Make You Mine(Redemption 2) - Episode 4

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"Can you please help with the door." Cheryl smile sweetly at me while I just grind my teeth. How did I get stuck, opening car doors for this woman. After the hellish time she gave me at the market, pulling me from one store to another, carrying stuffs like I'm her personal errand boy, I've about had enough of this. 
"Listen Cheryl, you should be able to open the--"
"awwww my hand has started throbbing. It actually started when I wrapped the bandage I bought at the store around it but I didn't want to complain seeing how helpful you've been." I glance from her face to the huge bandage around her hand and I wince . "Well, it's okay. I'll just open the door. It shouldn't hurt too much. Or maybe it will. But I can take it. I'm not a baby after all. It might bleed but then that should make it heal quicker right?" she continues her rambling until I turn her car's ignition off and alight the car.
"Thanks." she says as she pull her door open for her and even help her alight. When did I become such a saint? I must be jetlaged.
"You're welcome. Can I go sleep now?" 
"What? Sleep? Who's gonna take all we bought inside? Plus we have a cake and also a pie to bake."
"Tonight? let's do it tomorrow morning. I'll wake up early just for it

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. Please. If I don't sleep now, my eyes are gonna fall off." I say seriously. The glint in her eyes tell me she's going to make a joke out of my misery.
"Don't even dare. My nerves are shot to snapping point okay?" I warn before she start teasing.
"Fine. Just leave me to do this with my hurt hand." she snap then grab her keys off my hands while muttering about callous men and whatever. I have to release a long sigh to relieve my nerves before I follow behind her as she march to her car's booth and raise it open.
"Ouch. God this is so heavy." I hear her lament not too silently as she grab the bag of flour first. That was heavy even for me. I don't even know why I feel sorry for her when all I need is precious sleep.
"move." I mutter as I carefully pull her away from the back of the car and grab the bag if flour from her. 
"Yay. You're a darling. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" she chant as she pile up various baking ingredients and everything we bought from the market onto my arms. I have to hold the can of icing sugar under my armpit and the small bag of sugar with my mouth. She doesn't even wait for me to move away before she slam her booth shut and saunter pass me into the house. 
"She injured. You ate her cake. You should be helping." I chant in my head as I struggle with all the loads behind her.
"You can drop them here." she points to the counter in the kitchen as soon as we enter.
"You don't have to tell me twice." I grumble as I drop the items on the table. 
"Hey careful! There are eggs in there!" she slap my hand lightly as she fuss around with the shopping bags. She starts pulling about a dozen eggs from one of the bags and I notice they're all still intact.
"Seems there's no cause for alarm after all. The eggs seem fine." I state.
"Yes. Thankfully. You should wash your hands before breaking them into that bowl." my eyes move from the dozen eggs to the glass bowl she's pointing to then to my wrist watch. Almost 10.
"Don't tell me you can't do such a simple task."
"of course I can!" I defend myself quickly. I can't have this rich snub think I can't do such an easy task.
"Why do I find that hard to believe?" she's Just goading you on Phillip. Go to bed. Of course I don't listen but start rolling my sleeves up.
"Watch me wow you." I grin crookedly as I watch my hands before I grab the glass bowl. I grab an egg and align it with the bowl before hitting it lightly against the edges. This was how they do it in the movies right? The egg cracks but it's content ends up on my feet. 
"Wow!!" Cheryl mock as she giggles softly. I give her an evil look before grabbing another egg. 
"Maybe I should do this myself. I can't have you break all dozen eggs." She start to grab the bowl but I hold it down in front of me. 
"It's mine." I grind out. This has become a competition. Na me and this eggs today. 
"Maybe I should show you how to--" Cheryl's words are cut off as I smash another egg against the corner of the bowl. This one enters the bowl but the broken shells are swimming inside. I just stare angrily at the offensive eggs.
"God this is hilarious." camera shutter sounds go off as Cheryl starts laughing really hard. 
"give me that." I grind out as she stuff her phone back into her pocket.
"I had to take that picture. Bennie would love to see that one." she giggles. 
"you wouldn't dare."
"Really?" she raise her brows at me. Daring me to try her and see.
"Stop being a child. Delete that Photo Cheryl."
"A child? You ate my pie without permission. Destroyed my cake. Annihilated my eggs. Oh mister. You are helping me prepare this cake and pie and you will do it right or this goes to social media."
"what?! You can't be serious."
"watch me." She starts typing on her phone before raising it up for me to see.

Read " Falling For Innocence " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. This is humiliating. I make a grab for her phone but she's quicker.
"Ha!. Not so fast." she tease as she put her phone inside her bra. 
"I'll take care of the eggs. Why don't you help me measure the cups of flour Phillip. Pretty please." she pout playfully and I just want to bite those plump lips and not in a way she'll enjoy. I might enjoy it though. Jeez Phillip. Get your head together. She's blackmailing you with a stupid picture. Hell, one or two people would see it but who cares? What if your boss sees it Philip. Another scandal? I bite hard on my lips before deciding. 
"where's the measuring cup?" I ask and Cheryl grin widely.

 Cheryl 1-0 Philip
But not for long 

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