Lost But Satisfied - Episode 21

Moment of the Untold

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  Jessica ran to her room when she entered the compound, after escaping her father’s watchful eyes. Dinner would start soon. She had told Martha to put ears to the ground for any information concerning Bidemi and she was sure no vital information would pass her by as she began to dress up. Luckily for her, people do not barge into her room anyhow and she didn’t allow the few friends she had to visit her in the house because she didn’t want them to see the kind of life she was living. Bidemi’s picture was posted on every place in the room, even on the edge of her bed.

 Then, someone knocked on the door . She paused as she looked for what to hit the person with. She hated when people knocked on her door, it reminded her of Bidemi. When he was still with her, she told him several times to enter the room without awaiting her permission but he insisted on knocking the door.

However, the person was knocking with unknown forgiveness. It couldn’t be her Father or Martha: they always called her name when they needed to see her. She swallowed hard as her white linen gown caught her eyes in the wall mirror. She had always been told she was very beautiful but she discovered it herself now, her catlike eyes shining. She stared at the cloth

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/lost-but-satisfied

. All it needed was the red touch- the killing touch.

The knocking stopped and the sound of shoe heels rocked the tiles of the floor as the person walked away. Jessica opened the door and saw the figure of the person.

‘Bambino…?’ She said. The person turned.

‘Oh! Nutricia’.

‘Oh! My God….’ Jessica shouted, sniffing as she ran to meet her.

They both burst into laughter. The clog of worry vanished from Jessica’s heart as she embraced her sister. She screamed, jumped, and flew on her sister. Her sister had left home for close to since she was 15, no one knew her whereabouts except her father.

The two of them kept laughing, turning themselves round and round. Tears rolled down Jessica’s cheek. She had so much missed her bambino, Rita. Bambino is an Italian word for baby. Jessica started calling her sister, Bambino when they came across the word in a film. And Rita had been calling her Nutricia after looking for the word that best soothes Jessica. Nutricia, which is Latin, means Nurse. Jessica had always nursed her and that was what she enjoyed most- nursing her older sister.

‘Where have you been? Why did you leave us all? Why did you leave Baami?’

‘There is a lot of time for that but there is no time for this…’ Rita said, shaking her body as a big smile overshadowed her face. 'I’ve brought a guy at last, and this one will stay’.

‘He is not a gold-digger? Baami told me how he wanted to kill those gold diggers of yours’.

Rita pouted and made her mouth swell with a smile. ' Yeah! I saw that in your last letter. He’s not. He’s cute. No, scrap that. He’s worth dying for. And he’s good in bed…’

‘Whoa… Where is he?’

‘In the parlour’.

Jessica’s heart warmed up. The happiness of her sister is her own happiness and she had to make sure this new guy didn’t mess with her sister.’ Let’s go see him…. Wait let me put the red rose on this dress…’

‘Come on. Let’s go now…’

‘Come on, Bambino. Allow your Nutricia package well’. Jessica said. She turned towards the room and was about to enter it when Martha rushed towards her, limping.

 She came close to her and whispered. ‘Bidemi is here… He is damn here… And Chief knows…. Chief said nobody in the house must do as if they have ever seen before. And that includes you. And we, that he had seen since he regained his memory, must not go near him’.

 Jessica felt as if she had been hit on the head with a bell. She couldn’t hear anything again as she shifted back and hit her back against the door. Her eyes widened. And her throat couldn’t stop swallowing spit, as she couldn’t bring herself to talk.

‘Did you …?’ she shouted as she rushed towards Rita who was still smiling happily. However, Martha knew Jessica’s next action. So, she withheld her and pinned her to the door.

‘Is anything wrong?’ Rita said, perplexed.

‘You don’t want to do any foolish thing…’ Martha said in a raspy voice.’ You need to hold yourself tight and buckle up your brain. We need to get him out of here’.

 Jessica nodded as she entered her room. Here is the time she needed Rachael the most. She was breathing hard as she watched from one corner of the room to the other.

 Rita entered.

