Mirage - Episode 13

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   Chizu can be seen nursing his wounds in the security room while watching the different footages of that morning. He keeps swearing under his breathe . He knows chief is going to make good on his promise to take his life and that of his daughter. He had witnessed chief have his wife followed when he suspected her of cheating and had her killed in cold blood. That kind of man can do anything.

   His eyes catches the replay of his encounter with Noah on the CCTV system and he grit his teeth. This weak idiot almost ran him off with a car. He would surely get him for it right after catching the bastard that got him in trouble with chief. A somewhat satisfying smirk take over his face as he watch the idiot beg and grovel when he grabbed his hair. But said smirk turn down in puzzlement as he watch Noah grab his trousers. The movement is quick but he surely saw Noah pulling something out of his trousers and sliding it into his own pocket.

"Stop. Take the footage to three minutes ago and slow it down." Chizu instruct the operator who nods and does as asked.
  With narrowed eyes, chizu watch the footage carefully

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/mirage

. Yeap. There was surely an exchange. Was that where he lost the key? Could that weak guy had stolen it? Come to think of it. The intruder this morning was never found but the CCTV footage showed this guy walking pass before it went off for five minutes.

"Pascal. I need you to run a background check on this guy. Got it?" he ask the operator who nods.
"What are you still sitting here for? Go get it done. I need the answers now!" he yell at the operator who looks harrased.
"But its going to take weeks. I don't even know where to start. Hell, I don't even know his name" the operator tries to reason with chizu but he just throw him a dirty look.
"I have an idea of where you should start. Run a facial recognition through the NDLEA data base. I have a feeling he is under cover for them. Chief mentioned something about the NDLEA following his daughter in Canada. Hack into their system or whatever. But make sure you get me answers in an hour" Chizu command then storm out of the room.
  He was going to keep an eye on Noah until he gets confirmation that he's the traitor. Then he could make the bastard suffer for his finger loss.



 I walk tentatively to the roof top with the weight of the gun bearing me down. I feel nauseous but i keep my wit together. This is it. My only chance at getting my memory. Now that I am this close, I am uncertain. I have a feeling what I uncover today is going to rock my already shaky world.
'Well at least you have jerry with you' my subconscious whisper and I shut her down. I may feel safe with him, but there's something fishy. I mean come on, a micro camera in glasses he doesn't even need but wears. Was our meeting at the airport even coincidental or was it all planned? Is he for me or against me? All these questions keep ringing in my ears. I am going to find out the truth but first things first.
  A soft keyboard tune brings my mind back to where I am and I look around to find nobody in sight. I see a phone lying on the edge of the building. I really can't go there. I am surely going to freak out. Pure adrenaline is what's keeping me from freaking out for being on this roof top. 

   The ring tone of the phone is so familiar but I can't quite place it. Its like I know the tune by heart. Strange. I have never felt any fondness  classical music for as long as I remember why then do I recognize this tune?
"Is any one here?! Hello?!" I yell out but there's no answer. My phone alerts me of a text. Its from my informant. I click on it.

Pick up the phone. Your memory lies within.

  I don't even know how my memories could be in a phone but my need to know about my mother propels me forward, no matter my fear of heights.
 The closer I get to the edge, the more my legs turn to jelly. I imagine my self falling and plunging to the ground, seven floors down. Even my bones won't be whole.

    Am already shaking. Few more steps. I can do this. I tell myself but I feel like I am stuck. My bones feel frozen. I am getting dizzy. I force my limbs and grab the phone.
"Minerva. Grab my phone and move back. Don't look down. You can't see this!" I hear my mom's familiar voice in my head.
"You didn't have to do this you animal! What have you done? he was innocent"
She's sobbing. I grab my head at the intense head ache. I close my eyes tight against the hurting memory but the image only gets clearer in my head.
 I see my mom grabbing and shaking a man while cursing at him. His figure looks familiar but I can't see him. His back is to me.
"Let her see what her mom is capable of." I see myself being dragged to the edge.
"Do you see him? Your mom killed him. He died because of her!" He sneer at me. His face is blurry. I can totally feel the fear I must have felt five years ago, it's paralyzing. There's a bloody man sprawled on the ground seven floors down at a weird angle. He was pushed. My mind is reeling.
"Don't let him touch you, eva. Get off the edge!" I hear different voices and what sounds like a police siren I am not so sure. My senses feel dull. I am sick to my stomach. The last thing I hear before I double over and puke my guts out is the man yelling at my mom not to rat him out to the police.
 I feel myself stagger forward and almost fall off the edge but someone grabs my hand. 
"Minerva!" A female voice yell from behind me. I am grabbed around the waist and pulled back.
"He killed him. I was here. He killed him" I keep chanting.
"Who killed him? Talk to me" the unfamiliar voice get mixed up with the man I just saw grabbing my mom.
"Get off me! Let me go! Help!" I kick and scream. The woman try to hold me but I only scream louder.
"Jerry!!!!!!!!" I scream with all my might and I see the door fly open as he comes running in.
"Get your hands off her" he yells menacingly and I see the woman's eyes go wide with shock and not fear.  She turn a bit to jerry who is running to us
"Noah?"I whisper and turn back quickly as if to avoid being seen.
  She throw me a one last glance before running off in the opposite direction.

Read " Star-crossed " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. Jerry gets to me and crouch on the floor beside me.
"Peanuts. Peanuts. Look at me. Are you okay? Did she hurt you? Talk to me bby. Am going to kill them!"he gets up the floor to go after her but I grab his hand.
"Don't go. He killed him. Not you too.please, get me out of here" I whisper. He looks from my hand to the exit the woman used and back to me and his eyes soften.
"Let's get you out of here" he finally says and pick me up bridal style as we walk out of the roof top. 
  I have gotten a lot of my memory today, all in broken fragment and they make no sense. I am leaving here as confused as I came only more scared.
 One thing is certain though. That woman on the roof top certainly knows jerry and she called him Noah. Time for an explanation from this stranger.

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