Love Crystal - Episode 1

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As long as you love me we could be starving.. Lalala.. The ringtone Echoed from my phone. Boldly written on the screen "my awesomeness". "Hel lo, Hello baby did you miss me? " "of course i did my love. Can we have dinner later tonight? ", Gabriel said from the other side of the line. "Perfect timing, of course i will be free . Pick me up by 7pm tonight.. Alright then see ya". I ended the call, laid on my bed humming a song and smiling likely some one who just won a lottery.
Oh! I haven't introduced myself yet! Funny me.. Lol.. My name is Gift, yea Gift Williams but then i prefer to be addressed as Queen. Don't bother asking, am not from a royal family. I'm 24yrs of age. A native of Delta state. Pretty, tall, dark and every man's dream(lolz). graduated from AAU Edo state. Studied journalism and yes! I got a job immediately after school through dad's help.. my dad is an IGP Abuja and my mum, a doctor.. been the only female child of my parents I was really treated like a queen. I have two brothers; lucious and Lincoln. Lincoln is a marine engineer and as you can imagine, he's never around. Lucious the youngest is my favourite. We talk about everything and anything, he's like a twin brother to me cause you never see me without seeing lucious. He's still in school though but never fails to disturb his big sis whenever he gets the chance to..

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. that's a lot about me for now

°°°Gabriel Hugine is a native of Benue state. He's my boyfriend though i have got my hopes up chuckle. He's tall, dark, handsome and has this smile that awaken the butterflies in my stomach"smiles". Gabi graduated from uniben as a biochemist and he's also a renowned writer and an author of somany selling books. Through the years he's been very successful.
Gabi and i have known each other since we were teenagers. We met online and yea the chemistry somehow happened and we grew in love. Though we aspired to attend same university but things didn't work out as planned. We remained faithful and kept on loving each other. We are still together and stronger.
I am particularly happy about this dinner cause for some weeks now I think he's been giving me that green light like he wants to propose to me, I don't think I'm reading to much meaning to his actions and I also don't think my expectations are playing a mind trick on me. For some months now, we haven't really had time to go out cause he's been very busy likewise me too and all of a sudden he wants us to have dinner together? Heavens!! This is too much of a coincidence, it must be what am thinking. we have faced a lot together , he has a good job, he's doing well financially and I think it's only right to pop the big question "QUEENIE, WILL YOU MARRY ME? ". The thought of it alone makes me so happy. I prepared for work and ran off cause i was already running late. I was seriously wishing the time would be more faster than it was and finally it was 5pm. I rushed back home to prepare for the big dinner.
°°It was 7pm when the long awaited call came in "hello baby, I'm outside" Gabi said from the other side of the line. "Alright, i will meet you in a Bye" YES!! i said to myself feeling very excited and fulfilled at last. "Wow!! You look tempting and absolutely gorgeous" Gabi said immediately he saw me walking out the door.. I was putting on an orange colour gown that was struggling to touch my knees, silver colour heels and a light makeup to crown it all. He was putting on a grey colour suit which made him look more handsome. With his hair and beads properly shaved. I couldn't help but admire the man he is. "Thanks dear, and you look heavenly" I said smiling.. he came close, pecked me, took my hand and we headed for his car. He opened the door while I sat down like a queen, he joined me and we drove off.

Gabriel is such a gentle man. He has this unique way of making a woman feel loved and wanted. He has everything I need in a man. Gabi never starves me emotionally, financially he was always there. I couldn't help but stare at him and imagine how lucky I am to have someone like him by my side. I was called back from my wonder land of thoughts and that was when I noticed he had opened the door for sometime now and has been staring at me. "Oh! Sori" I said and stepped out of the car. "Ololufemi, (as he always calls me) is anything wrong?" he asked. "No baby I'm very much ok" I replied... "alright then if you say so, let's go" Gabi said. I led the way while he followed behind me (you know the saying "ladies first"). An attendant walked up to us "good evening, please this way" he said. We followed while he led us to a sit that was already reserved for us . Gabi drew out my sit and i sat down.
Immediately Gabi looked around and went down on one knee. I felt very excited cause I never imagine he'd propose to me that early. I was expecting something like a due process, after eating, talking maybe then he'd pop the question but then he surprised me.Men they say indeed are full of surprises, they don't have a specific way of doing things. Before he could do or say anything, out of excitement i shouted "YES! YES!! YES!!! Gabi, YES!!!" I will, I will. He stared at me with a confused look. "Queen, yes what? You will what? Are you ok? ". I looked around and noticed everyone had started staring at us. To my greatest disappointment, Gabi only bent down to tie his shoelace and not to propose to me. I was so dumbfounded,i couldn't utter a single word . I couldn't imagine the embarrassment I just caused myself and Gabi. With every stare from people piecing through my heart and murmuring growing loud in my ears. Gabi was still looking at me expecting an answer, I could clearly see confusion written all over his face.

Read " Errors In Our Destiny " by the same author ( Queen Allie )

. I felt very stupid and couldn't hold back the tears that fell down my cheek. Immediately i stood up, not been able to withstand the shame anymore. I ran away cursing myself. How come I was so stupid and ended up ruining my perfect dinner evening? How come I let my expectations over cloud my actual reality? These questions kept flowing in my head. I was running to God knows where, I wasn't aware of what was happening around me anymore . I knew Gabi was running after me but I didn't stop. He kept calling my name, begging me to stop but I kept running. Finally I stopped but then I heard Gabi screamed out "Queen!! Watch out!!", I finally came back to my senses and realized I was standing at the middle of a main road. I turned to my right and saw a car on a high speed almost close to me. "Nooooooooooo" I shouted out of shock. All i could remember was that i felt a sharp pain on my ribs, rolled over, hit my head really hard and everything and everywhere turned dark.

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