‘Go to the parlour. I’m coming, I will meet you there’. Jessica said as she held her anger in check. She was shaking.

‘Are you fine, Nutricia…?’

‘Please, go…’ Jessica said almost crying as she strained herself from reining her anger. She knew that when Chief wanted things like these to be done, nobody could defile him- not even her, his favourite.

 She opened her mouth and locked the door. She sat on the bed, panting, and rocking forward and backwards, not knowing what to do.

‘Jessy…’ Martha called after many attempts to open the door.

‘Mat… I’ll come soon’.

 She couldn’t trust Martha with this type of thing. She trusted only two things. Her addiction and her suppressant, Rachael.

 ‘I’ll be fine. I’ll come out to tell you what we will do’.

‘If I don’t see you in the next twenty minute. I’m breaking this door’.

 Jessica nodded as she held herself. Her lips vibrated. The house was full of trained assassins, who felt it was their duty to kill Bidemi.

 She rushed down to the edge of her rug and pulled it up, unveiling a trap door. It was a small hole containing her addiction- hard drugs. She had kept that little potion there for months now because she couldn't throw it out. She was afraid that the sight of it would make her start again and she was afraid that she might not find one when the desire to have one finally came.

 She stared at the container that held it. It was the only thing that helped her think straight and strategize except, of course, Rachael. Whenever Rachael wasn't around and she needed to hold herself in a tough situation, she had to go to the cocaine for help.

‘Racheal, you said you would always be here…To advise me…’ She said, trembling. She closed her eyes to think but she was still trembling. They were going to kill Bidemi again and Rachael wasn't here to stop the situation, to disrupt anything Chief was planning.

‘Racheal’, she shouted as she threw the container at the wall in anger.

 Her phone rang. Only two people had that number- Rachael and Martha.

She rushed to the phone and picked it, her hands still trembling horribly. ‘Rachael…Rachael…’

‘Calm down, Jessy… Don’t use that drug… I’m here for you…’

 ‘How… How-?

‘I’ve planted cameras in your room to make sure you are always safe’.

 Jessica looked around to know where it might be hidden.

 ‘Don’t bother yourself. You can’t know where they are...What’s the matter?’ Racheal said with her silky, motherly voice. Jessica could feel that her oval eyes roaming over her as it did always. Her body craved to get a touch of Rachael’s warm body again. Her heart yearned for her.

‘Bidemi… Bidemi... He is here now…’

‘What? How in heavens did he find his way to Brown Valley? Who brought him down there?’

‘It’s complicated?’

‘Complicated? Can he get away?’

‘I don’t know… I don’t know… Rachael, where you? Come down here… I need you badly....’

‘Come down there? Let’s finish the matter here. Is there a way you can take him out of the house?’

‘Chief said nobody must do as if they know him. He’s gonna kill him again’.

‘No. He’s not gonna kill him. He didn't want to kill him before. if you calm down…. Now count one to ten with me’.

 That helped. Her nerves began to relax and her breathing began to normalise. Her head also played in tune- logically arranging events to her.

‘Oh Yes. I got an idea…’ She shouted and rose.

‘Stay down there. Are you out of your mind...? You’ve got an idea and you are rushing off? Won’t you plan it at all...? Come on sit back there and let us talk it through…’

 They set the plan in motion, Rachael guiding her through every step and giving her plan B for every step. Rachael knew where to touch and where not to touch, how to go about a thing and how not to go about such a thing.

 ‘Are we good to go?’

‘Yes. Rachael, wait. Come back. I need you… I need you’.

‘No. I can’t. I need to be as far away from you’.

‘Please, Racheal I want to feel your lips on my body again, your warm touch…’

‘Jessy, things are complicated. More complicated than the feel of my touches’.

‘You have always escaped complication... I know you can escape this also. With you, there are no complications.’

‘I’m sorry Jessy. And this is the last time I’ll be contacting you. Don’t try to call this number again, it’s going down the drain immediately. And erm... Please, take care of the father of my baby’.


