Love Crystal - Episode 19

love that binds

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Coming back to my senses, i pushed Gabi away.

" what? did you feel it?"
he asked with so much hope written all over him

"yes i did, and you know what?"
i retorted.

his face was totally expressionless, perhaps, he couldn't read my feelings at that point.

"i think Williams was blindingly right."

" About what?" he asked.

" About the fact that you take advantage of my weakness to act selfishly. i actually thought maybe, we could be friends but you are actually terrible."
i blurted trying to maintain my composure and not look cheap in front of him.

" Really?" he scuffed 
i could tell from the look on his face that he was amazed and terribly shocked.

" oh! quit the act and don't play dumb with me . I told you Desmond is my boyfriend right? and you still chose to do this?"

he kept staring without saying a word to me, trying to avoid the guilt in my heart, i continued.

" i would really appreciate it if you act plausible and respect his absence ok? for heavens sake, i'm going to pick him from the airport and you know what? i'm going to drive ok?"

i snatched the keys from him and entered the car. Gabi was still standing at the very spot where he was, like someone who lost his way.

" Are you getting in or what?" i said.

He slowly turned and entered the passengers seat and i drove off.


" You know you have such a beautiful house and a wonderful family." 
Alice said, drawing Doris' attention.

" Oh! thank you  my dear

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. you are Williams' mother right?'

"yes, i am the proud mother of Williams ."

the both of them laughed.

" of course you should be proud to have him. he's such a wonderful child."

" yea i agree with you. um... the boys are yours too?" 

" Yes! Coln and Lucious."

" and your husband didn't make it or he just doesn't attend?"

" He's always available, he doesn't joke with his family. he had an important with meeting at abuja and that's why he couldn't make it but he will make up for it . trust me."

" lol... you are really lucky to have such a king by your side. mine was a bastard."

Alice blurted.

" Hey! that's harsh. tell me about you. If you don't mind, we could be family friends."

" Are you for really? of course we already. especially the way i'm eyeing that angel of yours."

" Queen you mean?"

" Who else Doris, she just everything every mother wants in her home."
Both of them laughed. It was a long chat through the night and they both enjoyed each others company.

" you still didn't tell me about your husband Alice."

Doris said with an impish smile on her face.

" ok! he is dead.."

" oh my dear. i'm really sorry."

" you don't have to be . Morris Richardson was never a husband nor a father so it doesn't hurt that much."

immediately, Doris' face turned pale. seems the name rung a bell.

" Are you okay?"
Alice was forced by the look on Doris' face to ask why.

" yes i am. which Richardson are you talking about?"

" Richardson of Argon Aluminium LTD."

this time, Alice's reply hit Doris like a bullet in the chest. the shock written all over her face was something else.

Growing suspicious, Alice asked. " Doris, are you sure you are okay?"

" mom i think it's already late. we gat to go."

Nessa interrupted.

" Oh my.. and the kids are not yet back."

Doris said.

" Doris hope you are fine?" doris nodded " Alright, we will be on our way now. please say me well to Queen."

" Alright dear. "

Doris saw Alice ans Nessa off to the door.

The drive to the airport was a very quiet one . my conscience wouldn't stop bothering me. Oh! heavens, did i really keep up with that lie of Des being my boyfriend?  but i had to, that was the only way to avoid the guilt in my heart and the taunting look i'll get from Gabi like the last time in the kitchen. 

              Minutes later, we arrived at the airport and alighted. I walked in and Gabi followed behind. I turned to my right, the first person i saw was Jessi, smiling at me. 

" big sis!!"

I rushed up and hugged her like a child.

" where's Desmond?"

i asked.

" He went to..."

She didn't finish what she was saying when someone hugged me from behind.

" i know my girlfriend has really missed me."

As always, he had this cute killer smile on his face.

On a normal note, i will push him  away but Gabi is present so i needed to keep up with the lie i've already told. perhaps, later i will tell Desmond it was all a joke but the thing is; will des agree? i know how persistent he can be but it's worth the try.

" of course babe, i've missed you so much."  i replied.

Jessica was surprise at my answer but she acted really mature and i was really happy for that.

" let's go" i said.

" wait, someone came with you right? so do you mind.....?  

jessi said.

" oh sorry, this is Dr Gabriel Hugine. He's one of the country best writer and also a biochemist. "

" you are not serious! the renowned writer?" jessi  was amazed.

"yes of course. Gabi, please meet Jessica  my friend and only big sis and big sis, meet Gabriel, a very close family friend."

they shook hands.

" it's a really great honor to stand in front of you sir. i've read a lot about you in the papers." jessi said.

" it's a pleasure to meet you too."
Gabi said.

I turned to Desmond but trust me, that human being takes charge of situations especially when you didn't expect it.

" Des meet....."

i didn't even finish before he interrupted me.

" we meet again Doc."

he stretched out his hand for a handshake which Gabi took without hesitation and responded with a smile.


We got home pretty late, it was past 9 o'clock already.

Read " Errors In Our Destiny " by the same author ( Queen Allie )

. i went inside and met mom and mrs helen still chatting. those two never gets tired of talking.

" good evening mom and to you ma."

i greeted.

" yes my dear, what took you guys so long?"

mom asked. 

"nothing much ma. i and Gabi had a little issue but we've settled it."

" and what about the visitors you have never stopped talking about?"

Mrs Helen asked.

" they are at the door. let me go get them."

" oh! you are back."

Coln said, stepping down the stairs.

"yes honey. just in time. please sit, let me go get our visitors."

" ok. let me get cynthy and lucious upstairs"

"ok then"

" ok guys, the house is ready to receive you and Des please behave well okay?"

i warned.

"why must it be me? oh i forgot, so my in laws will love me. ok baby, i'm on it."

Gabi leaned on the car silently staring.

" hey doc, you are too cold"

jessi said to gabi.

" nothing dear, it's just my person."

he replied.

   everyone was already waiting in the sitting room.

" hello everyone, i present to you the Manyikas"
immediately, my stupid bro, lucious started laughing.

" and what's funny? mtcheew.. bro, mom, aunt, cynthy, please meet Desmond and Jessica Manyika."

Immediately  mom saw their faces, mom stood up on her feet. the shock on her face was something else. it was so obvious that every other person stood up.

" mom!!!" 

i shouted and she ran upstairs.


Sorry for the late update. hope you are having a nice day. what do you think? 

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