Made - Episode 8

Trip Down Memory Lane

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I wake up having one of those dejavu feeling, like i have been in this other realm and am suddenly being shifted back to earth. There is this nudging feeling as if some piece of me has been stolen.

I looked at my phone.

"This ritual." I chuckled to myself even before you say thank you God for a beautiful day you just have to check your phone. Phones can be little devils sometimes . There were dozens of messages from Mercy, Phil and my mom.  I hadn't told my mom i was ill. I could not risk being treated like a baby in daipers. My mum would literally turn into a full time nurse when we were sick. Constantly checking your temprature  i know its sounds a bit too much, but my mum has a thermometer.  She isn't even a nurse. You could not even get out to get some fresh air when you had a cold.

"We can't risk you getting contaminated." She would say.  Could you believe that? There were so many times while growing up i felt sick but pretended to be well to avoid playing nurse and patient with mum.

I checked the time it was ten minutes past nine. My strength was slowly coming back to me though Mercy insisted i should not do any work around the house. Despite her commands i did a little of this and that around the house to Keep myself busy and try not to think of the ordeal of that Sartuday night.  Was he actually going to use the gun on me? ...

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. You better believe that_you had the cocking of the gun didn't you? You have to be dump to think there is anything good in that boy after the way he has treated you....

I rolled out of my bed grudgingly. During my off days i could never stay in bed the whole day. It had this Sick-ish effect on me. I shed off my pajamas and stood infront of the mirror. I was beginning to regain weight though my face did not look like it. I stood there making funny gestures at the image in the mirror.  Inside i feel like asking her who she really was.  But i couldn't really mouth the words. I was just stairing at a mimickry of me. I stood infront of the mirror for a little then drag my unwilling body to the bathroom. It was already feeling like a sluggish day.

Few minutes later i found myself in the kitchen in a scavenge hunt for food. The fridge was almost bare. I sighed in frustration as i moved to the food pots hoping to find some leftovers.  I love food, i love the taste of good food on my taste buds. Dont get me wrong i wouldnt despise my birthright for food like Esau did.  I dished out a plate of rice and chicken from yesterday's left overs which i had been lucky to find and placed it in the microwave to be warmed. My thoughts slowly drifted while i stood by the microwave waiting.


Kim hadn't called me for a whole day. This wasn't normal.  In situations where he was expecting a busy day he would always give me an early call or text me concerning the same so i wouldn't worry.  Even in instances of emergencies he would tip me off before going on silent mode. On this day he neither texted or called. Maybe his phone has a problem or maybe he didnt just get time. You know all those excuses you make for him when deep down you know something ain't right. You just got that gut feeling. I called him during tea break, lunch break and even after work but his phone kept going to voicemail. 

"You have been checking your phone since we walked in here, is everything okay ?" Mercy had asked

"Actual......i wanted to tell her but quickly ruled against it..Its nothing." I brushed her off.

I got home and kept myself busy trying not to think about what was going on with Kim. Which aint working bacause  its all i've been thinking about the whole day. Normally at this time i would be on phone with Kim too distracted to even do little chores around the house. I fixed my dinner and went to bed early around 7.00 pm. I played soft music to try and lull myself to sleep. It worked but lasted only two hours. I woke up at around 9.30 pm and checked my phone. Still nothing.

Funny thing was that i wasn't worried instead  i had this feeling of uncertainty mingled with emptiness. I tried to call him again and this time it went through.

"Hello babe" i spoke excitedly 

"Hey you..." an half hearted response  i got from the other end.

"Where have you havent been reachable the whole day!"

"I was just busy." He replied. I could sense he did want me to continue with this line of questioning. Too bad for him, let it slide. Me..Danny no way..My adrenaline is way too high for that.

"You could have told me, like we always do" i continue to probe

"Look! I told you i was busy. Why do you have to call me like someone is dead. I was busy...isn't that good enough for you!" He snarled then hung up the phone.

Did he just hung up on me and shouted at me. Yes he just did..didnt he? I was shocked beyond me. In the one and half years we had dated i had never seen this side of him. We had made this stupid rule about not cutting a call short no matter how mad you are without informing the other end you were doing so. Little respct bro i just called you.

Read " Imagine Mountains " by the same author ( DORSILA ANYANGO )

. At this point you are just shocked. You don't know if you should cry because he hung up the phone. Its almost laughable. 
I sat on my bed confused. For the first time in my life the solitude which i had cherished came back to haunt me. I sat there alone and confused not knowing what was going on with my relationship. 

I pulled the covers over my head. I could not  cry, sleep  or think. What was i to think about anyway? The phone conversation i had kept replaying itself over and over again in my head. At around 11.00 pm i heard my phone beep. I looked and it was a text from Kim.

'Baby please forgive me.  I should not have shouted at you like that.  It was my fault i kept silent. Am on my knees please forgive me.'

Mixed feelings.

I was relieved he had made a point to apologise for how he had acted before the day ended. You know how sleeping with issues unsolved make cases bigger the next day. I decided to cut the boy child some slack and didn't ask why he had gone MIA on me.



I looked down at the food i was supposedly warming and it was still waiting for me to press the start button.

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  • Bubbles picture
    Wow am already enjoying the story
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    This story is confusing me someone should please explain the Kim that sent her text message that he was sorry his he the same person that wanted killing her with a gun?
    This is a flashback....While Danny is trying to warm food her mind goes back... this is a memory of what happened before
  • Destiny Benson picture
  • Gracious picture
    Nice episode. I just think there's more to her obsession with Kim. Why is he present in every sphere of her life? Anyway, you're going strong, Dorsil
  • Maame Konadu Fredua picture
    Maame Konadu Fredua
    Interesting..more episodes dear
  • Tadenikawo picture
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    Thanks magzilyn
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