 Racheal sighed loudly over the phone and disconnected the call. Jessica sat on the bed, staring at the rug, not knowing she had ceased her breathe as she tried not to believe herself about who the father of the baby was.


Jerry couldn’t stop staring at the interior of the house. He felt like going back to the gate of the house, and from there, restart the admiration of the house, savouring every little beauty as if they honey. He had only seen houses like this in movies, American movies. He didn’t believe a Fortune City's house could be that mind-blowing and breath-taking. Rita’s father had chosen a right place to build the house and it looked as if he was the only one living in the Brown Valley because anybody who entered the street will only focus on his house. Jerry watched people moving about in the house and was so eager to meet Rita’s father, to start a conversation with him.

 A lady in blue walked towards him intently. The dress was cropped at the centre of her chest and was too short to cover her thigh. Jerry pinned his mouth together as he wondered where Rita was.

‘Good afternoon’, the lady said as she stood in front of him, holding out her hand. He replied and stretched his, to take hers. She used her other hand to cover his and began rubbing it.

She wasn't stunning but her cloth can hold any man’s eyes to her body. Jerry replied to her and she started a conversation with him. Jerry couldn’t explain how she did it but he soon engrossed with her and enjoyed every bit of the conversation except those times she mistakenly or knowingly rubbed her body with his.

Then, someone came and whispered something into her ear.

‘I’ll be right back’ she said, giving him a warm smile. Jerry shook his head and smacked it. He wondered if he always lusted after beautiful ladies before he lost his memory because he was already fantasizing how it would be to be alone into a room with her.

 Someone shouted in the room the lady went into. A few seconds later, the lady stormed out of the room, banging the door behind her. She didn’t return to Jerry’s side. Instead, she scrambled into another chair and sat there, sulking and staring at him.

 At that moment, he wished Rita would come in before he agreed to the urge of rising to continue his conversation with the meet the lady. Luckily, Rita did come in.

 She looked worried

‘Worry less and good things come next’, he said the moment she landed beside him.

‘It’s my sister, someone told her something and she started acting weird’.

‘Is she okay now?’

‘She said she will meet me here’. She shrugged and smiled.’ I trust her, she can take care of herself. All I need is approval for us to start going deep into each other’.

‘I’m sure he would give us? All I’ll do is to let him know that I’m stealing you away forever and puff, he will give the affirmation’.

 Rita looked at him. ‘Dry. I’m talking about Jessica’s confirmation’.

 ‘I’m not all that handsome but I’m not bad…’

 Rita turned to him, staring into his eyes as if they were in the middle of the sky, over the oceans; where the breeze kept blowing peacefully around them and the birds kept hovering over them in the sky.

‘Don’t sell yourself short. You are handsome, the most handsome guy I’ve ever come across. Even some men are dying to be like you. I heard a man saying he prays for half your handsomeness the other day’.

  Jerry smiled at her. ‘You are a liar and you’re good at it. You’ve almost convinced me. Tell me you are doing me a favour by loving me. I won’t be sad’.

 ‘I know what I’m saying’, she said staring at his head dreamily. Her eyes crawled to something else and stopped there, something above his head. She stared at the thing and a big scowl overshadowed the smile on her face. He turned to see what she was staring at: a frame.

‘Do you see that picture?’


‘I mean what those birds are doing? They are trying to separate two worms and that has a future meaning… I don’t like what I’m thinking.’

 Jerry turned back to her. She didn’t like people, him especially, telling her that she was only being fretful. Even though he saw nothing wrong in the picture, he nodded.

The house was so great, the building structure, the effect and that was the only thing he saw. The ladies were tempting. Even the music coming from the home theatre was too good to be real- it was like heaven. He looked towards the lady in blue and their eyes connected. She moved her eyebrow towards the door that led to a place.

 He didn’t know the reason he felt compelled to stare at her. At that moment he could hear Pastor Matthew’s voice repeating itself in his head. The message was that he shouldn't allow any lady to take him from the path. He swallowed hard as their morning devotion kept playing in his mind. Ever since he had been living with Pastor Matthew, he had been studying more of the Bible- the laws, the prophets, and the apostles.

