In Search For My Twin - Episode 10

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Isaac asked to pick my dress for the and I agreed . He picked a long  dress with slits and black heels. We kissed and I felt every part of my body aching for more. I felt his hands move back and forth in my back and I silently prayed he doesn't stop. IIsaac is the romantic and he takes up his time.

He took me to the bathroom put on the shower and passionately made love to me. It felt so good like making love under the rain . Later we both took shower , put on a full face make-up and he helped me into my dress. From my room we could hear loud music and voices of people chattering and laughing down stairs.

We came down and a number of my friends had arrived already so I left Isaac and started hugging one after the other. They all congratulated me on having made twent-one since most of them were between twenty-two to twenty-five years .

Among the people invited was queen sheeba a known artist one of uganda's favourite female artist. She arrived a bit late but her presence made the party more colourful as she sung all her best songs like ,"weekend, ice cream, muwe omwana, tonzoleya"among others. Everyone was so happy and that made me even happier.  There were lots of eats and drinks and then it was time to give speech.

Isaac asked me to let him say something and his speech went as follows, "Ladies and gentlemen I would like to use this chance to appreciate the most beautiful woman in my eyes. She is the light when there's no Sun, the rainbow after the rain is gone, the twinkling stars in the night, the moon that glows so bright, the wind that whistles my name and the love when the world is the same

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. She's the flowers the bees never miss, the beach the warm Sun kisses. She makes me laugh when I want to cry, makes me live when I want to die, she believes in me when no one does, turns my life upside down. Immaculate, I love you more than you can believe. Love you more than you can conceive ". 

He knelt on one of his and said,"Immy will be my lost rib"

Every one now was shouting at the top of their voices",marry him, say yes". But I was so lost tears were rolling down my cheeks I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Read " Sister's Love " by the same author ( fatumah sulait )

. I was with Isaac and he didn't tell me anything like this. I was lost ,I was confused but I was happy. I didn't know our love would yield to this day. 

Everyone was looking at me as I slowly moved to where he was and gave him my hand . I honestly couldn'tfind my tongue to say yes and he slowly put the golden ring on my finger and then a peck on my forehead followed by a tight hug. Everyone shouted, clapped and congratulated us. It was the best birthday gift I could get. 

Soon the tension came down and everyone went back on enjoying themselves.  I received a lot of gifts from my friends andvi thanked every single one of them. Dad came back later at night,gave me my birthday present which was a car key for Mercedes Benz ,wished me a happy birthday and went to retire to his room.

It was the best birthday in my twenty one years I have made and I was so thankful.  The party ended at midnight and everyone left except for Vicky and Nancy who decided to sleep over.


To all those who leave comments down you're my everything. I love you so much for you make me want to improve day by day so that I give you the best of my best. Thanks everyone who spares their time and read.

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