Imperfection - Episode 17

Sacrred Past

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“Dami, what are you doing here?” I asked out of fear with my eyes fixed on the knife that he was holding 

“I'm here to complete an unfinished work, and I need to do it really fast. It's been five years now and it's taking too long” He dropped the knife on the dining table and start to walk towards me while I head straight for the door. 

As my hand was just an inch away from opening the door and dashing out of the house. Dami caught me by my shoulder and forced me to turn to him. 

“Do you know what my unfinished business is?,or should I say who?” He asked looking down at me before he collected my phone from me and smashed it against the wall while I looked at him and was shaking with fear. 

“We don't always get what we want, Dami” 

“I was a bet to you Pearl Adams, I loved you with everything in me and all I was to you was a bet . That whole issue would

ended perfectly five years back if you hadn't called the police on me. You wouldn't have had to suffer again now” he rolled up his sleeves and pick up a candle to lighten it before picking up the knife again. 

I started moving back slowly so as to be able to get more closer to the door. “I was left with no choice either, Dami

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. You wanted to kill me. I didn't have any other choice than to call the police on you” 

“What's the fun in it if I kill you?, can you imagine what I'll do with this two instrument?” He asked while showing the candle and the knife. 

I quickly held on to the door handle trying to open it. “You need help, you need to go to a psychiatrist” 

He moved closer to me. “Nope, it's you who needs help right now, I've locked that door that you're trying to open” 

I offered a silent prayer to God to help me this time around. I'm the type of person who had never involved God in anything I did, I grew up believing I could do everything on my own but at this point, I realize it was God who helped me then, and it is him that I need now. 

“Tell me one thing that was true about you when we were together apart from your name” He rested his arm on the sofa as he signaled for me to pull one of the dinning chair. I compelled as I sat out of fear. 

“At some point, I truly loved you. I was in love with you irrespective of the bet. The bet was actually as a result of my crush on you. But things changed, Dami. When you changed, things changed” I explained truthfully. 

He started laughing really hard all of a sudden and I was forced to look up at him through the tears running down my face. 

“That would have affected me if I was the same guy from 15 years back. I was in love with you too Pearl” He started looking serious. “But things changed when I realized I was a bet to you. I had my demons but being with you then hid them far away. But after I saw the truth, they came right back out” He stood up from his sit still holding the knife. 

“What happened to you?, Frederick. Everyone have their own demons but why allow yours turn’ you into who you don't want to be” I asked out of pity. 

“I don't need your pity, Pearl. My own demons were created when I was 10 years, my uncle help created them. Can you imagine the pain I went through?, I was sodomized by my own uncle and you sit there thinking all I was worth was a bet with your friends. What do you know about Demons leaving in human as a result of their past” 

I stood up from my own seat ready to face whatever would happen but this time, I'm not going to suffer in silence like I did. 

“You are my own demon, Dami. It was you that happened to me. You also stood there thinking no one know about your pain or no one is feeling or has ever felt the same way you did. You think it was just you that went through pains, suffering. I did!, I did Dami!  and it's all because of you. You made me dance my way from darkness to light without a beat or music. You destroyed my innocence and made me cry in silence. Do you even have any idea the number of Therapy I had to go through all because of you?, you raped me!.  No demon is leaving inside of you, you're the demon yourself.” My chest was beating so fast that I couldn't make out the rhythm. But I was not done, not yet. 

“Locking a girl up for three days and forcing yourself on her is not a big deal right?, maybe to you but not to me. I couldn't face my parents, my friends and my own people that I was raped. I couldn't look you in the eye for years because I was scared. But no more, Dami. No more. I've hide myself enough.

Read " Naked Flower " by the same author ( Penangel )

. I've being a whit enough,I've been a dimwit enough and this time I'll put up a fight, enough fight to be able to let you get the message loud and clear that I've had enough. You know why I'm this confident?” I asked crying and laughing at the same time. 

“It's because I just got the answer to most of my questions today. You were my past and my demon, and that same past and demon of mine, is as scarred as I am. My demon is as hurt as I am. So why will I allow it to affect me when it's not as strong as I am, why should i?” I cried out loud but quickly cleaned the tears from my face as I faced the truth and the truth alone. 

“I think I've heard enough of your bullshit tonight, it's time for business” he moved closer to me and before I could dash for the kitchen, he grabbed me by my shoulder and turned me so I'll face him. I tried fighting back by throwing punches at him at different angles. He held the front of my cloth and tried tearing it while I kept on fighting him back to stop him from ripping off my cloth.

This fight kept on for minutes before he was finally able to get me down on the floor and started hitting me with anything he could get his hands on. I was losing my strength and my visions were already blur when I heard a heavy thud on the floor and not long after I felt myself being lifted up from the floor away from the darkness and into the light but not complete light. 

I tried making out the face of the person who carried me but it was a face that I had see’ before that appeared in front of me. Not in front of my house but in a party, an Halloween party and my prom night. I remember him, the cute guy in the police uniform. It was Greg, my Greg.

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