapped stretching her hands. "Oya give me your phone!" She yelled and I passed the phone to her. 
"No calls for you, no text message and no negativity. God will not allow anything bad to happen. Just be positive"
"Just be positive" I repeated.

I exchanged vows with Henry, finally! That settled, my mind still troubled me, I just hoped for God sake nothing bad would happen.
At the reception while I was walking around with my hands in Henry's arm, I sighted Jummy wheel towards us with her mom beside her and my heart beat faster in fear.
She was dressed in a blue gown, which was quite different from the dream. "What's she doing here?" I asked, "Mom invited her mom, I didn't think she was going to come" Henry answered and Jummy wheeled over to where we were. 
"I'm shocked" I began and she chuckled.
"I didn't think I would come either" she answered and I greeted the mom.
"How's the treatment going?" I asked, "It's going well" Her mom answered. "The doctors said she has a chance of walking again" she added and Henry smiled.
"That's a very good news Ma"
"We thank God"
"Happy married life to you two" she wished and I smiled.
"Thank you Ma" I answered now looking at Jummy. I wasn't sure if she shared the same view with her mother.
"I've been thinking a lot about everything that has happened these past few months and I just want to say I'm sorry" she apologized, "Henry I don't deserve you and maybe the fact that I lost focus and had this accident was your fault but whether or not I want to admit it, it's more of my fault. I'm sorry Adesuwa in anyway I must have hurt you."
I nodded. I wasn't sure whether to trust her or not. 
"I wish you two happy married life, may God grant you guys your heart desires and give you beautiful children" she added and I smiled. 
"Thank you" i replied and she stretched her hands at me for a hug. I hesitated for a while, then I bent down hugging her.
I felt something sharp pierce my chest then I realized it was just a pin used in holding the materials together. 
 "You look really pretty" she whispered and I smiled. "Thanks" I answered with a wide smile.
"Thanks for coming"


Mrs. Babalola's POV

Adesuwa's wedding brought out this joy in me. I was so happy, I couldn't contain my joy. 
"Wasn't she a maid at the hotel?" Some persons asked, they were trying to make me feel bad. 
"I'm glad you made use of 'wasn't she', I believe that's a past tense. Adesuwa works in the company now"
"Because you guys are trying to polish her up, once a maid, always a maid till death" she said and two of her friends supported her.
"Iya Gbe fila (Mother of Gossip) and corporation" I turned towards the three ladies, "I want you to leave this party at once."
 "Ah han, kia gbe ki le ju? (What have we done to deserve this?"
"You have five minutes to leave before I call security on you" 
"Ireti, sho' o to bee? ( Has it gotten to that extent?)" 
"Just because we abused that maid"
"It's your mother that is a maid" I answered. "It's as if you guys have not seen crazy, I'll show you guys crazy" I raised my phone up calling security.
"Yes, there are three women here causing nuisance" I paused and they hissed leaving. "Is this one even party?" One of them asked and I hissed. 
"What rubbish!" I asked then Tosin walked up to me. 
"What happened?" She asked and I pointed towards the ladies direction. "Can you imagine those idiots calling Adesuwa a maid? What nerve! What audacity, do they know that Adesuwa is like a daughter to me?" I asked and she gave me that familiar look.
"You used to call her a maid too"
"No one deserves to be downgraded that way. I've learnt that the hard way." I answered and she smiled. Three men walked up to men, they were investors in the company. 
I didn't expect they would come but I was shocked to see them. 
"I guess congratulations are in order" one of them said and I chuckled.
"Thank you Sir" I smiled.
 "This is my daughter" I Introduced and Tosin gave me that familiar look again. 
She thought I was trying to matchmake her with one of them.

Read " Palm lines " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. Fatai walked towards us in his chef uniform. 
He raised his hands trying to get my attention. "Please Ma, I would like to steal Tosin. Tosin can we talk?" he asked and I pulled him close. 
"Do you know who this is?" I asked my investors and I saw them creased their brows in thought. "This Badejo Fatai, he's an excellent cook, the magic meals in this party were made by him."
"Wow" they answered.
"Yes, he's highly talented and best of all, he's the man that has captured my daughter's eyes, he's my daughter's fiancee" I added and I saw Tosin smile.
 Fatai was shocked too. 
"Thank you" Tosin mouthed and I nodded. 
The smile on my daughter's face was priceless. My eyes scattered around and I saw Adesuwa laughing with her husband, my son. 
Deji was pushing a chair for Lilian to seat. "I'm fine!" She yelled. "You should rest, the baby deserves to rest. You've been working all day" 
"Seriously?" Lilian asked, "You're spoiling me"
"Let him spoil you" Mummy Deji answered and I smiled from where I stood. 
I looked at my husband who was with some guests and he winked at me. I was looking at the world from a whole different eyes. Mom was right and wrong, sure money is important, it makes the world go round and round but looking at my life, Henry, Tosin and Deji's life also, who needs money to be happy when you have someone who loves and understands you?


The End.

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