My Messiah :Love in Damascus - Episode 8

MARCH, 2016

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Joseph family were waiting for him, they were so eager to know the outcome of his date.

His mother in particular was always checking the window at every sound of the gate.

Different thought kept ringing in her brain.

Joseph mother was put in a suspense, she wondered whether Joseph and Anna had become intimate or maybe the other way round.

A zooming into the compound jerked all of them from their seat.

His mother ran to the window and saw that it was Joseph, she felt a sign of relieve. Eva ran to open the door as Joseph entered.

He stood still for a seconds after seeing so many eyes on him . He already knew what they were expecting.

"Everything went on fine"

he assured them as he went inside. He could see sign of relieve on his mother face.

"What took you so long?"

His mother asked sarcastically. She had never prayed for a fast date without meaning. She wanted a date that would hold Joseph down at least make him see reality. 

A date that will yield positive result.

"Discussion, I was lost in our discussion"

he said

"Hope you weren't narrating the story of your life?"

His father said sharply Joseph couldn't say anything, he knew he had narrated his story , he had told her little about his past though he hadn't tell her all. He had began to admire her for she was a good listener, a perfect one as at that

"I had no time to narrate my story, we were busy with other issues"

he manage to say trying to avoid his dad eye contact.

"Issues like what??"

His mother asked curiously

"Maybe later mom, I need to rest right now

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. It has been a long and hectic day"

he said as he finds his way upstairs.

Joseph wasn't ready for any questions and answer class from his parent.

He knew how curious they could be.

Especially his mom.

She could be funny at times.

He knew she will still find out how the date went.

He knew he hadn't scape through, but if at all he was going to tell her.

It is not right now, cause right now all he needs is a deep thought which he could only get after downing a glass of Scotch.

. .

Read " LEX " by the same author ( olasupo isaac )

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