Kenny's Story - Episode 4


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Kenny went into the bathroom to cry immediately she left pastor ken’s office. She was certain he knew everything already. That night she wept again in her room. And then she decided to read the part of the bible pastor ken had told her to. And then she kept remembering his last words to her, don’t let the devil fool you….my grace is sufficient…..i want to help. She cried more after this, was God’s grace really all she needed? Then why wasn’t that grace made available for her when she was born? She didn’t even get to see the face of her father . He had died without seeing his wife or his newborn twins, killed by an animal in the bush during one of his hunting expeditions. If only God’s grace had been sufficient then, her dad would have lived and her mum wouldn’t have remarried that monster and she wouldn’t have lived such a miserable life. 
‘’And why did Taiye have to die God?’’ Kenny screamed. ‘’You know I wouldn’t have started prostituting myself if he were here. He would have protected me! You took away every single person that I loved and you left me with that that monster step father! I did what I did to live, it was either this or I die of hunger. Now you’re saying your grace is sufficient, after the harm has been done? After I am battered and hurt?!’’, Kenny cried so much that she had no more tears to let out

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. She fell down and rolled on the floor several times, she stayed there silent for about thirty minutes then she felt someone touch her. She was too weak to get up so she turned her face to look, but when she turned she saw no one, she turned again but this time heard a voice. ‘’I’ve always been there for you’, you just didn’t know’’, Kenny gathered courage to get up. ‘’God? Is that you?’’, she asked and kept turning looking for the direction of the room where the voice had come from. ‘’forgive me, please, don’t stay silent’’, she fell to the ground again. ‘’ I know I have wronged you, in many ways, and for many years I blamed you for my condition. But I actually regret it. I’ve made my body, which is supposed to be your temple dirtier than a waste bin’’, she cried more, then sniffed her nose, ‘’but now I’m really serious about this, I want it to be clean so God, please help me stay pure, I just can’t on my own. I want to but I can’t. Pastor Ken said you have a purpose for me, that, that was why you saved me from the crash, but that purpose can’t be established if I’m constantly itching to fornicate Lord. Please loose the grip the devil has over me. Please God. Please’’, and she started crying again. 
Suddenly, Hebrews 4 rang in her ears so loudly, she moved to the bed where her bible was and opened it. She moved to verse 14.. it read ‘’So then, since we have a great high priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin.

Read " In the space of time " by the same author ( Ijeoma Okorie )

. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it the most (NLT)’’. Now was the time she needed it the most. ‘’Thank you Jesus’’, she said, standing up. Just as she was about to close her bible she heard again, 1 corinthians 15; 56-57, she read it aloud, ‘’For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ (NLT)’’.
‘’God’s grace is enough. He has set me free…….  Devil, you will not fool me anymore. I am done being your captive!’’. And with that she got up and kept singing God’s praises. That night, she didn’t sleep till 4am. 

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