Love ~ Hate Relationship - Episode 4

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"Hey! Barbarian boy!" A voice shouts and I pop an eye open from my position by the barn door.

I peruse the figure standing there before closing my eyes and going back to sleep.

"Did you not just hear me call you?" I refuse to answer.

"Babarian boy!"

"Shut your mouth and get out of here" I say quietly as I open my eyes, hers are spitting fire, well, good, I'm not playing nice today.

It's been two weeks since they rolled into town and I've been cleared of my delusions, it's true what they say, all that glitters are not gold.

It's disappointing as f*ck to know that I almost made a wrong f*cking decision because of a pretty face and lots of hair.

It's has taken her a week to disillusionize me of the fact that she is nothing more than the above mentioned and lots of spoilt princess shit thrown in the mix.

"I called you did I not?"

"And I told you to get the hell out"

"So classless, Cursing all the time" She says and I roar with laughter, she looks at me mad.

"What Princess? You think over here in our backwards town we think of things like class? Are you just dumb or are you dumb? Get your bubble butt out of here and let me and the cows sleep" I say, placing my straw hat on my face, crossing my hands on my chest.

I hear her leave a moment later and regret sweeps through me.




October 24th, 2006.

A tug on the fishing line tells me that I've gotten another catch for the day, I haul out the fishing line and grin at the giant fish at the end.

I unhook it before tossing it into the basket with the rest.

"Are you going to really hurt all of those fishes?" A voice asks and I don't turn because I know who it is.

I was wondering when she was going to make an appearance, seeing that she's been standing there for the better part of two hours.

I have no idea why she trailed me into the woods and finally to the pond but she's been doing it for 3 days now and I can't say I don't like it.

"Don't you hear me talking to you?" She asks and I don't reply, casting my line again and resting back against the rock, whistling from my teeth. 

"Babarian boy!" I do not reply. 

"You can't just ignore me!" I do, I ignore her again for an hour, a kick at my back turns me around. 

"I will allow you to teach me how to fish" She says and I almost smile, seems my princess does not like to be ignored. 

"Have any one told you how to use the word please?" 

"I do not like using it" 

"Then you can go f*ck yourself princess" I say, turning back to the stream. 

She pauses for a moment. 

"I will allow you, Babarian boy, to teach me how to fish, Please" I hide my smile at the fact that she totally made a request sound like a command.

"Call me my name princess" I say, turning back to her. 

"What? Why?" 

"Because normal human beings like me likes to be called our God given name" I say and she blinks like the thought never occurred to her. 

"Oh, well, what is your name?" 


"Well, Stellan, Babarian boy, I will allow you to teach me how to fish, please" She says and I grin at her, giving her that play. 

I pat the ground beside me and she blinks in confusion. 

"Well, get your ass here" I say. 

"Oh.. No..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. You can't mean that you expect me to seat on a wet ground.. No.." 

"Well then princess, what do you want? For me to cut down a tree so you can seat down?" 

"Uh.." She mutters looking around. 

I watch in amusement as she walks to a piece of rock, struggling with it and getting it to the bank of the pond, setting some dead leaves on it, my discarded shirt too before setting her ass on it daintily. 

I howl in laughter. 

"What is funny?" She asks. 

"You" I say, shaking my head as I grin. 

"How am I funny?" 

"Never mind princess, Here, this is how to use a fishing line" I say and she listens to me intently. 

I watch as the sun plays with her red tresses and I want to run my hand through it. 

She nods, biting her lower lip in concentration as she casts the fishing line. 

"Now, we wait" 

"But.. Why?" 

I look to her, my eyebrows up. 

"What? You don't expect a fish to immediately bite the bait do you?" I ask. 

"Ohh, well I never thought of it like that" She says and amusement sweeps through me. 

After about fifteen minutes the line gives a tug and she squeals. 

"Whatdoido? Whatdoido?" She screams. 

"For one, you don't burst my ear drums with your shouts"

I say and she throws me an irritated look, I would have laughed if I thought she would appreciate It. 

"Slowly pull the fishing line out of the water" I say and she follows my Instructions,she squeals. 

"Oh my God, it's so biiiig!" I unhook the fish before letting it back into the water. 

"Why did you do that?" She asks looking betrayed. 

"It was too small princess, maybe you will get lucky and catch its mama next time" I say and she pouts. 

I laugh, getting to my feet and packing up. 

"Are we leaving?" 

"Yes Princess" 

"What? Why? I just started" 

"It's almost dark" 


I turn to her. 

"We can come back again tomorrow, if you want to, but try to ditch the dress and wear a skirt or better still a trouser okay?" I ask and she nods. 

We begin the trek back to the house, not a word shared between us. 

When we get to the kitchen she goes upstairs not a single look thrown towards me. 

I frown, wondering if I misinterpreted our current truce. 



The next morning I enter the kitchen to see her dressed in a trouser and a yellow polo shirt, standing beside the fishing tools. 

I grin. 

"Well, Stellan, Does this trouser work?" She asks and I nod, I glance at my mother who is standing by the stove, she raises an eyebrow, I shrug, grinning again. 

"Well, let's not dally, we have to go so we can catch big fishes" She says before marching out of the kitchen. 


Shit, her fancy speak is turning me on. I wave at my mother before following. 

Maybe there is hope for us yet. 



I found this so hilarious. 

Thank you for reading!

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. .

Read " Love Eternal " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

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