‘So, what are you suggesting?’ He said to assure her he understood her fear.

‘After tonight, you must not leave that place anymore. I’m talking about that place you said you people are hiding. I think you need to be extremely careful these days.’ Rita said. He didn’t know what to do as he stared at her. And he didn’t want to smile at her.

 The last time she had this fit of belief, he smiled at her and she burst into tears, claiming he was taking serious issues with levity. So, he inhaled and looked back at the lady in blue. She batted her eyes at him.

 ‘I’ll be careful’, Jerry said.

 The lady at the other end stood and left for a room. He needed to leave the room to relieve himself of what he was seeing; the dresses of the ladies in the room were making him slip out of concentration and he needed a clear head. It would be so demeaning to have a conversation with his father-in-Law-to-be and to keep on thinking about these ladies, 'where’s the toilet?’

 Rita pointed to the same side the lady entered. He rose and couldn’t help noticing the people around watching him in one way or the other. He saw someone’s eyes trailing him off to the toilet under this person’s glass of champagne. He saw a lady in pink looking at him from the corner of her eyes.

 He entered the male toilet and entered one of the cubicles. He needed to see his father-in-law-to-be on time and leave for Folarin village where he must still find his way into the forest.

 The door of the toilet opened and closed but he wasn't concerned as he zipped up and headed for the door. Upon looking up, he met the lady-in-blue staring at him s*ductively, playing with a curl of her hair. And she was looking intently at him.

‘What are you doing here?’ they asked at the same time. And she laughed. She moved closer to him, making him feel uncomfortable. He shifted back.

‘You should leave now. I love you to leave this instant but I can’t let you leave like that. I ought to get another chance with you’. She said as she came closer to him. His breath became stuffed with her perfume and his feeling swirled as she planted a kiss on his lips. Then someone knocked.

 Jerry ran for the door and was happy as a short guy came in to use the toilet and grumbled about Jerry locking the toilet.

 Knowing that if he should remain in the toilet with the hope of escaping the ladies in the parlour, he would fall into trouble with the lady on blue.

 Jerry opted for going into the sitting room, and he saw Rita and someone talking. From afar, he knew he had seen the person somewhere but he couldn’t see the person well from where he was.

‘Oh my God!' Jerry mouthed as he saw who it was when he got nearer. He looked around and realised why many people had fixed their eyes on him.

 She turned towards him and placed a finger on her lips. Then, she extended her hands.’ You must be Jerry?’

 Jerry nodded, swallowing hard as he wondered how he would escape the lion’s den. He turned. And a lot of people’s gazes were on him. Although they tried to avoid his glances, some of them, the men especially, had hands in their suits.

Suddenly he felt the heat rise from within. He extended his hand to accept that of Jessica’s. She held his hand firmly, batting her eyes to hold him still as he was shaking.

‘Yes… I’m Jerry… And you must be Jessica’.

‘Yes ooo... That’s my Nutricia, Jessica.

Read " Grabbing The Hot Gate " by the same author ( Akíntayo Akinjide )

. Baami is calling me. I would be back. I think it’s time he left his room’, Rita said as she stood, straightening her gown.

 Rita left Jessica and Jerry staring at each other. She gave them a quizzical look as they kept communicating with their eyes.

‘What’s wrong with you’ Jessica said, whispering.

‘I didn’t know- Oh God! Is this… You know?’

Jessica sniffed. She looked around and eyed his hand then left. He looked at his hand and saw a paper there. He didn’t even know she had placed a paper there.

 He opened it.

You will meet someone at the male toilet in the next thirty minutes. Be safe.

 Jerry knew he had to keep his calm in this place if he didn’t want to die. He sat back. And waited for thirty minutes to come. On the dot of the thirtieth minute, he stood to leave for the toilet.

‘Is that him?’ A voice boomed in the room,’ ah! my son-in-law, Anomi’.

 Jerry crumpled into the chairs as he recognized the man.

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