Mmesoma's Dilemma - Episode 3

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The laughter ended and we sat there staring at each other. I was waiting for someone to say exactly what this important discussion was to be on when my father spoke up.

"Well", he said calmly and looked around.

"We are here to finalize the wedding arrangements because we can see that the both of you are ready for marriage, so there is no need to wait for old age to get to you people or for someone to start getting promiscuous”, Mrs Chibueze said, looking directly at me when she mentioned the promiscuous part.

Na wa o! Shebi I said this family gathering would not end well for me?

I glared at my mother but she did not look at me. I really wanted to yell at her for doing me like this.

See, ehn, understand that I knew this marriage discussion would happen one day. I just did not think it would be before I graduated from the university, these people are so impatient, they could have at least waited for me to turn 21 first, but I was just unlucky.

Arranged marriages were not new to me, they were like business deals within my family's circle, most of my cousins had gotten arranged marriages, even my parents’ marriage was arranged and with the way my mother had always relentlessly informed me that boyfriends existed to waste a girls time, I always knew that my marriage would be arranged.

The shocker, however, was getting married before I turned 20, I was still unprepared for marriage, the concept of love and being with one person till death was definitely not what I wanted or needed now.

"Ada, we want you to meet Afam, your husband-to-be, we want both of you to get to know each other very well, while we, the elders finalize other things", my dad said with a smile.

I looked at the face of each parent and they were all smiling at me, they honestly believed that I was just going to agree happily. Such nonsense!

I looked up to see Afam smirking at me, Ada was looking at her phone with such determination and Tobe was angry, I knew because he was pinching the chair he was sitting on and it was funny that he was so angry. The last time I saw Tobe that angry, he actually punched someone and landed myself, himself and some of our friends in trouble.

I did not know who to look at or what to say but clearly, someone had to say something because this silent game was getting really awkward. I wanted this visit to end, so I could get back to my room, get some sleep, and then think of a way out of this wahala. I did not want to get married, but I knew for a fact that I would not be able to break the engagement myself without embarrassing my family.

"Mmesoma, say something na", my mother said.

"What is there to say again? Shebi it has already been decided?" I responded calmly.

My mother raised an eyebrow, she knew I was up to something, it was literally impossible for me to just give in to anything without putting up a fight. I smiled at her and we stared at each other for a few seconds, until my father spoke.

"In that case, let us allow the both of them to step out and get to know each other, as we as the elders have a lot of catching up to do", he said and the men stood up and went upstairs. I knew they were going to my father's study to discuss the other important unions, such as the marriage of their businesses.

The mothers stood up and went upstairs too, right after their husbands, they would be heading to mommy's room, she did not sleep in there instead she stored her new clothes and jewellery there. It was like a walk-in closet, maybe they would be discussing wedding plans and grandchildren names. It is sad that I want to put sand sand inside their garri.

"Mesoma, do you want to talk outside for a minute?" Afam asked and I looked at him.

Honestly, I wanted to have this conversation and actually get to know what kind of man he was because it would really help the plan that was forming in my head.

I stood up to follow him out and I can swear that I heard Tobe mutter "What the fuck?!"

Well, Tobe darling, I am thinking exactly the same thing, but don't worry, I would definitely get out of this, I cannot become Mrs Mmesoma Chibueze.

Afam and I stepped out of the house and settled down in the gazebo. For the first 5 minutes, no one said anything so I simply enjoyed the breeze, wondering if our mothers were watching us. I knew that Ezinne was definitely watching us, she must have listened to the conversation in the parlor.

"So, what do you intend to do for a living after graduation?" he asked.

"Well, I don't know yet, I have a number of plans though", I said with a shrug.

"That is interesting and a conversation for another time. Now though, I must say that I am glad we all agree that this marriage would be ideal for everyone, especially your family", he said calmly.

I took a deep breath as I prepared to reveal something that would definitely change everything.

“Afam, I do not have anything against marrying you, but I believe you should know something very important”, I began. I was really afraid.

“What is it?” he asked, looking irritated.

“I am HIV positive”

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